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Signed Up March 6, 2024
Last Posted February 1, 2025 at 12:16 AM
Posts 30 (0.1 per day)
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#8 LFT Low Open Med / (Maybe) Soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

+rep my favorite player on cuake

posted 1 month ago
#32 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion
wooshis there anything more vindicating than deleting all of your vods and clips off of twitch

probably posting a tftv thread with 10 demos per season played linked to it, an entire season after you got banned very publicly for cheating by an independent AC team

posted 1 month ago
#27 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion
torriti only clicked on this because i thought it would be about the japanese economy

the yen usd exchange rate dropped briefly due to US tariff threats and the release of deepseek decreasing the strength of the dollar abroad. Additionally the Bank of Japan continues to hike interest rates in an attempt to control inflation, strengthening bond yields to a near 1.2% return.

posted 1 month ago
#65 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
ktaeohNot mine again btw this was made by someone else who clearly knows of your reputation

it is somewhat odd you keep posting dms between someone else and kihbae to dunk on him when that someone else specifically asked you to not do that repeatedly, leading to your earlier apology in this thread.

posted 3 months ago
#52 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
KIHBAEThe only person I am disappointed in is Tristen.
What I am upset about is how Tristen handled the ringer situation twice this season. The first time was during bagel week. Highlander Gaming (HLG) requested to ring minaaj to replace pumpkin

Tristen stated minaaj was not a 'default ringer' since ktaeoh was the default ringer as per RGL rules.

according to div admin
1) minaaj = pumpkin
2) ringers who play for 3 officials after roster lock are still default for a playoffs match
and these opinions are unboxed at or after match time invariably

But for some corrections, you denied minaaj because of skill difference between him and cyrus and because he beat yall on a ring before, latter of which is completely understandable if not default. Then the reason tristen actually approved minaaj was ktaeoh cannot be default and minaaj and cyrus are not significantly different in overall skill. (determined through an intense game of guess who, where one option was a 25% beam scout and the other was a 35% beam scout)

THOUGH I have to agree with Hami on current rules being shit around ringers and teams should just play subs, our entire team specifically was incredibly unstable as far as roster availability the entire season and that shit should not be allowed to happen again

ggs again bro had a blast playing yall

posted 3 months ago
#14 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeldare they gonna be forcibly charged the extra money to be in main too

if you check their team page they're all partial payment so looks like it
it also looks like their wr has been set to 50% as well (other teams won and lost 5 rounds each both matches)
what a mess

posted 6 months ago
#11 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeld9 teams huh.

an im team got moved up after week 1 so its 10 teams now????
their last match log in IM is horrendous but i havent heard of a forced move up mid season like this

posted 6 months ago
#295 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
well gg

posted 6 months ago
#7 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

this season could be my zesty joker arc

posted 6 months ago
#130 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
acnologia1If everything I've said is dismissible (which you spelled wrong rofl), how come no one has so easily debunked any of my claims? The pure fact that all of my responses are met with irrelevant tangents or insults means that everyone responding knows they are wrong/uninformed on the topic and can only say something that will make them feel like they contributed (oh hey, just like you haha).

You responded to me insulting your intelligence by seeming really unintelligent. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be impressed or something, but good job. And hey, if shapes and letters are so easy, why don't you take a crack at it smart guy? Oh wait, you spelled dismissible wrong haha.

we get it bro you're the king of reddit bro take my updoot bro

posted 7 months ago
#121 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
acnologia1How did you manage to do the exact same thing as bones right after I called him out on it?

may be related to the fact that everything you've posted in this thread is completely dismissable and not worth the mildest effort reading. I would rather read the back of a shampoo bottle than try and digest you whining about people thinking your cheater friend still cheats

acnologia1Hope you get your GED soon.

you type like you failed shapes and letters class in kindergarten and never recovered. reflect upon yourself

posted 7 months ago
#115 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
acnologia1Bro comes on the thread to yap about nothing and probably expects applause. Pure nonsensical babbling continues from the ironed-out brain of a delusional TF2 player. Do you feel embarrassment or are you below the IQ threshold for that?

hey bro just so u know its just u typing in here abt ur friend w the cheating ban not being a cheater just wanted u to know man have a good one

posted 7 months ago
#1 RGL S15 IM LBF: Classic Mixup vs. Six Hate Club in Events

ggs :)

posted 7 months ago
#96 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-Sanity Coordination is something made up by absolute shitters because they couldn't compete with better players so they made "Coordination" to counter them. Shitters ruin everything.

fire take im gonna engrave this on my iphone 6s

posted 7 months ago
#1 RGL S15 IM UBQF: Young Servants of the Lord vs. bruh moment in Events

putting this one up on the big screen then cracking open a boiling hot tall boy white claw

posted 8 months ago
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