SetsulYou're a pyro main, I'm not sure if you feel anything.
Interpolation exists for a reason and you shouldn't try to disable it completely.
Anything below 15ms, which is the tickrate, can by definition not have any packet to interpolate with.
why do you so hardly believe in theory when it comes to this. in theory you should not be able to go under 15, however this game is full of bugs and broken mechanics. just test it out yourself and you can see that client side will have cl_interp value set to 0 on 0 lerp settings. cl_interp wont be set to 0 on 15 lerp settings. tickrate cant go above 66, however tickrates higher than 66 still affect cl_interp value, since cl_interp is determinated by interp_ratio/updaterate or cl_interp itself, whichever is higher.
also sick burn bro. really made u look smart.