Via the CS:GO blog:
– Added the bbno$ – u mad! Music Kit, available in regular and StatTrak™ versions
– Danger Zone
— Respawning players are no longer able to select respawn locations that should have been prohibited by the spawnmask map
— Smoothed camera motion when using ExoJump
– Added new VO for Trapper and Trapper Aggressor agents
– Adjusted ragdoll physics
– Dust 2
— Re-tired visblocker from T spawn to mid
— Blocked unintended wallbang
– Insertion 2
— New glass texture for windows in office, to make it easier to see from inside if the glass is broken or not
— Other minor tweaks
– Ravine
— Fixed bomb stuck spot near spawn
— Clipping fixes
— Updated radar
– Basalt
— Added a reception desk to B Connector
— Added an additional window to Red Barn
— Removed railing on A for easier movement
— Visual upgrades to bombsite B
— Visual upgrades to Red Barn
— Added literature
— Added a fuzzy carpet
— Small visual upgrades across the whole map
– County
— Disabled physics on window at creek house
— Removed possibility to set metal frame of the quarry building in motion
— Set proper scale on metal containers
— Improved cliff models collision
— Clipped cave ceiling and wooden roofs in order to prevent players from getting stuck while using exojump
— Fixed collision on aspen tree models to prevent players from getting stuck
— Fixed global sound on bunker doors
— Fixed all reported stuck spots while jumping
— Increased fade distance for corn field
— Clipped beach part of the map to prevent players from escaping the map with bump mines
— Extended watertower ladder
— Fixed reported floating barrels/turrets
— Made waterfall floor more shallow so that the items can be picked up
— Closed of some of the rooms in haunted mansion
— Renovated haunted mansion
— Removed killzone on the left side of the bridge
— Optimizations
Rumor has it:
- FACEIT players will want to be aware of scattered reports of being unable to start the game after this update. Exit the FACEIT client for now and you should be able to launch again. (of course, this means that until they take a peek at what's gone on with their client, you won't be able to play on the platform yet)
- As both /u/Haaselh0ff and /u/DankMemeRipper1337 have pointed out on reddit, the list of Basalt changes mentioned above is actually not included in this update, because Basalt wasn't updated
- For the peekers out there, /u/Elcheer took two screenshots of the "re-tired" Dust 2 middle from both T spawn and mid doors
- This is the description for the bbno$, u mad! Music Kit: "bbno$ formulates 'the' toxic gamer anthem, u mad! Are u mad? LOL get good scrub. Research shows if you play with this Music Kit equipped you'll immediately go from Silver to Global."
- If you're not entirely sold on the kit, try previewing it at CS:GO Stash to help you decide if you'd want to buy it
- A bit of plumbing has been inserted for week 4 through 8 missions for Operation Riptide
- If you're stopped from joining a Private Queue because you're not a part of a Steam Community group, you'll now be told "You are not a member of this Steam Group. Visit their page to join and try the Queue Code again."
- If you'd like, you can view lots of map and Guardian bot related logic changes scattered throughout this update here. There's also a fresh shot of translations, which are made possible as always with the efforts of Translators Like You - Thank You
- Size is close to 325 MB