why stop at just one, though, since you're already in the rabbit hole of being disliked by your peers
alias why1 "say hey look at me I'm all clever and make my own chatbind!!!!; alias why why2"
alias why2 "say haha, here's a meme. don't you love memes, whilst you are all up in your own-getting,; alias why why1"
alias oh1 "say Maybe it just seems like we exist at all, and we really aren’t even here. I don’t know anything, no one knows anything.; alias oh oh2"
alias oh2 "say Distrustful of my own faculties… I embrace doubt itself as truth… affirming nothing, and doubting all things...; alias oh oh1"
alias oh oh1
alias why why1
alias +memes "+attack; why"
alias -memes "-attack; oh"
bind mouse1 +memes
it's like a new game in itself; how many memes can you get in before you inevitably question life's purpose?