I think the biggest thing to note is how easy it is to "gay" the other team when there's like 10-20 minutes left and you have some rounds up. people in NA don't really do it THAT often, but sticking a level 3 and a heavy on the enemies second (or even mid on some maps) is just super SUPER lame. most people play bcus the game is fun for them, no one is gonna want to play a barely breathing game when they're losing matches to shit like that bcus regular season matches are just one 30 minute go with a pause at some point (maybe).
ig the point I'm trying to make is tf2 is naturally stalematey (ESPECIALLY at lower levels like open/lower IM where the most of the player base is) and having 2 thirty minute halves allows a match to really flourish
another note, i've talk to A Few euros abt this and some strongly agree while others think I got dumb brain so idk
a cool compromise might be like 2 twenty minute halves or something? I think halftime is SUPER important in 6's and seeing it go would probably cause a lot of discourse in NA (much like map bans every match in a small player base where its hard to find good scrims!!!!!! but thats a different talk!!!!!!!!!!) ((please bring back weekly maps)) (((im seriously begging)))