hooliwolsneWhy practice movement in a game outside of the one you compete in? If you're just playing movement mods for the sake of it, I agree cs:s and going forward momentum mod will be the way but so many people surf/bhop/jump in tf2 to refine movement skills for competitive play.by that logic why surf at all all when you can't surf in competitive play especially since you can make tighter turns on surf servers than you can on a comp server
surfing in cs and and momentum is 90%+ transferable to tf2
This is a narrow minded view of how movement mods can/do improve in-game performance. It's not just about in air control, or how tight of turns you can take. You build muscle memory improving everything from ground movement to raw aim. You're strengthening the muscles in your arm/wrist/hand which allows for fine grain precision.
Additionally, anyone who has some amount of time in multiple games will tell you that playing cs:s, cs:go, tf2, and Gmod are all very different. Also default tickrates play a huge factor in how easy some ground based tricks are.