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#68 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordI think anticheat admin should be a paid position, if it's logistically possible. It's too important for it not to be.

Also, this might be messed up to say, but I do think a degree of triage where the higher div complaints get examined first might be worthwhile, because it's a really bad representation for the game as a whole when people get caught cheating at a level where games are casted or discussed frequently on this forum

Just wanted to comment on the second part, but considering RGL has always been big on its "image" the impact of cheaters especially in playoffs can't be understated. I've had pubbers/people who don't play comp still to this day reference highlander as full of cheaters because of that one season 8 years ago now where the first place sniper in plat/gold/silver all got vac'd, and I think it's gotten to the point where the rumor has spread from "highlander is full of cheaters" to "comp is full of cheaters" in general. Especially a bad look with the whole bot shit going on rn.

wonderoflIf a clip is shown of someone cheating, that is evidence of cheating. If it is a clip that a good Samaritan has found himself, and it is clear that the person in the clip was blatantly cheating, then it shouldn't take longer than a day for the cheater to be banned by RGL. All of the cheaters that I've mentioned have yet to be banned despite having been reported and how well-known it is that they blatantly cheated over half a year ago.

Man if safrix is cheating and still the worst player on his team we need a harsher punishment than banned from rgl, perhaps the brazen bull ICANT

posted 2 months ago
#141 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

mfs really cutting players for playoffs when u have a cheating player can't make this shit up

posted 2 months ago
#10 bo5 w/ map advantage in TF2 General Discussion

I know ur ass was sweating for a second there

posted 2 months ago
#59 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
DivineATPretty sure RGL does cheating mirror bans from other leagues.
case closed(?)

They didn't mirror alfa's cheating ban when he was banned from UGC, so I'm not sure exactly how it works.

posted 2 months ago
#2 more.tf x Fireside Casts Highlander Charity Cup in TF2 General Discussion

Crazy that 2017 was 7 years ago, thanks everybody for running this. miggy was a true homie.

posted 2 months ago
tobiashow is anyone other than yogrrt allowed to make a decision on how an invite team should be punished

All the invite level admins are also rostered on other playoff teams (yogrrt/exa) so they have conflict of interest. In an ideal world you have an invite level admin who is not rostered to avoid shit like this but the # of invite players who simultaneously have the time/desire to be an admin but not to play the game is probably 0 lol.

posted 2 months ago
#6 hypothetical in TF2 General Discussion

ruwin don't talk about women

posted 2 months ago

alright guys see ya'll again in like 2 weeks

posted 2 months ago
leifThe week of the match, gG; (our engi) contracted Dengue fever (he lives in Brazil)

Fate worse than death (living in Brazil).

But man this is penalizing MAL for sharting to froyo but 100x worse cause removing 2nd seed from playoffs (with relatively new players to boot) is absolute insanity.

The only invite level admins that I'm aware of are exa and yoggrt who I imagine have recused themselves from this decision because they have conflict of interest (or at least I desperately hope so), so you just know that another IM level player did this.

BTW no demos or STV is public so not sure how this was even assessed... the cast ...?

posted 2 months ago
#3 Did tf2 ever get you into trouble in TF2 General Discussion

In high school I forgot I had my gf added on steam and I missed her calls while playing tf2

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no regrets tho
posted 2 months ago
#10 Most influential/pioneering TF2 player in TF2 General Discussion

ruwin in HL first showed the benefit of just tanking heals on the scout class, I think also in 6s as well but I'm less confident on that front

posted 2 months ago
#4 Technological Achievements in the TF2 Community in TF2 General Discussion

FLOOR_MASTER the goat made tf2lobby (as in brimstone's link) and also was a part of the ancient TEAM ROOMBA griefing videos, what a goat.

posted 2 months ago
#88 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
throneRGL listened to their playerbase and made a mid-season change for the better? what is it, opposite day?!?

Ideally the initial decision wouldn't need to be modified because it's correct from the get go, but admins are only human and yeah this 100% beats early era where the admin in charge would only double down on bad decisions because of their ego

excited for playoffs

posted 2 months ago
#80 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I like how the 4th and 5th seed have 4-3 and 3-4 records respectively (5th seed actually has higher RW% at 57.57% vs 50%) but 4th seed can top out as 1st overall and 5th can only go down in placement. Oh and 5th has no chance at money.

Very good system imo!

posted 2 months ago
#78 No Hats Mod + HeadsFeet, 2020+ Edition in Customization
HomosapienHere's not one but two crown-wearing demomen (what are the odds?) on Harvest. The previous screenshot was indeed on Steel, as you noticed.
I don't run any other client side mods, just the latest headsfeet build.


Truly weird...I'll look at it more then.

posted 2 months ago
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