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Signed Up August 7, 2022
Last Posted January 29, 2025 at 2:20 PM
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#23 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion

What more does anyone have to give you? This is your situation. All the analyses can be read back on the original OMG thread. It is just that you pretend not to recognize them or want us to go back to show why you were cheating because your cronies just called everyone morons and did not do anything to contribute to the conversation. My analysis has yet to be addressed; feel free to go to it and makeup whatever excuses you have in your pocket to justify the playstyle of someone cheating.

This statement may not be empirical evidence to say you are cheating without a doubt, as it is just a comment about guilt by affiliation. The people who defend you are ex-cheaters and have done this same tirade with people like elijah. Who gets called out for cheating, and people genuinely concerned about being cheated out of their money and fun are approached by the fucking cheating Avengers, who do the following: call everyone morons, say that the open player knows more than people in high divs, indirectly answer questions, lie about their reputation, or say "he would never do this cause I know him" (as if that means anything), while pretending like they are "supergenius" edge lords.

You could have made a post to give a genuine apology and propose righting what you have wronged- would you have gotten flack for it? Sure, but at least you are honest at the end of the day, and people could see potentially someone willing to change even though 99% of cheaters do not, and if they do, they end up being the most insufferable players. Instead, you come here on your hands and knees, WHILE BANNED FOR CHEATING, and say, "Guys, I was not cheating." Even if you were not, the time has passed, bud. You were silent during the entire situation, and now that you were caught, now is the time you want to speak up? Get real br0.

posted 3 weeks ago
#306 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

This just shows that players with this many fucking "weird" clips, 99% of the time, are just cheaters; I am not sure why it took so long for people to understand why that's not normal for any player. Especially considering the analysis I gave when this post first came out. It also shows that people who only say, "Oh, but I have known him for a long time," have no value because they very well could have been deceived themselves, and at the same time, I'm being told by his friends that he is cheating; it's like an eye witness as evidence. Like someone who said he was an MGE lord, then MGE players have ZERO idea of who he is.

This especially goes for the people who were 100% sure he wasn't cheating, were ex-cheaters, and were also just toxic to other people who dared suspect a player could've been cheating because god forbid people want to make sure they are not being cheated out of their money. It comes from this new cancer culture in which people view themselves as "supergenius" edge lords when in reality, they're just being dickheads with zero basis for their claims.

People are stuck in the mind of not believing something because they do not want to, instead of not believing because it's not true, so instead of contributing to the conversation by looking at a person(s) gameplay and making a conclusion, they just get defensive as if they are the ones being accused, and call everyone morons. If more people stop with that mentality, the amount of cheaters that get to cheat people out of their money and cheat their teammates out of wins gets cut to near zero.

posted 4 months ago
#5 RGL S16 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

what the sigma

posted 5 months ago
#21 RainofLight has passed away in TF2 General Discussion

I am a complete loss for words; the times I've been with Rain, he was always interested in the most obscure things; he always asked questions because he wanted to know so much about the natural world around him, from even the time he and I talked about the nature and properties of sound; he was such an interesting character. It struck me harder knowing that a couple of days before this, he added me on MGE while I was playing with another friend, and I was happy to give him the game he wanted before he left this Earth. No one on the planet deserves the hate Rain got. My condolences go out to his family and friends. May God finally grant him the eternal peace he always strived to achieve.

posted 6 months ago
#26 A very serious discussion about rainoflight in TF2 General Discussion

I already reported this to acardia when Rain posted this, he said "Thanks for sending this, we will address this as we can".

posted 6 months ago
#158 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

im sure others have seen this, but thought id post it
looks very blatant to me

also i cant believe my shitpost got negative votes :(

posted 10 months ago
#147 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
Noob Down.;;;;

Lost hope after round 3 of demo requests.

He is so quirky and edgy Fuzze, will you suck his cock and pray to him?
"People lie every day" OMG HE IS MAKING ME WET
"I didn't care" HE IS SO HARD

posted 10 months ago
#124 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
scrattaokyaaascrattaIf u actually think yen is cheating based on that vid you may want to gently rub your head and check for a soft spot.
What a waste of a first post on TF.TV
This is so dumb I couldn’t resist. Nothing in the video even mildly suggests cheating. Man puts it in slow motion to show us yen missing 6 pistol shots in a row at point blank while shaking his mouse…

Have u like, read anything? No one thinks yen is cheating 24/7. The accusation is that he is toggling.

Let's do a quick definition for those who are purposely (or maybe not) ignorant.
It means that he does not constantly have cheats (albeit aimbot, walls, etc.), but at certain moments he will toggle them on, to gain an advantage [cleaning up players, winning 1v1s, desperate defense (the heavy clip for example), etc.]

I even used the word in its definition, maybe that will make it easier for people to understand what this post is actually talking about.


posted 10 months ago
#85 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

I like how the people defending yen are like "THESE GUYS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEYRE TALKING ABOUT". When their line of reasoning is that he plays MGE. No one who plays MGE plays like that, especially in the example I showed. There is 0 reason to swap targets randomly like that. Especially with the Heavy clip at the beginning; why would you switch targets like that with Heavy? You NEED to target one person to get anything valuable.

These people are like "THESE CLIPS DON'T SHOW ANYTHING, SO LET ME USE ONE CLIP AGAINST LIKE 30 TO PROVE THAT IM RIGHT", that's such a 5th-grade level of arguing.

Like what kind of a defense is "Because some people have parkinsons when they play. Some ADHD-riddled scouts on a sugar high are probably gonna have some weird aim habits. I do it occasionally as well on scout, flicking from target to target." That's such a petty and retarded way to counter everyone else's points, who ACTIVELY watched the gameplay and gave a hypothesis that makes perfect sense. I need you guys to look at my original post and point out what is WRONG about what I said. No Scout player that is smart, or human, would switch targets like that, and Scouts that do that are fucking terrible.

"you guys are braindead He is consistently missing its not like he has an unfathomable aim." Local TF2 player discovers the meaning of toggling. No one saying he is cheating 24/7, that's Sampha, but if he is cheating, he is toggling.

"The clips don't show a thing, idk what is with the original poster but there are way too many factors to think about before making such an aggressive thread like this"
99% of the replies to evidence and logical reasoning for why yen is cheating. The counterargument is "no he isn't, because of <insert the broadest reason without actually digging into anything>". Like it was lost when it was said "main players get to decide who's cheating", that matter?

"Why is the Open player smarter than all these main players on this thread"
This was said to this idiot saying, "Clips don't show a thing, idk what is with the original poster but there are way too many factors". Like what factors bro? Why don't they show a thing, can you please like, and analyze the clips, bro? Your argument is nothing, and arguing with something.

Its actually like flat earthers telling scientist the earth is flat by giving worthless reasons with no actual backing behind it.

posted 10 months ago
#21 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

This isn't concrete, but to me, it's very suspicious of toggling with yen.
Link to clip

The argument for him toggling here is:

He jumps left and brings down the 1st Soldier to ~130 HP, but then despite his Soldier bombing, he jumps back and hard flicks (looks like a lock on) to the 2nd Soldier. Then flicks right back perfectly onto the 1st soldier behind the rock.

The problem is what would you do that? You brought down the 1st soldier to 130 HP, and you know your Soldier is going to bomb, so why bait? You wouldn't.

I think what happened was, yen wanted to fight the first Soldier, but he toggled so his crosshair locked onto the 2nd soldier, then because he wanted to fight the 1st Soldier, he locked back onto him, jumps towards him, but the Soldier jumps out so he recommits on the 2nd Soldier.

It is wrong to say this is concrete evidence, but it's suspicious. There is no reason for him to do 80 dmg to a Soldier, lock onto another one perfectly, and lock back on to the original one perfectly behind the rock. A cognitive player would have continued pressuring to get the Soldier picked, made the space, and followed up for his bombing Soldier.

posted 10 months ago
#1 yesod lft main in Recruitment (looking for team)

pocket scout s14

Discord: .yesod

posted about a year ago
#7 yesod lft intermediate/main HL in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 2 years ago
#5 yesod lft intermediate/main HL in Recruitment (looking for team)
rasta_ronaldthe lft forum here is used mainly for 6s, you'll have better luck using the RGL discord lft channel

Yeah, I was told this after I originally put this out. The RGL forum was down when I posted this and is still down so I just have this up just to repost in the RGL forums or in the LFT discord.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 yesod lft intermediate/main HL in Recruitment (looking for team)

LFT Intermediate & Main Scout for Highlander. I am willing to join a team with commitment and generally chill people. I am very open to improvement. I get mentored by higher-level players frequently; I am very active so I can usually make it to every scrim/review.

posted about 2 years ago