Account Details
SteamID64 76561198040048374
SteamID3 [U:1:79782646]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted February 13, 2025 at 7:01 PM
Posts 862 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity 6
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Mouse ASUS ROG Sica
Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 ⋅⋅ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ⋅⋅ 58
#1 CS:GO update for 12/16/19 (12/17/19 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve[ MUSIC ]
– A new music kit “King, Scar” by Scarlxrd is now available for purchase in-game.

– 3rd Commando Company Agent’s VO has been changed to use GSG9’s.
– 3rd Commando Company Agent’s image on Operation rewards page has been updated.

[ BOTS ]
– Added more bot decision tree logic elements for the upcoming operation missions and for use by community modders.

Rumor has it:

- This was the old 3rd Commando Company image, and this is the new one. No more Pro90

- Scripts and item schema changes for the next few weeks of Shattered Web missions have also been included, all of which are viewable over here
- Spoiler alert: if you want to take a peek ahead, look at /u/DukeBruno123's list featuring them

- Size is close to 25 MB

posted about 5 years ago
#1 MAJOR TF2 update for 12/16/19 (Smissmas 2019) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

ValveHappy Smissmas 2019!
All players who play TF2 during the event will receive a Stuffed Stocking as a gift! Stockings contain goodies for good little Mercenaries.
Event runs through January 7th, 2020
Added the Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case
Contains 18 new community-contributed items
The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the case
Added the Winter 2019 War Paint Case
Contains 10 new community-created War Paints that make-up the Winter 2019 Collection
Has a chance to give a taunt Unusualifier as a bonus item
Added 17 new community-created Unusual effects
11 new effects for Unusual hats
6 new effects for Unusual taunts
Mann Co. Store winter sale!

Updated several maps to fix localization issues
Updated/Added some tournament medals
Updated the localization files

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~255 MB

posted about 5 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 12/9/19 (12/10/19 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve[ MISC ]
– It started snowing and the winter season fun begins which includes snowballs, festive chickens, and freeze frame holiday borders.
– Added 2020 Service Medal to be awarded for outstanding service and achievement starting from January 1, 2020 GMT.
– Adjusted weights on several end of match accolades.
– Removed a sound debug command.

[ MAPS ]
– Updated nav mesh for Office to prevent bots sometimes getting stuck.
– Updated Jungle.

Rumor has it:

- A peek at each level of the 2020 Service Medal: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
- As the name should imply, it is not 2020 yet. Once the 2019 calendar is thrown out in London(, England), AKA UTC, then you'll be able to claim it

- If you guessed that the removed sound debug command was snd_debug_sleep, /u/FuneralChris says it is indeed. As well, a couple of Guardian-related cvars were added, and if the main menu snow bothers you, just add "+sv_holiday_mode 0" to launch options

- The rest of this one consists of localization file updates, which are made possible in part by the contributions of Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is close to 110 MB

posted about 5 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 12/6/19 in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve [ UI ]
- Added support for client-side drawing on the Map Overview screen.
- Added client notification screen at game start displaying the most recent CS:GO blog post.
- Adjusted the scoreboard headers for better alignment and readability.
- Added support for localizing 1st, 2nd, 3rd labels on the end of match screen.
- Added nofastforward flag to playdemo command, must be used right before anonsuspect to prevent fast forwarding through low interest part of the replay.
- Added support for cl_voice_filter to specify a comma delimited list of whitelisted SteamIDs for demo voice playback, e.g. ‘steamids:765123,765456,7651244’
posted about 5 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 12/4/19 (12/5/19 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:


– Official game servers will now intelligently deduce a mission that player can be making progress on. Player’s active operation mission card will always have high priority, but mission cards from other weeks will also be considered and can be offered when active mission card doesn’t feature a suitable mission.
– End of match screen will now always display equipped Agent rather than most recent model used as player or bot.
– Improved strategy execution logic stability for bots in Guardian missions.

Rumor has it:

- Much like yesterday's update, this one also primarily consists of more translations, which are made possible in part by contributions from Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~30 MB

posted about 5 years ago
#11 the ultimate hud in TF2 General Discussion

Only real gamers use cl_drawhud 0.

posted about 5 years ago
#19 TF2 update for 11/21/19 (11/22/19 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
hamaham(Heath Ledger's Joker voice) Tyler McVicker, or as I like to call him, Tyler McNihamahambrooo I was gonna say McNiceNewsNetwork omggg
context: sac just fricking said hard r n word and got banned c'mon dude


posted about 5 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 11/22/19 (11/23/19 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

- Introducing Storage Units which allow users to store up to 1,000 items which would otherwise exceed inventory limit.
- For more details see the in-game items help article.

[ MAPS ]
- Improved visibility from patio towards pit boost spot.
- Added fill lights in A site balcony hallway.
- Fixed a DM spawn in apartments that caused players to get stuck.

- Boosted ambient light on grate outside Monster, B site. (@SRK_xt)
- Removed graffiti from left side of CT side, B site.
- Boosted light in bank, A site.
- Changed background texture in bank, A site.

- Brightened up corner by far vent in A site.

[ UI ]

- Added a new setting to enable triple-monitor UI mode.
- Added a countdown till week 2 Operation missions become available.
- End of match scoreboard toggle button is now the same button binding that enables mouse in the scoreboard. (default: Mouse2)

[ MISC ]

- Fixed ’rounds won with no purchases’ accolade appearing in Flying Scoutsman.
- Fixed skin tone on one of the Elite Crew agents.
- Fixed a regression in Weapons Course.
- Fixed a re-zoom regression with sniper rifles. (@land1ncs)
- Updated radar for Vertigo.

Rumor has it:

- If you play TF2, you'll probably note that Storage Units, aside from how they function, are very similar to Backpack Expanders

- Internally, Storage Units are referred to as caskets
- If you attempt to purchase stuff but you're at your inventory limit, the message that tells you that now also lets you know that these are a thing now. Because why wouldn't they?

- The "Where You Least Expect It" mission has been renamed to "Spray and Pray"
- Speaking of missions, there's a tooltip that'll let you know when the next week's missions are now available

- The recently added triple monitor mode as first seen with Shattered Web has been given an in-game description in the settings that elaborates on what it does: "Restrict UI and HUD to the center third of the display. Useful for displays that span three monitors."

- A plentiful dose of translations are also included, which are made possible in part by contributions from Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~70 MB

posted about 5 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/21/19 (11/22/19 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Updated several maps to fix localization issues
- Updated/Added some tournament medals
- Updated the localization files

Rumor has it:

- A whole lot of localization is all viewable here, which is made possible in part by contributions from Translators Like You - Thank You

- Tournament medal additions include (♻ indicates re-used assets from a previous season/year/league):
- Russian Highlander Season 4 (♻ 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant, Staff)
- Late Night TF2 Cup Autumn 2019 (♻ Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal, Participant, Helper)
- EBL Main Season 3 (♻ 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- EBL Open Season 3 (♻ 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- LBTF2 Highlander Access Season 5 (♻ 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- LBTF2 Highlander Principal Season 5 (♻ 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- LBTF2 Highlander Open Season 5 (♻ 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)

- The current set of EBL medals that were already in the game have been renamed to mention that they're for its Invite division

- Size is ~140 MB (mostly in part due to those map updates)

posted about 5 years ago
#1 MAJOR CS:GO update for 11/18/19 (Op. ShatteredWeb) in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Introducing Operation Shattered Web, featuring all-new equippable Agents, weapon collections, missions, and more!
– For more details visit www.counter-strike.net/shatteredweb

– Increased price of SG553 to $3000 to bring its price more in line with its value.
– Reduced the price of FAMAS and Galil by $200 (to $2050 and $1800, respectively)
– Improved full-auto spraying accuracy of FAMAS and Galil.

[ Danger Zone ]
– Buymenu price adjustments for ssg08 and radar jammer.
– Minor timing adjustments for locked door and safe interaction.
– Automated sentries now fire M249 bullets.
– Added killfeed icon for automated sentry.
– Added more explosive barrels.
– Tablet crate icons now show an above/below annotation if significantly above or below the player.
– Minor change to zone effect visuals.

[ MISC ]
– ‘AWP | Hyper Beast’ and ‘P90 | Nostalgia’ updated to correct wear at Factory New

Pearlescent coatings:

We have added support for applying a pearlescent coating to weapon finishes. Pearlescent coatings use ceramic crystals to reflect and refract light, splitting it into different colors as the view angle changes. This effect can be used in a number of ways to subtly enhance your weapon finish or make drastic changes. The new Operation Shattered Web collections have some weapons with pearlescent coatings to illustrate some of the ways this new feature can be used. The Workshop Workbench has been updated to include this feature so you can experiment with adding this coating to a weapon finish. Using higher values will make the color bands tighter and more frequent and using negative values will flip the spectrum to start on the opposite end. It should be noted that this coating will shift the hue of your weapon finish so parts with no saturation, and therefore no hue, will have no pearlescent effect. We look forward to seeing what interesting applications you come up with.

[ MAPS ]
– Added Studio to Scrimmage and Casual Sigma map groups.
– Added Jungle to the Danger Zone rotation.
– Added Lunacy to Flying Scoutsman
– Zoo and Seaside have been removed.

– Cache has been moved from Scrimmage to Competitive Matchmaking

– Added ramp to final stage of scaffolding on A ramp, no longer need to jump up
– Connected corridor to back of A with CT elevator room
– Widened top of mid
– Offset doors from CT spawn and to CT elevator room
– Made A site CT death funnel shorter, widened site area
– Removed big block in CT spawn
– Moved A ramp sandbags to allow jump up
– Various bug and clipping fixes

Rumor has it:

- Is your team talking way too loud for you to hear whenever you're in a clutch situation? Now, you can temporarily mute incoming voice chat through a "clutch key" that you can press whenever you feel like clutch-or-kicking the rest of your team

- You may notice that Operation Shattered Web bears more of a resemblance to a Battle Pass from Dota 2. With that however comes some increased sticker shock, a pass will now cost US$15/CA$20
- A Steam Support page for Shattered Web is also available

- CS:GO Stash is currently getting a whole bunch of SW items up for your viewing pleasure, including the Shattered Web Case, The Norse Collection, Canals Collection, and St. Marc Collection

- /u/SlothSquadron is going to get to work at looking at the gameplay changes

- Did you know you can commend people? If you didn't already, and if someone else feels the desire to, you'll now get notified whenever you receive a new commendation

- Triple-monitor support has also been improved with a new triple-monitor mode

- Size is ~1.5 GB - data capped users should take action

posted about 5 years ago
#11 RL Article on Dashner situtation in TF2 General Discussion
wickedplayer494Richard Lewis doesn't fuck around when it comes to calling bullshit what it is, and the fact that what Dashner is accused of doing is really fucking disgusting bullshit that nobody should engage in.

And now he's an award winner too, mind you.

posted about 5 years ago
#10 RL Article on Dashner situtation in TF2 General Discussion

Richard Lewis doesn't fuck around when it comes to calling bullshit what it is, and the fact that what Dashner is accused of doing is really fucking disgusting bullshit that nobody should engage in.

posted about 5 years ago
#18 Me, Dashner, and TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Getting police agencies to talk to and coordinate with each other is quite the hard task unfortunately, and I wish it weren't so. Still the case even in situations where time is of the essence (like a kid getting kidnapped as we've seen with Ontario horrendously still trying to figure out the Alert Ready shitshow since local agencies have to go through OPP on that front and frequently fsck up by double-alerting with English then French an hour later, or something else where Justin.tv's old /emergency would be warranted, etc).

And on that latter example, god help you if you try and dial 911/112/Triple Zero/etc with good meaning and explain that the situation is not within the same city. In the internet age there's gotta be some sort of a means to reduce the overhead of out-of-jurisdiction emergency calls, since otherwise your only other option really is whatever the general non-emergency line might be. What that would entail...I have no idea.

posted about 5 years ago
#136 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
GetawhaleSpeiszlet's send some this thread and email the blast team and waveform. get this fucking scum outed and dragged under.
Fully fully on board

After uberchain, we all believed it couldn't happen again.

We were fooled. It happened again. And it could happen again.

EDIT: Word to the wise.. if you're looking at legal action/consequences.. PLEASE pursue them if possible. Last time, his plan was "Lay low until people forget, then work again." It's hard to believe he's learning any lesson. Last time, after the uberchain thread, he came to me in PM saying he was going to be pursuing legal action against her - that is to say.. his immediate reaction was to double down

Completely agree. Even if criminal fails or is otherwise deemed "not viable", there's always civil. This stuff is all so awful and very, very messed up.

taggFlash forward to i58 which i've wanted to vent about sinced it happened. By this time Lange and I were roommates and had sworn off of working for free at events. Dashner messaged me and insisted that he NEEDED my help for a video project that was being shot at the event. After at least a month of him constantly in my DM's I told him i'd only attend if my flight and hotel were covered. He somehow managed to get those covered and I agreed to go. Instantly it turned sour when he was denied at the border and was sent back to Canada. Something people don't fully understand is that working at these international events is against the law. You cannot do work in another country without a proper VISA, we had to lie everytime we went to these events to get through security and it was very dangerous for some members of the production crew. They would be carrying very crucial equipment across borders which raises many eyebrows when you say you're "Just there for fun" while having hundreds of dollars of production gear in your bag. In addition the excuse that "We're not getting paid we're volunteering" does not work because its absolutely absurd, literally outsourcing free labor for events that are for-profit.

I also recall that there were allegations against Valve when it came to The International recommending that people pick up one type of visa when they really needed another, and that if there were issues at the border to be creative and stretch the truth. I want to say it was around the time Bulldog was first denied by CBP or some time during/after the 2GD firing by Gabe but I can't quite pin it down.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 11/4/19 (11/5/19 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve[ MAPS ]

– Breach has been updated to the latest version from Steam Community Workshop and is now available in Scrimmage mode on official servers.

Bombsite A
– Redesigned A long
– Removed entrance walls
– Removed pit
– Added blinds to A window
– Moved globe monument slightly
– Blocked access to top of SWAT van

Bombsite B
– Replaced vents with electrical room
– Reworked cover placement
– Improved bombsite markings

– Reduced number of firing angles in mid
– Redesigned B connector
– T paths to lower and upper mid have been combined
– CTs cannot push upper mid as quickly
– Fixed unintended angles in lower mid

– Redesigned CT spawn
– Removed glass in various places
– Fixed a bug where enemies outside of B could be spotted from mid
– Replaced the wall outside of B with a chain link fence – enjoy the view!
– Improved clipping
– Fix bomb stuck spots

– Cache has been updated to the latest version from Steam Community Workshop.

-Visual improvements and visibility increases map-wide.
-Fixed FPS drops in Z caused by bad model collision mesh. (Thanks Oakz!)
-Allowed planting closer to A site fence.
-Fixed pixel-walk on A site. (Thanks ALJN!)
-Fixed bomb-stuck spot by squeaky entrance from T side.
-Allowed players to hop onto forklift without crouch-jumping.
-Fixed bomb passing through B ramp displacement. (Thanks jorba666!)
-Fixed unusual collisions for grenades at Mid Boost.
-Fixed ability to see under cover at B. (Thanks g0gerff!)
-Fixed getting stuck on ladder at Mid. (Thanks wTy_!)
-Lowered boxes in corner of A Main. (Thanks Don Haci!)
-Fixed several wallbang bugs

– Seaside is no longer available in Scrimmage mode on official servers.


– Mac10 UV map has been updated.
– Mac10 cavity map updated to fix wear pattern discrepancies.
– If you have workshop feedback please send mail to CSGOTeamFeedback [at] valvesoftware.com with [Workshop] in the subject line.

[ MISC ]

– New users will now default to Casual game mode.

Rumor has it:

- Localization file updates are viewable at https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-CSGO/commit/19c246226eb588459c5a8a055122dfb9e9e85574, which are made possible in part by contributions from [Translators Like You - Thank You](https://translation.steampowered.com/). Otherwise, what you see above is essentially what you're getting

- Size is close to 225 MB

posted about 5 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ⋅⋅ 58