Account Details
SteamID64 76561198008326655
SteamID3 [U:1:48060927]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:24030463
Country Israel
Signed Up September 15, 2012
Last Posted June 25, 2017 at 6:30 AM
Posts 63 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.36
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse g400
Keyboard cmstorm trigger
Mousepad pyrrhus
Headphones jvc harx700
Monitor viewsonic xg2401
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#20 Updated Gmanghud in Customization

We need a heroooo

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Mixes? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#39 TeamFortressTV HUD (unofficial) in Customization
Lion_564BisquitHUD Updated!
- Fixed Scoreboard after Gunmettle
- Fixed Killstreak Counter
- Fixed overlapping ammo in clip/reserve
- Fixed low ammo animations to work properly
- Fixed Ready Up dialog being invisible
- Fixed Taunt Menu being invisible
- Fixed Tournament Spectator Mode
- Added menu shortcuts! (Q = Back Button, A/D = Previous/Next page on backpack)
- Removed main menu characters
- Quit Button prompts user before quiting
- Added custom crosshair support!
(To enable a custom crosshair go to 'scripts/hudlayout.res' and set the "visible" value of a crosshair to "1". If you want to disable it set it to "0".)


Im having Problems with the Ammo (The Main ammo and secondary is switched around). Could you see what the problem is?

You should check "yshud" out, it's pretty much the same thing (with main ammo and secondary in the right place)

posted about 8 years ago
#14 ysHUD in Customization
Yoshifade-It was just the bottom bar - the text for assists and kills get cut off on the sides
Okay thanks. Will fix it.

While you're on that can you add button support for team selection? (e.g. 1 - auto, 2 - spec..)

posted about 8 years ago
#122 Hud Screenshots in Customization

could you upload "Furue" please?

posted about 9 years ago
#7 ETF2L S22 High Grand Finals: top5rocket vs. Foreskings in Events


posted about 9 years ago
#33 Bounty: Mute all sounds but hitsounds in Customization
JarateKingObideetrThere's no way to tell how much damage you did with a crosshair though afaik (like the dingaling min and max do)
That sounds awesome though, like green if you do 100+, blue if you do 70-99, orange if you do like 35-69, and red if you do insignificant damage (colours may vary). Is there no way to do that through hud edits?
It's possible, but you'd need a lot of custom fonts, a lot of finetuning, and probably refracts (so dx9 only), only to run into the same problem as damage numbers (where they malfunction if you don't actually see the hit itself). And at that point you may as well just put your damage numbers below your crosshair or something.
hoolitry looking into editing tf2's soundmixer.txt

i used to use it to mute ambient sounds and fix audio going out in bball
My tf2 is having troubles so tell me if this works: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4afmukokujxnht8/sound_removal_basic_yeye.vpk?dl=1
edit: does not seem to :c
edit2: I'm retarted and it does work.

Works on a valve pub. Nice.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Monoprice 24" 144hz monitor for $160 in Hardware
adyskyI'm willing to sacrifice both of my unusuals to person that will purchase this beaut and ship it to slovakia. This is probably best deal for a 144hz yet

fyi you can get a korean monitor that allegedly does 144hz@1080p on ebay

there aren't any reviews yet, perhaps it's new, but the other korean monitors are a huge success.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 CBHUD in Customization
ColdBallsxhodzIs there a way to make numbers usable in team selection? (1 for auto, 2 for spec, etc..)
great update otherwise

Nice idea, forgot to re-add it when I was making the team selection menu. It's done

Thanks man. This is definitely my favorite hud right now.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 CBHUD in Customization
ColdBallscopied from my steam group announcement:

Update: version 1.7: Trade-ups and big overhaul

Download here!

I was already planning on releasing a big overhaul update, and because of the trade-ups, it got pushed to the front. Check out some of the stuff I changed in this imgur album

  • New main menu (you can still find the old one in the customizations folder)
  • New Class selection and Team selection menus
  • Cleaned up the loadout screen/backpack menu
  • Moved customizations to their own separate folder
  • Changed target ID to slightly flashing colors for overheal and low health
  • Changed health pickup text
  • Changed disguise status
  • Changed alternative disguise menu to default (the old one is in customizations)
  • Changed loading screen and statpanel
  • Added dropshadow to killstreak symbol
  • Updated for Contract Trade-ups

Is there a way to make numbers usable in team selection? (1 for auto, 2 for spec, etc..)
great update otherwise

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Mr.Robot in Music, Movies, TV


posted about 9 years ago
#3288 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

I like the art style. Superb music choice.

I'd love a download.

posted about 9 years ago
#72 Do froyotech care? in TF2 General Discussion
clckwrkCharles32TevsclckwrkAlkalineDavidTheWinGeknaiirim waiting for b4nny's wall of text to justify everything and then make everyone look like a jackass
Thing is, b4nny was awake and available to play even after streaming until 2am. I don't blame b4nny at all aside from not looking at a roster sooner.

Yeah, almost certainly wasn't b4nny's fault. He probably told his team, but then everyone just peaced or didn't show up. That's happened plenty of times before with Froyo (often screwing other gamers over in the process, like here), and it'll happen again. Pretty sad tbh

And don't even get me started about trying to talk to people on Froyo when writing articles. It took two months just for b4nny to accept my friend request on Steam, for gods sake.

Yeah man you hit the nail on the head. SURELY that was what happened. The only thing that's worse than sensationalized titles are people like you who pretend they know exactly what's happening. Also, here's what you want to do if you want to contact me for something regarding an interview. You send me a PM through absolutely any service available (tftv, twitch, Twitter), tell me why you're adding me, then you send me an invite. Don't send an invite to one person and then get upset when they don't accept the request. You're purposely limiting the things you can do to achieve success in order to complain about it later. Getawhale added me on steam for a similar reason, noticed I wasn't accepting (because I don't look at them), and told me to accept it on Twitch. It's actually that easy.

PRETTY SAD TBH that a post like this was even made

you forgot to mention why you didn't have the decency to wake your sorry ass up in time, kid don't focus on getting tons of friend requests

Oh, yeah, the Steam snooze option is actually just a clock linked to my sleep cycles and it tells everyone that I'm sleeping! Last night we found out very abruptly we couldn't play. We should've been more aware of what was going on as a team, but it was far too late to even contact someone like sideshow to tell him we couldn't play. The best we could've done was send a message to an offline representative, which would've given them only a few hours' notice regardless. I had family over today. I wasn't going to sit around and see if we could scrape together 3 ringers. Sorry! Call me anything you like, but finding out last night we weren't going to field the members meant I was going to dedicate 100% of the time to my family and friends instead of dangling in purgatory waiting for something to happen.

I appreciate your concern with me though, kid.


that's so fucking condescending, it's not even funny.

posted about 9 years ago
#4226 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
phazM00dydl? :o
here's a dropbox link, i put a readme for some of the smaller u might find within the hud.
make sure to install the font also, i havent learned how to make it work automatically.
the main menu also rotates 3-4 different images ive found while browsing.

edit: now that i remember some of the meters has misaligned labels, to lazy to fix that.


Why does my game look like this?
[yes I installed the fonts.]
*ignore weird crosshairs, i'm talking about the font.

edit: i'm retarded, install "MarianaFamily.ttf". [only installed everything in /resource/fonts]

posted about 9 years ago
#624 post your desktop in Off Topic
MubbyxhodzI don't like aero & ricing.wallpaper link pls?


posted about 9 years ago
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