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SteamID64 76561198026902645
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Country Libya
Signed Up September 4, 2012
Last Posted January 9, 2015 at 2:00 PM
Posts 555 (0.1 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ⋅⋅ 37
#10 New Computer Build in Hardware

Would you be able to use an i5-4570k and overclock with that build? Also, is there a disadvantage to using micro atx over atx? I'm planning on building soon, and I wanted to include a 4570k and GTX 760 while keeping things around $1,000 usd

posted about 11 years ago
#2 rank lft med high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

rank's a chill dude to hang out in mumble with. he improved a lot over the season while on the grime, and he's got a good attitude and stepped up as main caller when needed. he's also funny as shit, and is generally pleasant to be around.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Public Apology in TF2 General Discussion

since you've gone ahead and made this public, how about you fill me in on what exactly happened.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 How the n3rd was de_stroyed in TF2 General Discussion

wait guys what did he say before he edited his post

posted about 11 years ago
#15 running on little sleep in Off Topic

Drink a lot of water so you have to get up an pee often. I always study in an area in my universities library that's a little walk from the bathroom, so the walks there help to wake me up if I start to doze.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 yankee lft roamer mid/high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey guys, after taking a break this season I'm looking to play either S16 esea or the next cevo season. I was busy with school this season, but with next semester granting me much more free time I'll be able to dedicate myself to playing for the season. I played S13 with Mothers Against Roadhead (7-9) and S14 with THE GRIME (8-8). I try to play smart, and my DM is decent. Above all else I want to play with chill people who want to have fun. I'm dedicated to getting better, and would like to play with people who feel the same.

edit: got nabbed

posted about 11 years ago
#180 TeamFortress.TV ZOWIE Invitational in News

I know the iT v Mixup match is still going on, but I just wanted to give huge shoutouts to DJC and Bloodsire for the casting today. I was stoked to see that these two were casting and they've been really fun to listen to. shouts going out to slin as well for filling in those few times

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Free Hearthstone Key Giveaway! in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#60 TeamFortress.TV ZOWIE Invitational in News
Lost in Translation - clockwork, dummy, Ma3la, alfa, Tagg, blaze

well i'm stoked

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Happy Thanksgiving! in Off Topic

big shoutouts to all the turkeys who gave their lives for my appeasement today

posted about 11 years ago
#12 co op/fun multiplayer shit in Off Topic

killing floor is a great co-op game, i'm always down to hit that up

posted about 11 years ago
#108 Can someone summarize the drama? in TF2 General Discussion


Didn't see that coming

posted about 11 years ago
#71 Can someone summarize the drama? in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanI'm entitled to be treated by the same rules I'm following here.

Rules are nice, and function to serve as positive guidelines for producing quality submissions, but ultimately it's enigma's decision to do whatever the fuck he wants with his website. You called out an admin, and he responded by banning you. Your overly-dramatic banter only goes to show that you didn't really learn anything about how to compose yourself on this site from being banned.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 Can someone summarize the drama? in TF2 General Discussion
[17:45] <The301stSpartan> Is this the 3rd Reich or what
[17:46] <enigma> no it's an internet video gaming forum
[17:47] <The301stSpartan> So why is it being run by someone who behaves like hitler instead of a video gaming forum admin?

coming from a dude with a german flag on his profile, this is especially funny.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Can someone summarize the drama? in TF2 General Discussion
bassheadtrogYankeeenigma's PSA.link?

It was funny, because Mustard specifically said that everyone was "too much of a pussy" to test enigma and that he was going to be the one to bring up the june ban in public, and the thread was gone in literally less than a minute.

posted about 11 years ago
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