ascent na is cute! CUTE!
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SteamID64 | 76561198329780178 |
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Country | United States |
Signed Up | October 6, 2016 |
Last Posted | July 15, 2019 at 5:34 PM |
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FuxxHumor is based on subverting expectations: it's funny because it's not supposed to happen.
well then why aren't there binds that go "Hey uh Mr King I won't be here on thursday because i'll be taking a train to a competition. I know there's a test on thursday so can we reschedule it to next monday or something? Yeah monday after school would be fine. Ok thank you.", which is a conversation I had with my teacher and you certainly wouldn't expect a conversation with a teacher while playing a video game.
Air_its a command in jump/surf servers
but how is it funny
twiikuu(1100 u/s) × (roundtrip ping + reaction time + time needed to physically dodge)
for a scout on the ground, model being 32u wide, moving at 400u/s, this would end up being something like
(1100 u/s) × (100 ms + 600 ms + 80 ms)
= 858 u
^ this is flawed because movement speed isn't instantaneous, but for the sake of not pulling out calculus which i never learned at school, it's easier
if you want to know what source units look like:
i looked at that page but i was looking for references that i'd be familiar with, like the length of badlands greybridge or the length of process shutter
I did some quick maffs assuming reaction time including determining rocket direction is 0.6s and when the dodging class is scout and i got 1062 hmu but i have no idea how far that is in game. can someone check
:o i'm impressed
KissakalaWho are you and who cares?
when you see a funny type of comment that gets a lot of updoots on a forum so you copy it but it backfires and you get downvoted because the occasion isn't right
a_m3me(I'm only 13)
quit the game when you still can
i don't see anything worth noting in the screenshot
Kick in the door waving the 44
Shoosh"I beat b4nny/foryotech in RGL" A league which hasn't even been around for a season? And has no class limits, with no stable meta doesn't carry the same weight as
"I beat b4nny in ESEA-I" A league which has been around for 30 seasons? Of which b4nny has won the majority of.
You're point of that this may be your only chance to beat b4nny is mute. Beating Froyo in RGL does not equate to beating froyo in ESEA.
it's better than having literally nothing. anyway i'm just disappointed that it's just gonna be froyo rolling im teams sprinkled with invite players instead of what could've been
AptThat's a flawed statement. Froyotech may dominate but the chance to beat them presents itself every season that the team is active. Don't pretend as though removing all restrictions is the only way to achieve that. It may be incredibly difficult and require immense amounts of work, but is by no means unobtainable outside of this league.
You're also very bold in assuming that Valve is going to do anything with the results of said league when literally all evidence points to the opposite being the case.
We shall see.
I never implied that valve would do anything with the results of league, i was purely speaking from a "this is your only chance to beat b4nny" standpoint, I don't know where you got that. If you thought that's what i meant by "developing the meta" i was referring to things like optimal teamcomps and such, developed by players with the current game. And unfortunately I do believe that it's very unlikely that an NA team will beat froyotech ever, save a season20 scenario where they stop practicing and have a player leave mid game. It's undoubtedly more likely that a team will beat froyo in rgl than in the standard 6s format
DiscordI'd rather practice what I enjoy
but why? so they can fight for second place in ESEA? I don't buy that players at the top level of a video game don't care about winning; they obviously do, else they wouldn't be so skilled. If you want to win against banny ever, this may just be your last chance, before the meta fully developed and anything is possible. It's really a shame to see the rgl invite division filled with mostly IM players and a handful of invite players. If players from ascent mnt and meat$ step up and create a superteam and develop some genius strat they very well could take first place
DiscordBeating b4nny in this gamemode might be a novelty, but it's pretty empty in my opinion
Come on dude, you KNOW that's not true. It would 100% be the highlight of any tf2 player's career to beat froyotech with their main roster