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Last Posted November 12, 2023 at 8:45 PM
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#10 koth_harvest edit in Map Discussion
-snownot a fan of long and narrow hallways, you've taken away the open spaces that players enjoy jumping around and fighting on in favor of cluttering the map with these. reminds me of 2fort.

most of the map is still quite open with the only main narrow hallway being added being the catwalk which is definitely a bit movement intrusive but im curious to see how it plays in practice. the only other long narrow hallway is inside the main house (which is part of stock harvest) and will probably be removed since another more direct route has been added.

a side effect of trying to remove sniper headglitching over the entire roof was that projectile classes can't jump over the roof anymore and im fine with this since it's kind of dumb being able to do one jump and seeing the entire map. i think sniper still has free real estate over the map since most of the long sightlines haven't been removed.

buudi don't know if xobile is doing this to make harvest a competitive map, but in that case the mentioned changes might've been done to make the map more like product or other 6s-played koth maps, have separation between the fight area and spawn area. though i think due to the nature of harvest's layout it will never be a map playable in 6s without completely changing what makes it harvest in the first place

the main goal was just to test changes that i thought were interesting with most things being done to:
a. make the map less sniper dominated
b. less chokey and projectile spammy
c. less flat and empty
i think i've succeeded in terms of those goals but there's still a bit i want to change (mainly spawns). after showing the changes to some people and just walking around the map myself i don't think it would work well for sixes but i think it could be a fun highlander koth map similar to warmtic.

dbkI think snow's points are true even for a casual map, a big part of why harvest is great is how much variety you get in play experience due to the varying terrain even though the map is small, the larger buildings and bridge definitely limit the possible engagements you can get into (especially as a soldier/demo/sniper)

i disagree with the varying terrain, the map is genuinely very flat and most of what ive done adds height imo. soldier and demo definitely feel a bit more restricted and im not completely sure how to address that atm. i think my changes overall give way more opportunities to other classes as before the map was just heavily sniper dominated.

posted about a year ago
#6 koth_harvest edit in Map Discussion
-snowthese changes are horrible imo

would love to hear why you think that so I can make less horrible changes in the future!

posted about a year ago
#4 koth_harvest edit in Map Discussion

new verison: koth_harvest_final_test3 12/11/23

adds a side room to the point and some other minor things

posted about a year ago
#3 koth_harvest edit in Map Discussion

lol ty, ceebs posting ss still changing things quite a bit

posted about a year ago
#1 koth_harvest edit in Map Discussion

current version: koth_harvest_final_test3 12/11/23

Original map by Sean "Heyo" Cutino

Just wanted to mess around with some ideas I had for Harvest. Reach out to me on steam or discord(daltonfish) if you have any questions or feedback. All changes are only on red side for now so this isn't currently playable.

posted about a year ago
#17 cp_proworks (rework of metalworks) in Map Discussion


V1a 4/11/22
- Shutter into last opens slightly faster
- Fixed clipping on mid boxes next to crates
- Added clip on box next to valley truck pack
- Smoothed clipping on sign outside last spawn
- Clipped off window spot on last
- Clipped off spot under sheet metal in alley
- Adjusted window frame in IT/map room
- File size halved
- Other minor fixes

posted about 2 years ago
#14 cp_proworks (rework of metalworks) in Map Discussion
Jwok i like this map a lot. here are some suggestions

your head clips through the top of these doorways when jumping/double jumping

this shutter opens kind of slow, scout hits the shutter when jumping through it

this new sightline is pretty good, maybe a window should be added so the team pushing out of last can see if there's a sniper there

some pillars down here might be cool

yea window there would definitely help, ill see what i can do about the shutters too.
pillars under bridge is an interesting idea but i feel like it would get in the way, that area down there is super flat and you can get shot from highground on every angle. I was planning on adding a jump pad like bagel here but thought it might be a bit gimmicky for the first version

there'll be a v2 out post ozf season in a few weeks and a small fix version out in a few hours

dogbhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/982923611679621181/1035048234432868392/unknown.png get rid of the maproom and do this

no idea what this means

posted about 2 years ago
#6 cp_proworks (rework of metalworks) in Map Discussion
BYS_ShadowFenixWhat’s the thought process behind connecting alley and house? I feel like the flank should be separated there

Also curious why you removed the doorway on bottom right ramp room on 2nd

1. i thought it could be used as a place for both attackers and defenders to stage pushes/counters. i tried to not make it easy to control for either side but will have to see how it plays. hopefully it makes 2nd flow better with the rest of the map.

2. only removed one of the doorways, was hoping to make a change to the ramp leading up to bridge but didn't end up making the cut for the current version (the idea was to have a jump pad like bagel). i also feel like this is much cleaner and the new doorway out of lobby should hopefully make up for it.

Jojoxobileill take any suggestions ahahaA good old mapname_pro never hurt anybody.

wasn't a fan of how gamemode_mapname_pro_version looked tbh

posted about 2 years ago
#3 cp_proworks (rework of metalworks) in Map Discussion
ZestyI firstly just want to say that I appreciate the considerable amount of effort put into using the horrendous tool that is hammer and improving the maps we're playing in this community but for the love of god can we please stop fucking portmanteauing pro- into every word in the english language this shit is getting ridiculous.

lol, fair

maybe i just went full dent head mode but i genuinely couldn't come up with a better name for months, ill take any suggestions ahaha

posted about 2 years ago
#1 cp_proworks (rework of metalworks) in Map Discussion

current version: cp_proworks_v1a 4/11/22

Original map by Ian "ScorpioUprising" Cuslidge
Skybox by Aeon "Void" Bollig

Edit of Metalworks intended for competitive play. Map is currently being run in ozfortress Sixes Season 35. If you have any other questions or want to run the map in a cup/season feel free to reach out to me on discord(xobile#9263) or steam.


Show Content
V1a 4/11/22
- Shutter into last opens slightly faster
- Fixed clipping on mid boxes next to crates
- Added clip on box next to valley truck pack
- Smoothed clipping on sign outside last spawn
- Clipped off window spot on last
- Clipped off spot under sheet metal in alley
- Adjusted window frame in IT/map room
- File size halved
- Other minor fixes

V1 25/10/22
- All changes included with the refresh’s F2 version
- Changed skybox (sky_twilight_02) to noon to improve visibility + lighting, hdr, and fog settings to match
- Forward spawn doors are larger
- Mid forward spawn shack extended outwards slightly
- Wooden ramp up to mid bridge widened
- Hid black props around map and 3d skybox
- Metal beam gap onto last widened
- Lowered wall between valley and crates on middle
- Lighting adjustments map wide
- Truck and pack in valley swapped
- Added a balcony in valley
- Area under mid point no longer extrudes up
- Added pallet up to crates on mid
- Added connector room between alley and house
- Adjusted health and ammo packs
- Removed railings on bridge from 2nd
- Removed a doorway from bottom right 2nd
- New door from lobby onto bridge opposite shutter
- Removed gap from crate to last point
- Removed wood scaffold from last under crate
- Ramp from in lobby centered
- Various other changes


posted about 2 years ago
#327 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#3 koth_proside (rework of lakeside) in Map Discussion
MongThis is cool. Lakeside is an underrated map. You made it much easier for non-explosive classes to get on high ground on both sides which is great because it allows smart rotates but koth HL is too reliant on sniper and if anything this version has buffed sniper so I would like to see some sniper nerfs like slightly covering a sightline or something.
Also maybe a night version like ashville has.

I think the other version was night version but personally I have difficulties with visibility and the original map was daytime so I thought I'd revert it. I was hoping that once it was easier for other classes to approach point it would sort of have a trickle down effect where it nerfed sniper a bit as a result. I think in the future I want to add more cover and make the outer ramp approach to point a bit more useful, that whole side area opposite pool is just dead space.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 koth_proside (rework of lakeside) in Map Discussion

current version: koth_proside_v1 05/06/22

I thought I'd have a crack at reworking some aspects of lakeside as a fun side project. Any feedback is appreciated.
Changes include the addition of a new walk way up to point, retextured blu side to help distinguish it from red and alot of the packs have been adjusted/moved or added. Map is currently being run in ozfortress Highlander Season 1. Will have it on github and write up a change-log soon™️.

If you have any other questions or want to run the map in a cup feel free to reach out to me on discord(xobile#9263) or steam.


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posted about 2 years ago
#24 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion



posted about 3 years ago
#33 If you were forced to replace one of the 5CP maps in TF2 General Discussion


would rather drop granary for badllands but not in list :(

posted about 3 years ago