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Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted August 6, 2016 at 8:20 PM
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#1 ReSurfed WR bot now live! in TF2 General Discussion

Hi all,

Tordana here, owner of ReSurfed - TF2's largest skillsurfing server network. I'm extremely excited to announce that the TimerSurf WR Bot is now live on all NA and EU ReSurfed servers. This bot, the product of wizardry done by TheDeathly and Malt, built from the base of AI's excellent JumpBot, will automatically record all record times set on the servers and then will repeatedly run through the map so players can spectate the WR route. Each server has 4 bots connected to it - one will run the complete map WR, one cycles through all stage records, one cycles through all bonus records, and the final one is controllable by VIPs to spectate whichever record they want to see without any waiting.

This technology is not backwards-compatible, so old records will not be displayed on the bots. They are set to play the fastest time set since bot creation, as long as that time is in the top 50 on the map/stage. Over time, though, as records are broken they will have all the fastest times.

The complete list of servers with the bot:
NA - Chicago
Easy -
Intermediate -
Advanced -
VIP/Top 50 -

EU - London
Easy -
Intermediate -
Advanced -

Sorry Aussies, we don't have enough processing power on those servers at the moment to support the plugin. We're working on it.

Thanks again to TheDeathly, Malt, and AI for making one of the coolest TF2 plugins I've ever seen, and to the TF2 community for continuing to support ReSurfed!

posted about 8 years ago
#5 ReSurfed Server Migration + New Server! in TF2 General Discussion
phobiawhat server provider do you guys use

Just switched to a VDS with NFOservers.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ReSurfed Server Migration + New Server! in TF2 General Discussion

As of now, all NA surf servers have been moved to a new IP address. This move saves us hosting costs and should provide better ping across the board, as well as making our lives behind the scenes much easier when making changes to the servers. As part of the process, we've also added a new server - ReSurfed Intermediate! This server is designed to bridge the difficult gap between easy and advanced and features some of the more difficult Tier 2 and easier Tier 3 maps. All Steam favorites lists should have been updated, but in case yours didn't for some reason, here's the complete list of new IP addresses:

ReSurfed Easy -
ReSurfed Intermediate -
ReSurfed Advanced -
ReSurfed Elite (VIP/Top 50) -
ReHopped (Bhop) -

ReSurfed EU Easy -
ReSurfed EU Intermediate -
ReSurfed EU Advanced -
ReHopped EU (Bhop) -

Sydney (these servers use the ReSurfed timer but are not under my direct management):
Surf Ranked Beginner -
Surf Ranked Advanced -

As we prepared for this move, we've been taking steps to remove cboosting from the servers. If you don't know what cboosting is - don't worry about it, it's a physics glitch that allows for extremely fast times. If you do know what it is - know that it's now officially disallowed. We are about halfway through the process of making it impossible on all old maps and fixing times that used it, and all new maps going forward will have measures to make it impossible. If you discover a cboost location, please report it to an admin and we'll take care of it. Repeated abuse may result in a ban.

A very special thanks to TheDeathly for doing 90% of the work required for this move, to Epi for his continued assistance and hosting the EU locations, and to all the admins that keep things running and players that keep servers populated.

Finally, I'd like to welcome two new admins to the fold - neVets and humps! They'll do their part in continuing to make sure ReSurfed is a great place to play for everyone.

Owner, ReSurfed

P.S. If somebody here at could update the IPs in the server list that would be great. :) Thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#40 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion

Just to throw in my 2 cents as a server owner of surfing servers -- changing the tick rate has gigantic effects on any airstrafing. Increasing tick makes you gain a great deal more speed in the air, as others posted above. The CS:S surfing community is split between servers using 100 airaccelerate / 100 tick and those using 150 airaccelerate / 66 tick, and while the math makes those NEARLY equal they aren't identical. Short version is ReSurfed is staying 66 tick because changing would fuck up all the stored times. I expect jump servers to stay 66 tick for the same reason, although increasing the tic would make all the jump maps easier to complete. Throws a wrench in competitive too because of the change in airstrafing.

posted about 9 years ago
#102 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJontordanaI think it's really a shame that, regardless of the trustworthiness of Snoven, the TF2 community managed to Witch Hunt hard enough to freak out the kid and force a cancellation of the event. The point of this was not to inflate anybody's ego, it was to raise money for a good cause and help out some kids in need.The point of it appears to have been to take his scamming activities to a new level. If he's made the event toxic then he is the one to blame... and maybe whoever gave him the keys to the car.

Even if that's true (which it does certainly look to be at this point) - it would have been nice if the event had still happened with only the direct donation option. Anybody that already donated items is probably fcked, but the best scammer in the world can't take your money donated directly to Child's Play. There were a lot of people other than Snoven (graphics team, casters, players, etc. etc.) that put time and effort into making this thing happen.

posted about 9 years ago
#80 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion

Owner of ReSurfed here (I was providing my server for the surfing section of the event).

I think it's really a shame that, regardless of the trustworthiness of Snoven, the TF2 community managed to witch hunt hard enough to freak out the kid and force a cancellation of the event. The point of this was not to inflate anybody's ego, it was to raise money for a good cause and help out some kids in need. I personally just sent in $25 directly via and I encourage others to do the same.

With that said, clearly ReSurfed will *not* be closing tomorrow as originally planned. However, I want to reiterate that I am happy to make the server available to anybody running similar events to this, whether that be ToTH or somebody else. There's plenty of room for good deeds beyond the yearly ToTH, and I hope this incident doesn't force others considering planning things to stop. Everybody has skeletons in their closet, part of life is moving on. I got VAC banned and laughed out of the competitive community 6 years ago as a stupid kid, but stuck around with the game and ended up running a server network bigger than I ever imagined it would be.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ReSurfed launches two EU skillsurf servers in TF2 General Discussion

Hi! I'm tordana, the owner of the ReSurfed network of skill surf servers. Never heard of skill surf? Check out this example of one of the best surfers in the world or this instructional video. The short version is that skill surfing is all about completing maps (of varying degrees of difficulty) in the shortest amount of time. Our server network has a built-in timer that ranks players according to overall rank, individual maps, and individual stages within maps. Sound like fun? Come check us out at or our servers.

Our servers (based in Chicago) can be found at:

ReSuSurfed (beginner maps) --
ReSurfed (advanced maps) --

Other servers using the ReSurfed timer include:

Surf Ranked Beginner --
Surf Ranked Advanced --

EU announcement pasted from steam group below:


I'm proud to announce the grand opening of two London-based servers to the ReSurfed network! There's an easy and advanced server, they can be found at:

ReSurfed EU (Easy)
ReSuSurfed EU (Advanced)

These two servers have been very generously provided by Epi. He produces TF2 videos on youtube, go check out his channel and help him out!

The map lists are the same as the USA-based servers.

Additionally, in order to preserve the community the two Advanced servers are now connected by SourceIRC! Chat in one server will be seen in the other. You can also use your favorite IRC client (or just go here)and connect to #resurfed on the network to chat with people while out of the game! In order to cut down on the amount of clutter, the Easy servers are *not* connected to IRC at the moment.

P.S. Would appreciate it if somebody could add the two new ones to the server list on this site. :) Thanks!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 ReSurfed launches second, easy skillsurf server in TF2 General Discussion

Just wanted to make an announcement here that ReSurfed has added a second server to its lineup, consisting of easier skillsurf maps. This new server is named ReSuSurfed (see what I did there?)

The rank system and times are shared between the two servers -- get points on one and it transfers to the other. All map times are accessible from both servers via !top mapname, even if that map isn't on that particular server.

Currently, ReSurfed has around 100 maps and ReSuSurfed is starting with 32. We are adding more, easy and hard, all the time!

Server IPs:


I would appreciate it if somebody could add the new server to the servers page here, ReSurfed is already on it. Thanks!


posted about 11 years ago
#36 iT Dead; b4nny to Join clockwork in News

Rip iT for real now. =/

posted about 11 years ago
#137 Tip of the Hats 2 Planning/Info in TF2 General Discussion

Sal talk to Scorp ( he owned Dodge iT.

posted about 11 years ago
#119 Tip of the Hats 2 Planning/Info in TF2 General Discussion

If you guys need a surf server for the surfing segment of the event, ReSurfed is at your disposal for however you want it set up. If you've got a server but want our new timer and time database I can do that too.

Also willing to help organize.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Introducing ReSurfed in TF2 General Discussion

Sedos: Not at this time. However there's no real reason I can think of why the plugin wouldn't work for jump too, but there are plenty of NA-based jump servers already. I don't want to get into running one of those too.

SLIN: Definitely a possibility. And it's extremely easy to link the timers, one of the benefits of new one.

Bubba: TBH the percents were absolutely retarded. The speed cap is 3500 units/sec and if you recall the speed cap was 546% as the old speedometer showed it. That leads to 100% being 641 units/sec. Yeah, I have no idea. New way makes way more sense as the units are what TF2 actually uses.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Introducing ReSurfed in TF2 General Discussion

Looks like somebody added it, thanks whoever that was!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Introducing ReSurfed in TF2 General Discussion

Hello folks, I know there's been whispers of this in the other thread but I wanted to officially announce the opening of ReSurfed. The server is located at:

This server is the spiritual successor to the venerable Surf iT, and I'm running it with the help of many of the former Surf iT admins.

The server has actually been up for a few weeks, but I'm posting now because we have a new timer! This includes an overall player ranking system and rankings for each stage on staged surf maps, as well as the standard map rankings we've had in the past.

In addition, just for fun we have a jukebox, accessible by typing !jb on the server, so you can easily listen to a wide variety of music while you surf (and others can listen with you if they so choose).

A note on maps: Right now the selection is fairly limited as converting maps to work with the new timer is a painstaking process. More will be added each day until we're back up to the 130 maps that Surf iT had.

Hope to see you there!

posted about 11 years ago
#138 iT Servers Shutting Down in TF2 General Discussion
pine_beetletordanaOCTANEtordanaMyself and many of the other current surf iT admins are currently working on a new server solution. Expect to see at least one server online in January, complete with more advanced timer plugin (possibly even with web stats).are you gonna have an eu server running?
At this point probably not. One NA server is definitely happening, a second might be depending on how much money we have to throw around. EU is lower priority just because there's not as many EU players in the community.

Add me. We need to talk.


posted about 11 years ago
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