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Last Posted March 4, 2025 at 1:24 PM
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#17 what do you think about ai? in Off Topic
springrollszxpAI makes data science so much easier and more accessible. It's what google/stackexchange was on steroids, and I think education as a whole needs to be rethunk. It's capable at carrying you through an entire undergraduate in any math heavy field (possibly also others, but I can't tell).
Missed this post somehow, but disagree here, at least for the statistics half/portion of data science. There's so much shit statistics advice out there that it's trained on, and I see this a lot as a TA, but if you don't already have a good understanding of the subject it's very easy for the AI to gaslight you into thinking something is true when it's not.

Here's an example:


This probably seems reasonable at first glance but this is just incorrect.

That being said models will always improve (wouldn't be surprised if the better AI's can get this right) but when you're first learning things it can be pretty misleading.

I agree that there is a lot of poor input data, however this is not really a counter-argument. Instead of getting a 10/10 score with AI you will get an 8/10 maybe. In fact, our faculty recently tested the performance of AI on a few of our exams, and the grade hovered around 9.0 (out of a 0-10 grading scale). At worst you can compare it to incorrect information you read in an article, stackexchange, lecture notes, or a book - if you don't understand the reasoning you would fail in all these cases as well.

The only topics it completely fails on in my experience are specialized topics which typically appear in your graduate courses and your PhD research.

wiitabix69420as a maths phd student i hover between "ai is useless for research level maths and anyone saying otherwise is buying into hype or clueless" and "i am terrified ai is going to replace my job in the future". i guess (hope) the real answer is it will end up as a useful assistant like it has become for programming but i dont think anyone is sure.

The real answer so far seems to lean toward the latter as far as I see. Springrolls makes a good argument above, that the end-user should still be capable of interpreting and understanding the outcome.

To me, this is no different from how data science has been in recent years. Writing bespoke code/analyses is quite easy with the resources available (even before LLMs), but interpreting these results correctly requires someone that is well-versed in statistics and the underlying (business) processes which generate the data. It only makes the end-user more efficient.

posted 1 week ago
#7 what do you think about ai? in Off Topic

AI makes data science so much easier and more accessible. It's what google/stackexchange was on steroids, and I think education as a whole needs to be rethunk. It's capable at carrying you through an entire undergraduate in any math heavy field (possibly also others, but I can't tell).

posted 1 week ago
#20 a call for tf2 storytellers in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe someone could do a video on Kaidus, how he went from a small chicken farmer to the best demo in EU for some time.

posted 2 months ago
#26 im really f*cking happy in Off Topic

Congrats! Whats next?

posted 3 months ago
#6 what is the best scout clip of all time in TF2 General Discussion

sorex 6k


posted 3 months ago
#42 May I ask talk about the current pandemic? in World Events

I think you're making the fundamental mistake of assuming you not being given a platform to express your opinion is the same as you being silenced.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 The Top 10 Fragmovies of All Time in Videos
mustardoverlorddon't agree with the entire list but I definitely agree with #1

it's a sad fact that the best frags are found in simple frag+music compilations by guys like botmode or elacour or redcoatzygote or whoever, whereas the best editing was found in older videos where the frags look less impressive but beast editors like subtitled, decap, bones, bonez, cube, and cla were still around

Personally I prefer the simple frag shows. The overeditted stuff comes across as a little too edgy most of the time.

posted about 3 years ago
#134 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion
You have to pay for the flight there (at this point in time, it's probably at least $1000 from the closest places in NA, hundreds more as you go west), the hotel, the transportation, the food, and lastly, the drinks, who almost everyone will partake in, as you don't just go halfway across the world to not socialize and have fun. If you have all the money settled, and you actually want to attend, you have to take off of work that Monday and likely Thursday/Friday, maybe even Wednesday if you decide you don't want to spend only 3 days at a tournament where you'll be playing for almost 2 entire days. In reality, for those who work regular schedules, you're losing even more money than simply the amount of the flights, travel, and LAN.

I really enjoyed going the first couple of times (the second time only because I met everyone I hadn't met the first time), but any amount more and it becomes kind of tiring. You dread the travel, you dread playing day 1 from like 9 am to midnight the next day on jetlag and minimal sleep, you dread the loss of money. It's not like it's some kind of fucking conspiracy that no one wants to go, as if you're all better people who would die for a chance to go to LAN and you're disappointed that everyone on froyo is missing this deal of a lifetime. Yeah, no shit, it would be your first time there, you're thinking entirely hypothetically, and you have no idea what the process actually entails. Once you've experienced everything, it can become not only overwhelming, but you can easily think of more reasons to not attend than to attend. And as banny says, if one person doesn't want to go, it becomes a domino effect. One person not wanting to go makes the next person, who thinks his presence invaluable, uninterested in attending. If you're going to spend money out of pocket to miss days of work and attend a LAN in Europe, you're going to want to do it correctly, with a real roster.
I don't agree with the idea that b4nny is a LAN dodger though - Given clockwork's insight on attending European TF2 LANs in his time it's pretty understandable as to why b4nny wouldn't want to travel to Europe again to play at insomnia, for instance.

What's the point of going to LAN in another continent for a second place in the best scenario.

Also where did b4nny really complain about the shittalking?

posted about 3 years ago
#14 How does Jayhyunpae compare to other top pockets ? in TF2 General Discussion
alfaflyingbuddy He literally created a new way to play soldier with an unlock all of us thought was dogshit, so the only comparison of old ages I think would be platinum, so I think Jay/Plat/Lansky are like the same top level pocket.

Market gardener?

posted about 3 years ago
#6 if you dont like ducks you are dumb and lame in Off Topic

hell yea


posted about 3 years ago
#23 satan has fully emerged in TF2 General Discussion

I enjoyed this.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 MikeyA? in TF2 General Discussion

it appears i have been baited

posted about 3 years ago
#1 MikeyA? in TF2 General Discussion

join my mid team?

posted about 3 years ago
#997 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

6s is an acquired taste and if it would be my first introduction to tf2 I would've quit after 30 minutes. At its core my first 1000 hours were just enjoying the chaos in pubs, and once that got boring and I was somewhat familiar with in-game mechanics I felt like 6s was a nice way to continue because it adds a lot more depth to the game.

posted about 3 years ago
#34 How would you buff the spy? in TF2 General Discussion

Make spy 30 cm.

posted about 3 years ago
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