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SteamID64 76561198041183975
SteamID3 [U:1:80918247]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:40459123
Country United States
Signed Up August 10, 2013
Last Posted March 25, 2025 at 11:50 AM
Posts 652 (0.2 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.36
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Raw Input 1
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Mouse Zowie FK
Keyboard tiny membrane
Mousepad qck+
Monitor vg248qe
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 44
#10 Spy Main Tier List in TF2 General Discussion


posted 2 days ago
#1 what do you think about ai? in Off Topic

overhyped? sucks the soul out of things? genuinely useful tool? bad for the environment? in love with your ai gf...

im curious what people think, ppl are all over the map

posted 3 weeks ago
#57 TF2 Promod in TF2 General Discussion

give demo a glock

posted 4 weeks ago
#1 we need the sun tzu of tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

posted 1 month ago
#4 na & eu combined league in TF2 General Discussion

if there's a server host here, we could run an mge tournament. we've already had EU players stay up and play in NA tournaments.

posted 1 month ago
#4 Announcing JUDGE JRAY & The S17 Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

epic idea

posted 1 month ago
#11 $100 DEMO MGE TOURNAMENT in TF2 General Discussion

reminder! this tournament is happening today. 930 est, connect

posted 3 months ago
#1 a call for tf2 storytellers in TF2 General Discussion

A call for tf2 storytellers. htwo made this very cool video, which highlighted a very interesting story in the tf2 jump community. there has been a couple videos like this for 6s. . . I feel like to grow the scene, videos like this could help. I know its a lot of work, but does anyone feel inspired to make something like this? what other stories could be told?

posted 3 months ago
#10 SCOUT MGE TOURNAMENT in TF2 General Discussion

The tournament went smoothly and was very fun. we had 13 participants. bracket

1. yumyum
2. fsn
3. perfection

join the discord to vote on what the next tournament will be! we might do an eu one.

posted 3 months ago
#8 SCOUT MGE TOURNAMENT in TF2 General Discussion
cookieWatching the VOD for spire reminded me why i don't mge as much as I used to anymore lol

im curious why you say that. has the meta shifted that significantly? i kinda forget what the meta used to be years ago (despite having been playing mge for 10 years)

posted 3 months ago
#1 SCOUT MGE TOURNAMENT in TF2 General Discussion

"say gg" - kobe1920

I guess we know who the Spire King is.. at least until someone dethrones Him.

There were a lot of excuses made, but once again a 6s player proves to be the better 1v1 player against the 'MGE lords'. Time for excuses to be left at the door.

This next tournament will be for the title of best scout 1v1 player. In a scout only tournament played exclusively on badlands middle, there's not many excuses to be made. Will the MGE players call for ammomod if a 6s player wins again?

This Saturday, December 7at 9:30 EST...

Prize: $100
-The best scout player takes all

How to play
-Connect info: 'connect'
-Server will open at 9:00 EST, Dec 7
-Tournament starts 9:30 EST, Dec 7
-Signup by !add to any arena before 9:30 EST
(You must be in the arena, not in queue)

-Double Elimination, BO3 games
-Badlands middle only
-Scout only
-Whitelist here
-Must record demo
-Seeding based on elo in server


posted 3 months ago
#6 SPIRE KING $100 tournament series in TF2 General Discussion

Second tournament was a success! Bracket: The vod of my stream is here:

I'm going to edit down the vod and include clips form the STV demo, going to make a youtube video to spread awareness.

Result, 9 people participated

  1. kobe1920
  2. higher
  3. tripbwai
  4. ???
posted 3 months ago
#4 SPIRE KING $100 tournament series in TF2 General Discussion

tournament is tonight at 930 est. join the server at 9. connect gonna be fun!!!

posted 4 months ago
#2 SPIRE KING $100 tournament series in TF2 General Discussion

The first tournament already happened and was a success!
Here is the bracket:
It was won by zoz, who put up a very strong showing against vvs, who rekt everyone else.

posted 4 months ago
#1 SPIRE KING $100 tournament series in TF2 General Discussion

November 23rd, 930 EST, connect

Hello gamers. For years we have been playing MGE and only heard stories of who was the very best, who was the SPIRE KING. Is it the 6s invite powerhouse or the elusive mge wizard. Is it the decorated veteran or the cracked 14 year old. For years we questioned, but now we will know: who is the SPIRE KING

We at (neptune, dolphin rider, adroit) created an MGEmod server plugin that automatically runs tournaments and integrates live results to challonge, a tournament bracketing software.

Thus we are announcing: the SPIRE KING tournament series.

These will be every 2 weeks, minimum prize pool of $100 every time.

How to play?

  • Connect info: ‘connect
  • Server will open at 9:00 EST
  • Signup by !add to any arena before 9:30 EST
    (You must be in the arena, not in queue)
  • Tournament starts 9:30 EST


  • Double elimination, BO3 games
  • Spire only (yes, we have a special map)
  • Soldier only
  • Whitelist here
  • No holds barred.
  • Must record demo
  • Seeding based on elo in server

The SPIRE KING takes all…

posted 4 months ago
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