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Signed Up May 31, 2013
Last Posted November 18, 2022 at 1:45 AM
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#13 etiquette of "gg" in TF2 General Discussion

saying gg first after you win is bad manners no matter what

if you win, you should only say gg in response to them saying gg

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Advanced team Lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

Hi my friends want to play 6s next season

Scout Wish/Carcin
Roamer Blank
Pocket Nyxi? <-- He'll play but he told me to add the question mark for some reason
Demo ???
Medic Hyphen

We need Demo

posted about 2 years ago
#20 Revive pugs in TF2 General Discussion

how much do you guys think would cost to pay the volunteers of RGL pugs to finish and release a public beta

I'm down to pay for it; or at least for some of it

posted about 2 years ago
#4 emily lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

she was the best HL scout last season, easy pick up for main

posted about 2 years ago
#674 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Knew the Highlander boys could do it

posted about 2 years ago
#13 The Papercuts Thread - Bring up annoyances here in Projects

Capping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it does

posted about 2 years ago
#9 LAN Questions in TF2 General Discussion

who acts most differently online versus IRL

posted about 3 years ago
#18 TF2 Toxicity in TF2 General Discussion

time to get grinding to destroy your former team

posted about 3 years ago
#3 nyxi lft adv in Recruitment (looking for team)

Our Main team isn't dead yet

Edit: I was definitely NOT coerced into saying this: Nyxi is a beast scout and an even better sniper!

posted about 3 years ago
#137 RGL S7 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
renoBecause that's the difference between a ringer and a sub. You're allowed to reject ringers if they aren't a default ringer. That's why we have the default ringer rule, to protect teams.

The only time that ringers vs subs matter is if the ringer is rostered/maining for another team

The person in this case wasn't rostered on any team this season

In HL, if my team knows we need a ringer, we literally just roster them to prevent the other team from shopping for a forfeit win. That's why you should never decline a ringer who isn't rostered -- they can just roster and you look like a fool for denying them

posted about 3 years ago
#134 RGL S7 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
arcadiawishWhy would you rather shop for a FFW than play the game looooolThis is simply not the situation.

But it is

There is absolutely no reason to deny an advanced player (with a negative record) to ring in Main regardless of what class they're playing

I don't support Hubida or this team just to be clear, he shouldn't have had a breakdown over this

posted about 3 years ago
#132 RGL S7 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Why would a team deny a ringer that would be allowed to play if they were rostered though

Why would you rather shop for a FFW than play the game loooool

posted about 3 years ago
#25 soap dm / mge repos rehosted / remaintained in Projects

I have the most recent versions of MGE and SoapDM on my server, but this has been happening for the past few months and I honestly don't know how to fix it

When you die in MGE, you get sent to the black void. I found a temporary fix of disabling soap using "sm plugins unload soap_tf2dm" but I was wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I don't want to have to give rcon to everyone who wants to use my server to MGE.

Edit: Nvm there was a config for the mge maps in my soap spawn folder oops
Edit: Nvm that didn't fix it

Are they just not compatible

posted about 3 years ago
#82 RGL S7 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
legendary chat

this could've been solved really easily if both teams just accepted ringers

posted about 3 years ago
#12 AimIsADick Post Ideas in Off Topic

https://imgur.com/gallery/ad3je vibes

posted about 3 years ago
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