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Signed Up May 7, 2013
Last Posted March 11, 2025 at 6:31 AM
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#176 koth_bagel in Map Discussion
Yrri was ready to say yes but from watching the vid closely to find the issue you really did just miss those

e: to break this down
Show Content


this one just missed, nothing i could do to save you there


damage indicator a few frames later shows this actually did hit for 72, it was suuuper close to missing but i do actually give you enough leeway by having the wooden rail be non-solid


this did 80 so honestly you did enough damage to kill this medic he just outhealed it on likely 2hp, nothing i could do here to make this outcome any different


The first one hits (hitsound)
The second one has no reg (no hitsound)
Third one hits (hitsound)

Hope this helps

posted 1 week ago
#5 crazy invention disrupts the STALE META of team fo in TF2 General Discussion

RahThread: Rents edition

posted 1 month ago
#9 AimTech 2024 Smissmas Cup in TF2 General Discussion

aiming technology

posted 3 months ago
#4 DORTMUND 2024 TIER LISTS in TF2 General Discussion

A: Pepis Pizza Party, ***1/2
B: The Dogs, Duplo
C: .:[ApeX AnnihilatioN AlliancE]:., Pickup MAFIA,
D: Yappers, Bloking Hazard, ⭐Hoshi⚡️LANthing, Midnight 6s,
E: Cowmedian Harmonists_2, Astra Gang, Conflict of Interest
F: Local Issues, Necrosyrtes

Doubt teams can beat teams two tiers up but can beat teams the tier up.
Hard to guess the level of teams in D-F.

posted 4 months ago
#4 I am fed up with BaseStack and Überfest in LAN Discussion

Whilst there have been issues with regards to the initial allocation of tickets for this LAN I think the way the admins/tournament organisers/staff dealt with the second allocation was a very good solution and has led to quite a lot of high+ teams being able to attend, which is a good thing. To be fair to the organisers I don't think they realised that there would be such a high level of interest for people attending and they probably should have not allowed people to sign up without having a team sorted.

When my team was able to acquire a team ticket I asked for a refund on the two player tickets I had purchased. I think it took over a month for it to happen but I didn't really care, I wasn't paying too much attention to it.

The thing I'm left wondering is how do you "indirectly" let organisers know that you needed one ticket? They repeatedly posted on the discord to let them know if teams were missing a ticket and to get in touch ASAP, this seemed relatively simple to do and now you've tried to sort a refund.This honestly seems like bad organisation on your/your team's part. Some life advice: Admins/people in general do not tend to know what you want unless you directly tell them what you want from them.

posted 4 months ago
#264 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
Mongyak404Mongbunch of imagesMaybe if you weren't a mouthbreather this guy wouldnt be forced to correct the misinformation that you spout on the regular.Why did u say this in here when we're in voice chat?

You join a mumble I'm in whilst I'm playing games with someone else to brag about some shitty tftv post you're about to drop just for you to drop it and it actually be worse than anything I could possibly imagine.

posted 5 months ago
#262 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
Mongbunch of images

Maybe if you weren't a mouthbreather this guy wouldnt be forced to correct the misinformation that you spout on the regular.

posted 5 months ago
#1911 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion


posted 6 months ago
#18 pedophile nazi brony moron in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone playing tf2 offis at 3am is going to be all kinds of fucked up

posted 6 months ago
#5 (ETF2L) The offseason is 4 months long. Thoughts? in TF2 General Discussion

Crazy idea: we could have done online qualifiers for that lan there's drama about...

posted 9 months ago
#8 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Hardstuck middy makes shit video with shit opinions and actively misrepresents why weapons are banned. Also "the league is in decline". Like yeah buddy, that happens when you play a 17 year old game that receives no support.

This is why we don't care about low div (you) opinions, you are hardstuck mid.

posted 9 months ago
#31 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic
wtwo fragvideos have been leaked + supposedly every characters ability
notice how there's stuns lol

any guesses as to how many of valve's 300 employees are working on this

edited like a wonder fragvideo

posted 9 months ago
#4 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic

it looks like battlefield heroes

posted 9 months ago
#1 The End of Insomnia? in News

Insomnia was on a slow decline as a BYOC lan ever since they sold out to minecraft kiddies and other youtube "celebrities". They moved to a bigger venue to maximise on that aspect and forgot their core customers.

posted 9 months ago
#4 Every point tierlist in TF2 General Discussion


posted 10 months ago
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