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Signed Up July 16, 2014
Last Posted April 20, 2024 at 10:12 AM
Posts 134 (0 per day)
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#9 FPL 22/23 in Off Topic


take the Newcastle pill

posted about a year ago
#8968 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about a year ago
#2 FPL 22/23 in Off Topic

Wheres son

posted about a year ago
#17 tftv dm servers in TF2 General Discussion
SpennyStylaxCan we have more maps in the pool like the burgers do please?

Turbine, Clearcut, Gravelpit etc are actually decent for DM. EVen though Gully is in the etf2l map pool, it stinks for practicing DM due to the chokes, lack of space and spawning out of mid (and having to run through said chokes). Badlands is the same (im talking for DM only).

Can´t remember if it works well but their autobalance thing is quite interesting also.

I added a third server with some maps that the burgers have, sadly tho the server doesn't get played much. I revamped the maps on the two main servers and added voting for maps back in to get some stats about what maps people like/play most.

Here are the stats from the server if someone wants to take a look.

plz add badlands and granary (maybe gully) and remove reckoner, ignore stylax hes chatting shit

posted about a year ago
#10 street debils krunch down on Prem in News


posted about a year ago
#30 cp_subbase (5cp) in Map Discussion

I think we will only be able to draw good conclusions from last when its been played in a more serious setting tbh. The dropdown secret area is largely an afterthought really, something thats designed to just be a potential threat and not really the main one, just maybe to help with taking eyes when the attacking team is pressure cooking or something. I see what you mean by being rather different and combining two different styles of last but I dont necessarily see it as bad or needing to immediately change tbh.

As for 2nd, I wanted to make choke hard to push (making it narrow) because of the flank (big door) being comparatively easy to take (think taking heals big door on gully) and to get someone behind to potentially pincer and pressure (much like gully). I do agree there should be more geometry around choke to make fights potentially more interesting and break up play as it is very open rn.

The dimensions are pretty similar to gully for 2nd (shutter to choke is the same) I think the map seems larger than it is because of lack of textures/details etc which will be worked on in the future. With jumps on crates etc, i can fix that quite easily and make it more streamlined


posted about 2 years ago
#54 cool album covers/art in Music, Movies, TV


posted about 2 years ago
#28 cp_subbase (5cp) in Map Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#26 cp_subbase (5cp) in Map Discussion


(a21 has errors)

download: see latest version

posted about 2 years ago
#8786 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
#25 cp_subbase (5cp) in Map Discussion


screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jUTSQOg
download: see latest version

posted about 2 years ago
#23 cp_subbase (5cp) in Map Discussion

i was thinking the same for the small hp on crates. the 'sewers' area is meant to be small and easy to deny because of how open choke is tbh, and the power of the shutter behind on 'big door' or flank. essentially I dont want 3 main flanks, I want 2 with an optional dropdown type of area that is easily watched. In terms of access to highground on mid, I want to make it harder for scouts to get on highground similar to granary, where you have to choose a different rollout path to get quick highground, I want scouts to be punished from falling off highgrounds essentially.

thanks for feedback bro

posted about 2 years ago
#20 cp_subbase (5cp) in Map Discussion

ill check it out, thank you

posted about 2 years ago
#17 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

in terms of streamlining, theres lots of gray, brown and white colours which can make it feel a little bland and confusing, especially in the main fighting areas and routes which are essentially gray/white/brick coloured

the staggered ledges and roofs (especially on 2nd) form an undistinguished high-low ground (as flick said) and are way to complex imo, this also creates a huge advantage in terms of vision, because of so much accessible high ground your plays would just get seen a mile away, (think gully or process 2nd, simplistic and clear high/lowground), I would suggest perhaps making the area around the point a more substantial high ground and then removing some of the rooftop shacks and other ledges.

overall tho.. looks mint

posted about 2 years ago
#18 cp_subbase (5cp) in Map Discussion
DomoCatFaceyllenyo any screenies wtf?


posted about 2 years ago
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