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Last Posted March 11, 2016 at 10:35 PM
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#10 A song for the Combo in Off Topic

couldn't watch listen due to the lack of a noticeable volume bar. :(

edit: typo

posted about 11 years ago
#32 hey cookye hey in TF2 General Discussion
2cyukidownpourit was slardel, and they're playing at 0.25 timescale
this was at the time when everyone thought kukkye hacked
then he went to lan and was betetr than online

Did we watch the same LAN?

that's what i immediately thought. he NEVER played as good as his old videos.

That's what I thought too, he never had the amazing tracking at LAN as he did in those videos that started all the hackusations. edit: I also looked at his youtube channel a day before i49, or during i49, looking for the 'perfect tracking' video, but it wasn't on the channel anymore, but dozens of others were :( also i'm not talking about slardel's.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Time to play tf2 Pick/Ban matches in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoI think you could talk to Wiethoofd the http://whitelist.tf/ guy and ask him if there's a way to automate the process of the whitelist generation

the only limitation in automating this is whether or not the server has to change maps or restart to apply a new whitelist. even then it isn't too bad, waiting a extra 30 seconds to play.

edit: just finished watching the video and I do agree and would love to see this mode. I got burnt out of TF2 a long while ago, but have been getting into spectating DOTA (have only played a few matches) and I really enjoy it. besides the seemingly perfect balance of the game, I love the different possibilities that can and do happen. allows for a much more exciting spectating experience.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Insurgency in Other Games

Looks really solid, i've been playing arma 3 a lot recently and have been wanting a similar game, but with a quicker and more forgiving pace.

Anyone mind streaming it a bit?

posted about 11 years ago
#92 AdvSpec in TF2 General Discussion

help pls

posted about 11 years ago
#386 Fat shaming in Off Topic
ArxIt's hard to talk to people about weight. Firstly, determining if someone's weight is a problem is often down to opinion. You get large figures who are very healthy, you get large figures who are very unhealthy but pretend they are healthy, you get skinny people who are role models for 'the healthy body', you get ridiculously skinny people who are borderline dying. Large rugby / football players etc... It confuses everyone as to what is acceptable and so there aren't any strict guidelines.

For some people, they know they are bigger than others, and probably bigger than they would like to be, but they do not see it as an actual problem because others are far worse than them. Others also have no motivation to lose any weight. It's simply not worth the effort involved for the 'small rewards'.

I think the key to persuading someone to lose weight is not to tell them to do it. They have to feel like their weight is preventing them from doing something they would like. Sure, people do not like to be insulted and so that in itself can be a motivation to lose weight, but you can try some more indirect methods.

Going to a theme park, getting denied entry onto a roller coaster.
Going swimming, they could feel too conscious to get into a bikini while their friends do.
Clothes shopping, you pick up a dress, they like it but it's not available in their size.
Participate with all your friends in a fun sport, cycling or just a hike up a mountain. They could struggle to keep up.

Of course all of this stuff would put a person down. You would just kind of have to hope it is enough to motivate them to do something about it rather than just make them sad / depressed. It really is a tricky road to navigate around. This can be made easier if you are in a similar situation to them as you can try to motivate both of you to go lose some weight together, but ultimately it's going to come down to how they feel about themselves, and their opinion is going to carry much more weight than yours.

thank you for being on-topic.

posted about 11 years ago
#917 i49 in TF2 General Discussion
Salamancer@whoever was making fun of my sniper question, hey, they couldn't all be gold.

I didn't really mean for it to be insulting or anything, it was just a bit weird to have such a poor question come up when there really is only one answer, and that's practice.

I did enjoy everything else about the show, though!

posted about 11 years ago
#247 Fat shaming in Off Topic
shifty1g#239 http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/1217/39#post-178913

4:20 AM - thenoid

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Why are posts being deleted? in TF2 General Discussion

i think -frag nuking should make a return.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Multiplay Stream in TF2 General Discussion

not a fan of whoever is controlling the spectator camera.

posted about 11 years ago
#717 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

"what makes you a good sniper?"

what a awful question.

posted about 11 years ago
#450 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

have any of the stv demos been posted?

posted about 11 years ago
#15 bf3 buddies? in Off Topic



edit: wrong link

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Why the Quick Fix slows games (meta evaluation) in TF2 General Discussion
Ryani'm really curious about who the people are that just downfrag people that either a)dislike the qf or b)think it shouldn't be discussed

say something

i downvoted because he typed up a multiple paragraph thread without a tldr or any type of formatting outside of pressing enter.
def not reading that.

posted about 11 years ago
#130 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
BurnDLSaint_so... medi gun is ran 90% of the time, and something else takes over that spot. that "something else" gets called overpowered and banned. so we're back to using the medi gun 90% of the time again. Im still lost on how this all makes sense
So quickfix being run 90% of the time is any better?

Personally I enjoy Uber w/ no heavy to Quickfix w/ heavy

you're comparing Uber, something we've known and played with since 2007, to something drastically different that effectively released a month ago :/

edit: to expand on what i mean, we have years of practice with uber. we know how to use it effectively, we know how to counter it effectively. not the case with QF because of it being new, and it's going to continue being this way if people don't give it a chance.

posted about 11 years ago
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