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SteamID64 76561198066765674
SteamID3 [U:1:106499946]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:53249973
Country United States
Signed Up February 12, 2013
Last Posted April 30, 2016 at 3:24 PM
Posts 110 (0 per day)
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#3 z4ch's stream in Requests

bump because im ready

posted about 11 years ago
#1 z4ch's stream in Requests

im gonna be streaming everyday when i can, including pubs, mvm, pugs, scrims, and mentoring. definitely put me on the list



I'm on an open team and have been on many teams in the past.
my open team: http://play.esea.net/teams/73972

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Are you looking for a mentor? in Mentoring

Hey you. Ya you. The one with the face. So, you want a mentor do ya? Well do I have an offer for you.

My name is z4ch and I run z4ch's mentoring, a steam group dedicated to helping newbies learn competitive, and helping players become better than they were before.

"Does that mean if I already think I'm the best, and I already have a 2.0 k/d on TF2Lobby, that I can't be mentored?" Haha, little Timmy thinks he can play in the big leagues, can he? Well, I mentor all levels, so even if you think you're invite, stroll on over and maybe I can learn you a thing or two.

You're asking for qualifications? Fuck you, that's my qualification.

If you've read this far, then you're smart enough to click this link: www.steamcommunity.com/groups/z4chsmentoring

I do group mentoring as well as 1-on-1s. I'm on TF2 a lot over the day, so my schedule is flexible.

And guess what the best part about this is? You don't pay anything! Well, maybe pay me in gum, but nothing else.

Talk to these people if you see them around, and they'll vouch for my program (list is constantly being updated):

~Holla holla get dolla, z4ch

posted about 11 years ago
#1 z4ch looking for low-open as demo/roamer/med in Recruitment (looking for team)

Why hello, didn't see you there.

You're probably asking, "z4ch, what's a place like you doing in a guy like this?"

I'll tell you why, I need a team.

Not just any old team, nononononono, I'm looking for a team that will practice a lot, go over STV's, be able to have a good time AND take criticisms, and even stand my stupid jokes and personality.

"Hey z4ch, aren't you that guy that mentors people?"

Why yes, I am that guy! I run a small mentoring group called z4ch's mentoring. I spend a lot of time teaching newbies the basics of TF2, and mentoring competitive players to be better. And hey, if you're on that team, maybe you can help me mentor?

In all seriousness, here are some qualifications:
-1200+ hours in TF2
-800+ hours on demo med and solly
-800+ lobbies
-300+ total PUGs between pug.na and tf2mix
-200+ PUGs in other various PUG groups, such as PowerPugs
-4 teams spread across CEVO and UGC 6s

If you would like to message me for a tryout, you can find me at

If you or your team would like to be mentored, you can add me there, or join the group at steamcommunity.com/groups/z4chsmentoring.

Thank you and have a fantastic day.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 All-around player looking for a low/mid team in Recruitment (looking for team)

my name is z4ch and ive been playing and watching competitive t2 for almost 3 years now. i've been on multiple teams with a lot of practice on demo, med, and roamer. i know a lot about the game and strategy of it.
I am on almost everyday and mostly play lobbies and pugs. my schedule is flexible
for more info, just send me a friend request at http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066765674/.
i am also willing to mentor and help a lower level team if they are having trouble with competitive.

posted about 12 years ago
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