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Last Posted January 28, 2025 at 8:46 PM
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#47 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
Archaeologyz3us4027ArchaeologyIs nobody seeing this? The 3rd video link literally shows the accused pedophile posing with a trans flag in the background. The proof is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU LMAO.
I’m tired of pretending the overwhelming majority of tf2 players outed for pedophilia aren’t trans or in some way not cisgender. If you guys truly want to protect children coming to this game this needs to be addressed.

dude, transgender or not a pedophile is still a pedophile and all of them are gonna be treated like shit the same way no matter how you put it
im a right winged minor who extensively hangs out with both transgenders/queers and completely bigoted pariahs, and i have not ever had any serious problems towards them nor was i ever fucking groomed

like, why do you care so much that a pedophile is transgender? what were to happen for example if any non transgender person were to be a pedophile bro?? there’s no difference in the word pedophile when it comes to gender, all of them are going to be treated like shit the same way no matter how you try to put it and thats how it should be.
if u speak this from experience bro thats tough luck that you didnt have s good experience wih both people bu at the end of the day pedos are gonna be treated like shit the same even if theyre a transgender left winged extremist or a hillbilly right winged extremist
Good point but you missed my point.
In TF2, comp or casual, the majority of people outed as pedophiles are transgender. This should not be as prevalent as it is because transgender people are a very small minority in general.

even if they are bro the point is to just to watch for ANY pedo in general, not just trans ones.
you just kind off sloped the main point of the conversation that it was literally just about a pedophile and you emphasized on the fact that the pedo’s trans or whatever. it just threw everyone off the main point of this entire topic man

posted 1 month ago
#46 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
ArchaeologyIs nobody seeing this? The 3rd video link literally shows the accused pedophile posing with a trans flag in the background. The proof is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU LMAO.
I’m tired of pretending the overwhelming majority of tf2 players outed for pedophilia aren’t trans or in some way not cisgender. If you guys truly want to protect children coming to this game this needs to be addressed.

dude, transgender or not a pedophile is still a pedophile and all of them are gonna be treated like shit the same way no matter how you put it
im a right winged minor who extensively hangs out with both transgenders/queers and completely bigoted pariahs, and i have not ever had any serious problems towards them nor was i ever fucking groomed

like, why do you care so much that a pedophile is transgender? what were to happen for example if any non transgender person were to be a pedophile bro?? there’s no difference in the word pedophile when it comes to gender, all of them are going to be treated like shit the same way no matter how you try to put it and thats how it should be.
if u speak this from experience bro thats tough luck that you didnt have s good experience wih both people bu at the end of the day pedos are gonna be treated like shit the same even if theyre a transgender left winged extremist or a hillbilly right winged extremist

posted 1 month ago