Account Details
SteamID64 76561198085892953
SteamID3 [U:1:125627225]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:62813612
Country United States
Signed Up April 21, 2018
Last Posted December 28, 2024 at 9:53 PM
Posts 89 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech GPro Wirless
Keyboard HyperX Alloy Origins Core
Mousepad 6ft Gamer Pad
Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M40s
Monitor ASUS VG279QM 27”
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#4 Get Australia to Denver LAN 2025 in LAN Discussion


posted 1 month ago
#18 Fireside announces Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 in News


posted 1 month ago
#30 where r lan pics in TF2 General Discussion

hehe.....secret :3 (if u ask b4nny u will be assured they are coming soon*)

*+1 month per request +tax

posted 10 months ago
#27 where r lan pics in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not affiliated with RESUP anymore (I stepped down last week). Still, I can confirm that one person is working on sorting and editing the photos before they become available to the public. There is a Google Drive folder that exists with the photos. I've seen it and if some of you have a better memory from my previous post, I even said I'd make an imgur album about it before being politely asked by the admin team to not do that. They insisted that the photos were being worked on and would be uploaded soon after I made that post and I edited it to comply.

Bear pretty much hits the nail on the head, very few resources were allocated to getting the photos prepared and uploaded.

I mentioned in my previous post before anything was done with photos, leadership was adamant that REUSP fulfill donor obligations first. I'll give an abridged version of events that followed this decision:

The process of making sure these dues were met was pretty long due to the gap between LAN ending and staff reaching out, but after 2-3 weeks of either reaching out to donors who may have forgotten and figuring out who had working SteamTradeURL links, RESUP moved on with photos and other dues. Soon after this (and fairly recently), some other events popped up that pushed the release back of photos further.

I hope for future events, RESUP makes more considerations for quality assurance after LAN (photos, donor rewards).

tldr photos are being worked on with limited resourced but are slowly getting completed gg

posted 11 months ago
#16 where r lan pics in TF2 General Discussion

I have asked in the staff discord twice (I'm not involved with media), so hopefully, the ball gets rolling. I'm a part of the staff and I don't even know what's going on with them. The full folder of photos from the weekend exists, it's in our discord.

EDIT: Staff has spoken, and photos are mostly done. They will be released only when RESUP closes out previous obligations (donor weapon signings, etc).

posted about a year ago
#66 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

One last bump before we head into the event weekend! For those attending, we're really excited to see you, present lots of great matches and we hope those viewing from home enjoy our production!

We are still offering plenty of cool donation incentives and merch over at https://donate.resup.gg and https://shop.resup.gg

Don't miss out on submitting interview questions for the top teams with any donation of $20 or more, or joining the top teams for a cheesesteak meal with $100+ donations.

Full crowdfunding campaign can be seen on our website @ http://resup.gg/

Let's see if we can pump up the prize pool and potentially surpass last year's prize pool of $9000. We really appreciate the support!

If you have donated and would like to redeem perks, swing on over to our Discord!


posted about a year ago
#58 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

Hi everyone! We're currently approaching the home stretch for LAN!

If you plan on attending as a team and have not contacted me or b4nny, please do so! This week, we plan to work closely with those LFT to fill spots and create more teams for our event. It is best to reach out to us through Discord @ witness__ or b4nny.

If you're LFT or LFP, please check our recruiting channel in our Discord!

posted about a year ago
#56 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

The event crowdfunding campaign is now live, with all profits going towards the LAN prize pool and event costs. We have NEW merch, supporter perks/milestones and raffles for you all.

DONATE HERE: https://donate.resup.gg

MERCH!: https://shop.resup.gg


To redeem your unlocked perks, please post in #crowdfunding-redemption-2023 in our Discord and we will be in touch about fulfilling them. Thank you!

posted about a year ago
#46 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

Hello everyone!


Standard Team Entry- $360 ($60/player) - Includes assigned access to PCs for the duration of tournament matches on Saturday and Sunday. Players will need to individually purchase hours on a Localhost account for any non-tournament gameplay.

VIP Team Pass- $500 ($83.33/player) - All-inclusive weekend pass! Includes tournament entry, assigned and reserved PCs for your team starting from 12PM on Friday to 9PM on Sunday! No need to purchase additional hours, a dedicated row of 6 PCs designated with your team's name for the entire weekend!

Spectator passes will be purchasable on the registration page soon, so check back for that if you want to buy one in advance, otherwise, we welcome anyone to just buy one at the door on the day of the event.

Based on our feedback from the last RESUP event, we devised the VIP tier for teams that would like to get set up on the computers the day before the tournament to warm up and scrim, as well as to include PC access after your tournament run ends for pugs or whatever you want to do. This pass will offer the best bang for your buck for the entire weekend with no stress about needing to pay for additional PC time.

The standard team pass will be for those that just need PC access during their matches, or who don’t mind paying a la carte for any extra PC time. The standard rate for open PC usage at LocalHost is $5/hour. This time is limited to Philly ONLY.

Please keep in mind that we currently have 12 teams already forming for this event, which only leaves 4 slots remaining. Please make sure to get your teams fully paid up and registered ASAP to guarantee your spot in our event!

We plan to help LFT attendees form teams to fill the remaining slots in the coming days, so make sure to contact witness__ on Discord and join our community Discord if you have any questions regarding the event itself!

posted about a year ago
#42 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

The 2023 Team and LFT Sheet is now live!

Please shoot me a DM on Discord, witness__ if would you like to be added or removed from the LFT section.

If you would like to be added to the LFT section and love making my life easier, please include your most RECENT RGL division history/Experience. This ensures I can add you quickly!

Team reg will be live in the near future, if you have a team and plan on attending please DM me or b4nny on Discord with your full roster. Please include names and who's playing what.

I am working to get everyone who made an LFT prior to this post included, so if I miss anyone or make an error please reach out and I'll try to get it resolved ASAP.

Thank you, cu@!

posted about a year ago
#1 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

We are excited to announce the next TF2 community LAN by RESUP.GG. We’ll be returning to The Block in Philadelphia from September 30th - October 1st, 2023. Some details are still forthcoming, but we wanted to get this basic announcement out to you guys quickly so you can start planning as soon as possible!

As a heads-up, one important change to this year's event is we are limiting the number of teams to a maximum of 16. We’ve implemented this as a solution to feedback from our previous event in Philadelphia to improve the player experience by eliminating PC swapping and moving around the venue during the tournament, so once you’re seated once, you’re settled!

For RESUP, we pride ourselves on our drive for quality and supporting the greater TF2 community. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and we’ll be happy to help! Developing changes and updates will be posted on this thread, so check back every now and then to see what’s new! You can also join our official Discord to keep up to date with event news!

Some details, such as event registration are still forthcoming but will be announced soon.

Help spread the word! Likes and Retweets are appreciated!

The 2023 Team and LFT Sheet is now live!


  • Philly LAN!
  • September 30th - October 1st, 2023!
  • 16 team cap!

Register and purchase tickets here!

DONATE HERE: https://donate.resup.gg

MERCH!: https://shop.resup.gg


To redeem your unlocked perks, please post in #crowdfunding-redemption-2023 in our Discord and we will be in touch about fulfilling them. Thank you!

posted about a year ago
#30 Normal human bingo in Off Topic

Im joining my first basketball rec league since high school in November and I'm happy it's given me more motivation to get back in the gym and starting relearning about a sport I've always enjoyed playing :)

posted about 2 years ago
#137 FROYO medic in TF2 General Discussion
MarioManzofAwesomewitness for tf2 president 2024

Respectfully, no :)

posted about 2 years ago
#122 FROYO medic in TF2 General Discussion

After reading this thread up and down for about 30 minutes and bottling some thoughts knowing this log existed, I wanted to share some thoughts. If I get any concrete information wrong regarding the situation, please let me know so I can appropriately correct myself!

First and foremost, racism and transphobia is not cool. I care a lot about this community and love the game, priority number one is making sure we do our best as a community to not harbor hate. The Match Comm chat logs were disgusting, deplorable and a gross reminder that a living human specifically chose those words to cause harm.

Seeing a response like the one Hubida posted in the Match Comms really breaks my heart. This was over a ringer...in a video game? Just now getting an apology 11 months after the fact is suspect, but I'm happy he's starting to take a tiny step towards getting better.

Hubida, you're very lucky b4nny is giving you a chance as a player to prove yourself in the top of Invite and a platform as a person to demonstrate change. I don't know you very well and my limited reference for how you are as a person currently is that Match Comms page, but I currently have zero respect for you and believe you're still getting off way too easy.

You mentioned in your TwitLonger that you're working on it, which is very good! I can respect a person who is actively trying to get better and can admit fault but please don't stop here. Healing and growing is a process and shouldn't stop after 11 months. Don't stop trying to learn and improve because people aren't watching. Don't stop years later when you're not playing this game anymore.

Show the community in positive, constructive ways that you can act like an adult and demonstrate decency.
Show me and others that you're capable of empathy, understanding, and growing up.
Most importantly, show everyone that you're being sincere and serious about getting better as a person.

posted about 2 years ago
#77 TF2 LAN at Localhost Philly (June 25-26, 2022) in LAN Discussion

Hi everyone! I hope you all made it back home safe after LAN and if you were watching from home, had as much fun as we did on staff spectating the event over the course of the weekend.

Firstly, We’d like to open this post by humbly and genuinely thanking everyone who made this event happen:

- Our production crew, for grinding incredibly long hours to make a fantastic show happen.

- Our administrative staff, who worked diligently to ensure the tournament ran as smoothly as possible.

- Competitors who made the trek out to Philly and participated. Without the players, it’s hard to imagine an event even happening in the first place. From the Invite teams to the NC PUG teams, thank you all so much.

- Everyone who took time out of their day to watch live. Your support for our players and teams is a great motivator and drives us to bring you the best viewing experience possible.

- LocalHost and NerdStreet for giving us a wonderful platform and venue to operate this event. The staff was a joy to work with and very helpful in making sure any hardware issues were dealt with as best as their powers would allow.

- Every single person who went the extra mile to donate and support our project. RESUP.gg is a team that works tirelessly to elevate the game we love to higher levels. We strive to give our all to support our community and feeling the warmth of those who similarly believe in us is truthfully humbling, thank you all so much!

- Finally, we’d like to express our gratitude for our event sponsor, Marketplace.tf! Running a business is difficult enough as is, but you went the extra mile and supported RESUP.gg and the greater TF2 community anyway to enable us to make this event truly one of the most memorable ones in North America. Thank you!

Prize Payout and Final Standings
From everyone's combined support, we're happy to confirm the final prize pool total rests at $9000! Below are the final standings and prize breakdowns. Congratulations to this event's winner, froyotech!

1st. froyotech, 45%, $4050
2nd. Like a G6, 25%, $2250
3rd. Witness Gaming, 15%, $1350
4th. the gators, 6%, $540
5th/6th. hnj + Slopy Jalopies, 2.7%, $243
7th/8th. Cat Posse + Velociraptor Gang, 1.8%, $162
9th. fxdeathcult
10th. dragonwarrior12
11th. The Baddest
12th. dan the 3rd fan club
13th. thembros
14th. Bombing Balcony BLACK
15th. go raw!
16th. Top Ramen Esports
17th. AG21
18th. SheLANigans
19th. Portland Burnsiders
20th. Men2Boys

Very important to note that we need team leaders and team members to provide PayPal information ASAP. We will be working on distributing prize money, supporter perks, and raffle prizes as a top priority. Please be on the lookout for contact from RESUP.gg staff!

If you attended, played in, or spectated the LAN in Philadelphia, we’d love to hear from you! Were there things you enjoyed about the event? Disliked? Anything that could have been done better? We opened a public feedback channel in our Discord to allow people to speak their minds about our events! Please feel free to join here with a Steam/Twitch-linked Discord account to add to the already ongoing discussion!

posted about 2 years ago
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