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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 139
#114 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News

How dare you insult that game! It has a whole 20 tic rate!

But seriously, it's been a general consensus that it's not a real competitive shooter; it's more of a moba in first person/third person. And that's why I haven't been able to enjoy the game as much as I have TF2. Got into weekend beta only to stop playing the afternoon next day because it didn't really play as good as a normal moba or FPS. It will still be successful because Blizzard though, and I really doubt any other game can compete with that fanbase aside from Valve.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 TF.TV Viewer (Unofficial) [Android] in TF2 General Discussion
boulderHaha, thanks, I'd use your code but unfortunately I'm not leveraging webview's in the app at all. My original plan was to actually do what you're doing, but after fooling around with it for a week or so I just really didn't like how the pages felt. I feel like the UIs for mobile webapps just don't compare to phone app UIs at all. They just aren't as responsive. Plus I figured enigma would eventually throw together a mobile version of the site (which is something I think he's already doing as I've noticed little changed here and there which lean towards mobile design) and wanted to offer people something better than what would be offered with css styling.

I guess it's time then to figure out how you're parsing this out and break your app.

</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></body></html><div class="post"><div class="post-body">YOU ALL SUCK</div></div>
posted about 9 years ago
#14 TF.TV Viewer (Unofficial) [Android] in TF2 General Discussion

It would actually probably only take a day to make a responsive layout for this site. I could probably come up with some responsive CSS later this week.

EDIT: Fuck it, 30 minutes of effort with stylish, try this CSS out:

@media (max-width:767px) {
    #wrapper {
    #sidebar-left, #sidebar-right, .header-banner {
		display: none;
    html, body, #wrapper, #content, #action-container, #thread-header, #thread-container, #action-container, #post-form-block, .header, .header-nav-container-inner, .header-nav, .footer, .reg-activation-notice, .footer-inner {
    .bau, div#content > div:first-child {
    	margin:0;padding:0;max-width: 100%; overflow:hidden;
    #thread-container {
    	border: 0;
    .post {
		border: 1px solid #b4b4b4;
		margin-bottom: 20px;
    .footer-inner-left, .footer-inner-right {
    	float: none;
		text-align: center;

Requesting $100 for my consulting Kappa. I don't have ads so I can't actually see if they look good/bad (should be bad because they're suppose to be 758px or something). If you want to make it better, increase the size of the +frag/-frag buttons + font size. Still this should be vastly better.

EDIT2: Boulder, not sure how your app works but you should look into javascript injection. You can literally just add a <style> element with my code and it will have all the functionality but a different look.

posted about 9 years ago
#85 Genesis 3 in Other Games

reset boys

posted about 9 years ago
#76 Genesis 3 in Other Games


posted about 9 years ago
#71 Genesis 3 in Other Games

Man all because of the round one SD.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 pizza tier list in Off Topic

Little Caesar's is great if all you want is cheese or pepperoni pizza. Though some stores are shit, if they do it properly it's a nice cheap pizza. I'd honestly eat it over half of the chains you listed.

posted about 9 years ago
#69 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordAlso, recommended read on the topic:

It's pretty similar to my belief on the issue, which is as follows:

1. Valve is within their rights to ban the players permanently from valve events

2. There is no reason that valve bans should entail bans from all the upcoming giant events- turner league, blizzard mlg, etc.

I honestly think it's ludicrous that the developer of the game gets extra authority over players when they serve no extra administrative function in the actual competitive scene. yeah they donate prize money (an amount that is looking increasingly puny...and which has already been matched by tournaments valve had nothing to do with). so what? if razer or logitech demanded that the ibp people be banned we would laugh them out of town

it's not like riot where valve actually runs the tournament circuit, all they do is interfere in stupid and negative ways (poorly timed updates and map pool changes, stupid rules that no tournament would choose on their own, etc.)

It's up to the non-major tournaments to allow them or not. They can still be major players in non-valve events, though it's going to be tough to make a team that can't compete in the big tournaments.

Also, the only thing worse than this is the people wanting VP getting banned for their betting on a finished game. It makes me insane that people can compare match fixing for bet $$ to exploiting a betting site's error. I hate the skin betting scene so much since it's legalized gambling for non-adults (and why iBP have ended up where they are now). Too bad valve makes money from the skin betting scene thriving.

posted about 9 years ago
#44 2015 black friday / cyber monday deals in Hardware

No quiet 980 Ti's are on sale yet. Waiting for something like the MSI Gaming to drop below $600 but it doesn't look like it's happening.

Also, remember that you should considering out of state vendors so you don't pay sale tax if you're buying online. Newegg and Amazon always cost 9% more since I live in CA, but if I buy from Tigerdirect or B&HPhoto it can end up cheaper even if the base price is better on those sites.

posted about 9 years ago

Apparently they've cornered the organizer of the attacks and have arrested those who didn't blow themselves up in a raid.


I hope some justice can be done at least.

posted about 9 years ago
#76 Hassassin_ cheat evidence. in TF2 General Discussion
TangyyI don't see what the big deal about that is. I may have been wrong about the textures, I just know that they do not allow that in csgo and I was wrong to assume the same for tf2. The third one has a highly suspicious red model though, I see no other way to get that other than a cheat. The SMAC ban speaks for itself.

I tried to present all the evidence I could find.

At the very least, he should be placed on a watch list and kept under a careful eye.

I don't think people are doubting his alt hacked. People really just don't think he's hacking in matches or on his main account so there's nothing they can/should really do about it. SMAC ban registry can protect servers against him, but other than that nothing much will happen unless he starts hacking in matches or gets ESEA cheat banned (quite the rarity).

posted about 9 years ago
#74 Hassassin_ cheat evidence. in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetI like hass so I am not accusing or commenting on him directly but I can't fucking understand the general mentality here. In all my years of online gaming, the TF2 community defends cheaters more than any other I have experienced.

This same exact argument was given for Insom when he was seen cheating. If someone is fucking cheating, it doesn't matter is it is a pub or not. Why do they need to cheat in an "official match" for people to care and make it punishable?

There is no gray area, the fucking player is cheating. End of story.

What if they're hacking in Plants vs Zombies? Would we need to ban them from TF2?

Context 100% matters. There's a reason why nobody cares that much. We're not here to police for other people. I've hacked in plenty of non-pvp games, yet I really doubt people would give me shit for it or care. If I hacked in a TF2 non-vac server I think people still wouldn't give a shit. If I hack in a VAC pub people would probably think I'm an asshole, but it ultimately doesn't affect them and if I got banned from the server it wouldn't matter anyway. Hacking in a comp match, then people should blow their shit because it's the TF2 comp community and we don't want cheaters in the comp setting. Everything outside the comp scene really shouldn't matter unless it's hilarious or matters a lot.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 Tip of the Hats Scammer in TF2 General Discussion

I never authorized the use of Tip of the Hats™ for scams, he will hear from my lawyers.

posted about 9 years ago
#66 the unpugable maps in TF2 General Discussion

You don't know unpuggable maps unless you've pugged gravelpit (back when it was in the pool). Always a stomp.

posted about 9 years ago
#300 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games

I really hope they implement TF2 style push maps instead of stressing A/D maps.

posted about 9 years ago
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