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Signed Up November 23, 2014
Last Posted November 27, 2014 at 12:02 AM
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#18 fix my mumble overlay = free strange machina in Hardware


posted about 10 years ago
#14 fix my mumble overlay = free strange machina in Hardware

tried reinstalling mumble
tried reinstalling tf2
tried installing older mumble versions
tried changing the dxlevel
tried disabling my graphics card/messing with it
tried changing how tf2 launches (window mode, borderless window mode, etc)
tried verifying integrity of game cache
tried everything in this thread and mr slins old thread
tried on the administrator account
and duh i launch mumble before tf2 and have the overlay enabled
probably have tried alot of other things that i cant remember

the mumble overlay doesnt show up in any games or applications, it never has, it probably never will on this computer

the strange machina is still up for grabs for whoever can get my mumble overlay working

add me on steam if you want to try and help, but ive pretty much lost interest and hope to ever seeing a mumble overlay

posted about 10 years ago
#9 fix my mumble overlay = free strange machina in Hardware

ive come to the conclusion that since im using a laptop with a nvidea 650m graphics card that mobile graphics card fucks mumble, also i dont have any razer products

posted about 10 years ago
#6 fix my mumble overlay = free strange machina in Hardware

tried -nod3d9ex
and putting it on the whitelist makes tf2 crash when i try and start it

posted about 10 years ago
#1 fix my mumble overlay = free strange machina in Hardware

My mumble overlay always crashes tf2 if i have it enabled. Mumble works fine and tf2 works fine only if the overlay is disabled, but if its enabled it makes tf2 close instantly.

heres my steam profile if that means anything:

tl;dr I will give you a strange machina if you help me get my mumble overlay working

posted about 10 years ago