Is it possible to bind buttons in sliding menu (the one that appears when you click the top right button) to do custom things?
For example, I made a new button and I wanted it to connect to a community server, but the button simply did not do anything.
Here's the MvM button code from this menu:
"ControlName" "CPlayListEntry"
"fieldName" "MvMEntry"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "103"
"tall" "45"
"wide" "255"
"proportionaltoparent" "1"
"image_name" "main_menu/main_menu_button_mvm"
"button_token" "#MMenu_PlayList_MvM_Button"
"button_command" "play_mvm"
"desc_token" "#MMenu_PlayList_MvM_Desc"
"matchgroup" "1" // k_eTFMatchGroup_MvM_MannUp
"ypos" "153"
This is what I added:
"ControlName" "CPlayListEntry"
"fieldName" "AdditionalButtonTHG"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "153"
"tall" "45"
"wide" "255"
"proportionaltoparent" "1"
"image_name" "casual/gametype_arena"
"button_token" "#MMenu_PlayList_THG_Button"
"button_command" "engine connect"
"desc_token" "#MMenu_PlayList_THG_Desc"
//"matchgroup" "0" // k_eTFMatchGroup_MvM_MannUp
"ypos" "153"
Also I noticed that the same buttons (for example, create server button) would have different commands in main menu and in this sliding panel
Sliding panel:
"button_command" "create_server"
Main menu:
"command" "OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog"
So it there any way to make normal commands like connect, bind, etc work in this panel? Thanks in advance