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Signed Up October 23, 2014
Last Posted September 5, 2016 at 11:46 PM
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#16 EVL Gaming shuffles for upcoming season in News

As the owner of the EVL Gaming esports org, I'm excited to see how this new lineup does this season. They surpassed my expectations last season and I know they're going to do the same this season. Good luck boys!

posted about 8 years ago
#25 EVL Gaming disbands in News

EVL hasn't decided anything, just saying. If Nursey decides to join another team and asks us to sponsor the team, we'll most likely do it. It's sad to see the Invite team disband and I wish everyone the best of luck. The team has helped the esports org side of EVL Gaming quite a bit and I hope to partner with Nursey again in the near future.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 TFtv Froyotech in TF2 General Discussion

There were quite a few complications between both evlTV and TFTV, so we're not allowed to have our casts put in as events on the sidebar. We appreciate the support and we hope at some point we can patch things up with TFTV and be allowed to post events once more.

posted about 9 years ago
#53 Katie/Maqe/Uberace is really creepy. in TF2 General Discussion
lias It's kinda weird how she wanted to do all these things like be a stream camera person (it asked me to be a commentator for EVL) and how (it) started a small tournament with a decent prize pool. I wonder what (it's) true intentions really were, because it is obvious that this person wanted an identity within this community. Oh well.

They applied to be a camera person but nothing is set in stone. With all the weird shenanigans going on they'll probably not even pursue forward with this person.

(Just wanted to clarify before EVL get's made to be part of this again)

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Asipiring Producer and Camerman, Looking For Tips. in TF2 General Discussion

If you're interested in learning how to do camera work, the evlTV crew are currently in the midst of a new "recruitment" phase to get new aspiring individuals into the casting/cam scene. They work with you on a "one on one" basis to help you get things set up properly and helpful tips that watching countless videos can't offer.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 evlTV needs you and we've got a budget! in TF2 General Discussion
TwiggyI'd have applied if you guys did euro coverage too, but anyway as getawhale said it's unprecedented and is a very nice initiative!

We would love to cast games from our lovely friends from across the pond. The only current issue (that I am aware of as I type this) is that we need someone who could do camera on that side of the world, of course we'd also need some awesome casting talent too. If anyone from the EU has the ability or wants to try cam then please apply! The sooner we have an established camera person from the EU the sooner evlTV-EU can be a thing :3.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 evlTV's Response to Sigafoo and the Grand Finals in TF2 General Discussion

For those asking for evidence, the conversation Jeer and I had with Sigs happened in our Mumble. That night we were to talk to both him and Grizz about maybe coming over and casting for evlTV or some kind of partnership. Sigs told us he wouldn't cast for us due to lack of exposure and the inability to promote his brand like be could with eXtv. The whole conversation lasted a good hour or so and we had left Grizz out per Sigs request and we felt bad for not talking to Grizz sooner that evening.

This was before the evlTV X eXtv merge/partnership which happened a few days later. I apologize that the only evidence we really have was Jeer and I were part of that meeting and that's basically what happened.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Sigafoo leaving EVL TV in TF2 General Discussion
YipyapperAlso, is there much besides grizz to pair up with him that has a lot of experience? Please no turbocop :[

Turbo hasn't been affiliated with evlTV for awhile now...

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Dreamboat LFT Scout Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
DexHates getting baited

edit: and overpass


But for reals, DB is a great guy to chillax with, awesome caster for the evlTV Krew, and deserves a good team for all his bae needs.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 eXtv and evlTV collaborate on UGC coverage in TF2 General Discussion

Good shit yo.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 UGC Plat: MenaceToSociety vs. Ginyu Hoops in Events

From a viewer standpoint it's dumb to cast the same game. evlTV has made it clear they're casting this game by having a TFTV post first (since last week, mind you). Having someone else come in because they're late and try and snipe the game away from them is a huge slap in the face to the peeps behind evlTV. Casting games has always been first come first served, I don't see what makes this game any different.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Introducing newbies to competitive in TF2 General Discussion

The EVL Battle Royale's. As one of the head director's of the event, it's a great introduction for new players to be matched up with competitive players. It's a good feeling when you have former newbies thank you for putting on such an event to help get them into competitive TF2.

posted about 9 years ago
#44 Ultiduo in UGC? in TF2 General Discussion

Just curious who did you talk to in evlTV? I don't recall anyone saying we would cast an Ultiduo League, we did say tournaments but never committed to a league.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 evlTV staff singup (and new summer intro!) in TF2 General Discussion
indecencyalso being blinded by sunny D for the first few seconds of a video is not a good sign

It's cause "they can't handle the power packed taste of my Sunny D" - Yoshi

posted about 9 years ago
#9 EVLtv Caster Feedback in TF2 General Discussion
KevinIsPwnplease don't stream 1080p. nothing that you have access to will stream 1080p60fps nice enough to where it will be better than 720p60fps. unless you have some evl supercomputer that i'm unaware of.

We do ;) you should see the big ass cooler in this thing.

posted about 9 years ago
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