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Signed Up January 17, 2021
Last Posted June 28, 2024 at 9:13 PM
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#15 i think i just bombed a job interview in Off Topic
okyaaaxianyaoherongwell this position in particular isnt one, its just that there's lots of them so the stuff I can actually go for is limited
Is there any way you can try some other area that is similar? Seems you've limited your options a lot.

yeah, what i specialized in during my masters can be applied to some other fields so I've been applying to that stuff too. I guess I just gotta deal with the state of the job market though. it is what it is, just have to keep trying.

posted 2 months ago
#13 i think i just bombed a job interview in Off Topic

well this position in particular isnt one, its just that there's lots of them so the stuff I can actually go for is limited

posted 2 months ago
#11 i think i just bombed a job interview in Off Topic

I am just a little worried because interviews are few to come by for me. im not a u.s. citizen but the industry im trying to get into is dominated by a lot of defense contracts and other things that have export control restrictions.

posted 2 months ago
#3 i think i just bombed a job interview in Off Topic
EnzoDBwhat did you do can you tell me so I can give you advice

i just felt like I didnt sell myself very well. after it was done I realized that I forgot to mention a few small details about my projects I mentioned that would have made them sound better. I also had some questions for the interviewer about the nature of the position and he seemed pretty eager to answer, about 40% of the interview was actually him just answering my questions and i dont know if thats good or bad. I didnt have a lot of questions, he was just very detailed with his responses.
I got a lot of "very good"s and "excellent"s but i feel like i just did not market myself well, I always say 30% less than what I plan to say when its time to speak
it is an engineering position if that matters.

posted 2 months ago
#1 i think i just bombed a job interview in Off Topic

nothing bad happened but nothing good happened either

posted 2 months ago
#52 Timeguessr in Other Games


I will not let my hard work go unnoticed.

posted 2 months ago
#43 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic
BethniczI know I'm getting down frags for this.

Got access and it was alright, didn't have the most fun cause I'm not a moba player, but if you are, you're gonna ride this games dick I'll tell you that much.

How well does it run and do you think ping would be a big deal in it?

posted 3 months ago
#77 Fav Youtuber/Youtube channel? in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#27 are there any fun games left guys? in Other Games

I started playing fortnite 3 weeks ago. I don't think it is for everyone but i am having fun.

posted 3 months ago