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Signed Up March 11, 2022
Last Posted March 12, 2022 at 8:57 AM
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#7 Does anyone know how I can make models shadier in Customization

It's working! Ily people honestly, thanks Gazy and turbochad69 :D

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Does anyone know how I can make models shadier in Customization

Something outside of it, cuz it's not the command for this prolly even tho I also think it is the possible option :/

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Does anyone know how I can make models shadier in Customization
turbochad69I think probably the setting that would affect that would be r_worldlightmin, mastercomfig uses 999999 for very low and .0008 for low so you could try one of those

To be fair I tried both values and nothing really changed, I've tried this through out a thread that was like 4 years ago, and it doesn't seem to do anything

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Does anyone know how I can make models shadier in Customization

I've seen a thread that covered the difference between comanglia's cfg and mastercomfig's
And I wanna have my models simular to mastercomfig's without needing to redo my entire config, cuz I believe there's simple solution to this, atleast I hope so
Here's the screenshot to it: https://imgur.com/gyLKw5D
Summed up I wanna have my models look like on mastercomfig's.

posted about 3 years ago