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Last Posted January 25, 2017 at 10:53 AM
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#2080 PC Build Thread in Hardware

didn't manage to find the i5-6500(or any other) so i brought the pc to a local shop...

posted about 8 years ago
#2078 PC Build Thread in Hardware

hi all
can this mobo: MB Intel 1151 ASRock B150M Pro4S supports this rams: corsair vengeange ddr4 16x2gb 2400hz although they are not in the list of compatible rams in the asrock site ???? (this mobo should support only 2133hz rams )

thanks for ur answers

posted about 8 years ago
#2073 PC Build Thread in Hardware

the monitor is plugged to gpu
i had an idea: my friend has a i5-6500 I can try to run with that and if the pc still dont work the mobo has something broken and i can send it back to seller?

posted about 8 years ago
#2071 PC Build Thread in Hardware

can't understand first question, if u mean if i'm sure leds are on gpu and not on the mobo---> yes i'm sure
yes ( i did not made stupid mistakes like wrong channel on the monitor or unplugged something)
No; how can I upgrade the bios without having signal on my screen? Nothing shows up in my monitor so i can't see bios or upgrade it.

posted about 8 years ago
#2068 PC Build Thread in Hardware

yes it turns on, vents run, gpu leds works
yes i hear the beeb
no i can't see led on mobo

posted about 8 years ago
#2066 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hi Setzul, bad day for me :(
I finished the building of my pc and I'm very sure all the pieces are assembled correctly; the problem is: I power on the pc and nothing shows on the monitor like there's something broken in it the pc (or something not compatible).
You can see my build at the top of this page.
My friend says that can be broken motherboard or non compatible rams;
I also tried with the ripjaws ddr4 2x8gb 2400 (which works fine with the very same MOBO) and my pc still dont work.
I'd like to know ur opinion, enlight me please

posted about 8 years ago
#2053 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hi guyz i'm about to buy a new monitor for my desktop pc .
I want one with this specs: full hd (1080), ips, led, low blue light, flicker free, response time < 8 ms, 24', (price ~ 200 euro)
A friend of mine told me that 75 hz monitor are not good and instead a 60 hz is most of the time better: is he saying bullshit or he knows what he's talking about?
these are three I selected:
https://www.amazon.it/Asus-BE249QLB-Monitor-1920x1080-Certified/dp/B016AWG0UA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1484647909&sr=8-1&keywords=BE249QLB (optimal frequency 76 hz is that strange???)
What would u chose no matter the price? (or maybe have a better alternative to suggest?) ^^

thanks and have a good day

posted about 8 years ago
#2042 PC Build Thread in Hardware

wow 7700 out now for only 325 euro so the build should be finished:

cpu: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=36762 i7-7700 (325)
gpu : http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=34936 Radeon RX 480 Gaming X 8G (283)
mobo: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=33597 MB Intel 1151 ASRock B150M Pro4S (70)
psu: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=34751 PSU 450W Corsair CX450M (50)
rams : https://www.amazon.it/Corsair-CMK32GX4M2A2400C14-Vengeance-Memoria-Performance/dp/B0134EU9YA/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1483919910&sr=8-5&keywords=ddr4+2400 (32GB --->160 euro)
ssd: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=32561 Samsung 850 EVO (92)
hdd: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=26156 HD SEAGATE 3.5" 1000GB Barracuda (51)
case: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=33759 Fractal Design CORE 1100 (43)
total : 1070 euro

Thanks, ur help was awesome. U made me save money and time. keep doin this terrific work !!!!

posted about 8 years ago
#2039 PC Build Thread in Hardware

So after some reasoning and following ur advices, this should be my final build; tell me if there's something wrong or if everything is fine:
cpu: hoping that it will be affordable at good price in the next days: i7-7700 ( ~320 euro)
gpu : http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=34936 Radeon RX 480 Gaming X 8G (283)
mobo: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=33597 MB Intel 1151 ASRock B150M Pro4S (70)
psu: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=34751 PSU 450W Corsair CX450M (50)
rams : https://www.amazon.it/Corsair-CMK32GX4M2A2400C14-Vengeance-Memoria-Performance/dp/B0134EU9YA/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1483919910&sr=8-5&keywords=ddr4+2400 (32GB --->160 euro)
ssd: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=32561 Samsung 850 EVO (92)
hdd: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=26156 HD SEAGATE 3.5" 1000GB Barracuda (51)
case : dunno what to buy tell me an economic one (~50/60 euro)
total: ~1080 euro

thanks again for ur help

posted about 8 years ago
#2034 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hi, i've done some research but can't find that damn 7700 under 370; and i still have another doubt: the 6700k (330 euro) in not overclocking mode is 4GHz and the 7700 is 3,6 GHz (so to my noob eyes the 6700k seems better) the only difference between those two it's seems to be that the 7700 support up to 2400 ram, instead, the 6700k goes only up to 2133. (so I can take 6700k for 330 --- 6700 for 310 --- 7700 for 370/380 and dunno what fucking do).

In the meanwhile i found this that seems to be a very good deal for the ram:

psu: is this fine? http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=34751

the Barracuda is the same price then WD so i'll take that

I think that this is all, but if u see something that can be done better in my budget just tell me

posted about 8 years ago
#2029 PC Build Thread in Hardware

thank you Setzul u very fast in answering and ur knowledge is very appreciate!
I'm going to build the computer the next week so I cannot wait untill march :(
I think I will not overclock so:
1) difference between 6700 (310) and 7700(370) is 60euro ( is it worth?)
2) tell me a good mobo for my setup
3) for the gpu u suggest to go with this http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=34936 or a 1060 or something else?
4)maybe the barracuda 1TB is better then then WD 1TB?
5) what psu should I buy?
6) u know if i can play decently with a 6 ms monitor? ( i have other 200 euro for the monitor but don't want to buy a gaming one I want something for working and movies like this https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-MX259H-1920x1080-Frameless-Monitor/dp/B00UFCVKI4?th=1)

thank you for your time and have a nice day

posted about 8 years ago
#2024 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hi everybody,
I'm aproaching to build a new computer; i will use it for playing games like tf2, overwatch and others that will be on the market in the future; i will use it for school too (i'm an engineer) for a program called star ccm+ (computational fluid dynamic) which requires tons of ram (the more the best but at least 16gb for now ) and a very good cpu (cause it need to solve millions of equations). The budget I have is more or less 1100 euros. I have done some research and planned something but i'm not sure about NOTHING cause i'm a big noob in computer building, so i'll need ur help and advices so i can build a good pc and not a creepy one.
These are my questions:
1) do i need an overclokable system?
2) do i need a 500 gb ssd or a 250 is enough?
3) these are the pieces i though to buy can you tell if they are good and they work well together or u can suggest me something better in that budget?
4)is the same buying a 16giga ram or two 8 giga ( in case i want to go up to 64 in future)?
5) is 6 ms time response too much for playing (for the monitor) or "is not the best but still ok" ???

Thank you for your help and have a good evening
this is the list and the range of the prices i wanted to spend:
gpu: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=34934
cpu: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=33293 (or maybe this is a better deal??) http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=32484
mobo: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=32893
case: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=33423
ssd: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=32561 (the 500GB is 150euro)
ram : https://www.amazon.it/Corsair-CMK16GX4M2B3200C16-Vengeance-Memoria-DDR4/dp/B0143UM4TC/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1483733233&sr=8-7&keywords=ddr4+ram
psu: i don't know
storage: http://www.taocomputer.eu/shop2007/scheda.asp?id=22824

posted about 8 years ago