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Last Posted February 1, 2025 at 8:30 PM
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#34 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion
wooshis there anything more vindicating than deleting all of your vods and clips off of twitch

Twitch auto-deletes VODs after two months unless they are saved. My clips are still available here:

posted 1 month ago
#33 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion
garmYou're going to have to explain a lot of the clips that people have posted and probably explain how you are inexplicably good for such little time/logs on some of the classes you play (scout mainly) if you want people to take you seriously.

Ignoring all the other clips in this video I don't even know how this is possible or what the explanation for something like this could be other than it being some aimbot bug.

Check this out, b4nny reviewed that 91% accuracy FAN demo and the clip you linked:

posted 1 month ago
#1 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion

Hello everyone,

I am writing this post to address cheating allegations that led to my recent ban from RGL.

My name is yen. I have over 9,000 hours, and I have been playing TF2 since 2011. I started playing comp in 2020. Since then I’ve played 3 seasons of Amateur 6s, 1 season of Intermediate, and 4 seasons of Main. I was playing in Advanced when I was banned last season.

I want to unequivocally state that I have never cheated. I have always been a legitimate player.

The following is a link to every demo that I submitted to the RGL admins, as well as every other demo I have, and a Twitch VOD from my stream:

Demos Folder

My goal in making this thread is to welcome any analysis of these demos by other players in the community.

I am asking the community to approach this situation with an open mind and a commitment to fairness. Please take the time to review the demos I’ve provided before passing judgment.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am open to questions and will do my best to address any concerns in the comments below.


posted 1 month ago