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Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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#61 Valve Bans CSGO Match Fixers in CS2 General Discussion


No throws here though.

posted about 10 years ago
#53 Valve Bans CSGO Match Fixers in CS2 General Discussion
clckwrkWhat I think would've been better is a fine. Fines ensure that the money won isn't even worth the entire process. Maybe with a ban thrown in at the same time, like a year-long ban. But then again, Valve doesn't have any ruleset laid out for this type of jurisdiction. They can't just on-the-fly decide to fine people, but since the majors are their tournaments, they can technically ban whomever they like. Fining actual money is a lot trickier. So now we have 4 of arguably the best players in NA banned for life completely arbitrarily, setting a "precedent" that I don't even think is scary.

And by no means am I defending their actions. I just don't like applauding something that could've been handled better.

I don't think valve has that power unless they make them pay to play in their tournaments again. Unless I'm missing some big contract like LoL has for all its players, there is no real regulation. I do agree that this is actually still a half-assed response because it literally came from nowhere and they haven't announced any steps to help regulate this shit beyond setting this precedent like you said. It's too bad valve wants to be laissez faire as possible aside from when they can make money selling stuff.

posted about 10 years ago
#74 Common Core in Off Topic

Biggest problem I see is that it alienates basically every parent from helping their children with math since they also have to learn the new method of math. The questions seem to be literally made for only elementary school kids to understand because they probably don't understand English as well. I mean I guess you don't have to worry about parents teaching their children wrong as much, but it's really too bad you can't teach them multiple ways to do the problem and let them self optimize.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 paragon 2015 in Esports

And M2K throws grand finals.

posted about 10 years ago
#116 The Supposed God of Demoman in TF2 General Discussion

Aren't a lot of you taking the guide a bit too seriously? It's a good laugh but I really doubt someone who self-describes themselves as "Fueled By Your Hatred™Capitalist, Blackmarket Merchant, Lumber Stock Investor, Philosopher, Gamer, Troll, Monsanto Employee, Religious & part of the one percent" isn't doing satire or trolling.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 paragon 2015 in Esports

Anyone else watching smash?

Holy fucking shit the series Armada v Leffen, the complete reversals.

posted about 10 years ago
#38 giving away an awp asiimov battle scarred in Off Topic

Hope this doesn't rip your friends list. Last person I knew who did any giveaway got spammed to hell for a few weeks.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 New Dota Rosters in Esports

Bump for rtz's insights on stream (transcript is somewhere on reddit too) http://www.twitch.tv/arteezy

EDIT: http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/2shbcx/live_transcript_arteezys_thoughts_on_the_drama/

posted about 10 years ago
#27 my dad thinks im a fuckup in Off Topic
futurewell gek, I have tried multiple times chattin with them, but they assume that even though they threw me in rehab and I still have interests in having a beer or two every other night they think I'm some kinda of crazy addict. Its worse when they talk to me about it and assume its connected with video games.

its different with how they spent time. they used to go out and party as kids every other night and think the moment I get shitfaced I have a problem. The last time I drank was within two weeks and I only went out and spent 5 bucks on tallboys! I dont even invest in that shit anymore and its been two years since Ive purchased over 100 bucks in pot. thats fucking silly.

No offense but every addict spouts the same shit and are in denial about their problem. Honestly it sounds like you think your parents owe you a home and food and everything without you actually achieving anything. If you're 18, your parents could just kick you out of the house. The fact they're keeping you there is because they want you to do something with your life but you're not going anywhere, just making excuses for why you aren't.

Notice how most people in this thread aren't buying your shit. You may not realize almost all your excuses are shit. Your dream isn't coming true if you aren't willing to make sacrifices for what you want. Like everyone said, stop dropping money on alcohol even if it's just every 1-2 weeks. Give up TF2, some internet time, etc and do the work. Make a plan to actually get somewhere, even if it's not the closest thing to your dream. You have to change to actually change your situation. What you're doing now isn't getting you anywhere closer to where you want to be. I know because half the things I want to do I never end up doing due to my bad habits.

tl;dr Don't expect to get anywhere without drastically changing your habits or luck. I suggest not gambling on something to suddenly make a break for you. Try reading a book like The 7 Habits or something (I'm sure you can find a way to get it) and think about if what you're doing is actually getting you where you want to be.

posted about 10 years ago
#22 New Dota Rosters in Esports
stonedchinamanspeaking of dota rosters, look at this new chinese team...


How many times are they going to fucking retire?

posted about 10 years ago
#63 Overwatch, Overhyped? in TF2 General Discussion
Hellbentmostly me just complaining about other big games that I wish wouldnt be so popular. I mind csgo being a large competitive game. Maybe that's just me

It does get annoying when I have 24 mumbles favorited that only contain tf2 players and 95% of the time every single person in every single mumble is either playing csgo or not there.

It is all opinion but I guess mine is a very unpopular one.

What do you have against CS:GO aside from 1.6 being better? It's the biggest staple competitive FPS and 1.6 had fun mods. If it wasn't big there's literally no other competitive FPS that anyone watches aside from CoD or Halo on consoles. It even has the developer/valve support for competitive that TF2 could only dream of and part of why is draws in so much more people.

posted about 10 years ago
#46 Overwatch, Overhyped? in TF2 General Discussion

I've come to realized I'm pretty biased against Blizzard after SC2's shitty UMS system and D3. I expect nothing, but I won't be surprised if I'm disappointed again.

I expect people to latch on for at least 3 months, but don't be surprised if we end up with another Brink.

posted about 10 years ago
#36 1200+ sub train in Off Topic

If you made 6 figures by playing video games, you'd bet you'd suck the dicks of the people donating thousands of dollars to you. Even the hardcore no life Kripp sold out, though not to donations yet. Money is money. Add in youtube and edit some of your stream highlights and you probably get even more.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 1200+ sub train in Off Topic

Didn't play Nekopara long enough. Shit was hilarious.

posted about 10 years ago
#72 dota to league in Other Games
2ci can't imagine anyone choosing to play league over dota unless they're already invested in it though. and that's what everyone seems to tell me when I ask them to move to dota

What about all the grills you could relate with if you both play LoL though, these guys are playing the numbers game.

posted about 10 years ago
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