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Signed Up July 28, 2014
Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 4:37 PM
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#76 No Hats Mod + HeadsFeet, 2020+ Edition in Customization
Rockzif the hat is part of the map, it gets loaded in anyways. iirc this was happening on gullywash with tyrant's helm

That's what I thought it was but at least in an offline steel server I still couldn't replicate it, maybe that's just something funny with local servers though.

posted 2 months ago
#74 No Hats Mod + HeadsFeet, 2020+ Edition in Customization
HomosapienLooks like one got through. 'Prince Tavish's Crown', which is just a hat and not a head replacement, was visible to me with the latest build.


This is really weird, at least using itemtest it seems to be working fine for me (I don't have the hat). It's also in the vpk since it's an old hat and I haven't touched that stuff for a while. Wiki doesn't seem to suggest it's been updated recently either. Can you replicate this on different map/custom folder with only headsfeet included?

posted 3 months ago
#5 smoothie thread in Off Topic

for my fellow genetically inferior (i.e. allergic to nuts) individuals sunbutter is a good alternative to peanut butter

If you're bulking i've found seeds (that you don't need to shell) and oats are pretty ez calories, but quickly you can kinda enter despair territory. In moderation though it's like adding kale/spinach in that it doesn't affect the taste much. However it does affect the texture, good or bad depending on your personal preference.

posted 3 months ago
#72 No Hats Mod + HeadsFeet, 2020+ Edition in Customization

Link to headsfeet DL:

Updated for smissmass 2023.

Show Content
Added Masked Loyalty and Slumber Slacks to headsfeet list
posted 3 months ago
#8 high quality ear phones (not headphones)? in Hardware
lootVE Monk

I had the ve monk+ and it was too big for my ears personally, but for me the ve monk lite was pretty nice (very bass light though). And absurdly cheap iirc, kinda of ridiculous what you can do with like $5 buds.

posted 3 months ago
#2 rahThread: Perspectives on death in TF2 General Discussion

just a coincidence this was posted on valentine's right

posted 3 months ago
#3 Old-Head looking to get back into it in Recruitment (looking for team)
fygDrama alert nation survivor

started from the bottom now we here (still at the bottom)

kia was chill when we played, should give him a shot

posted 3 months ago
#6 RGL 6S SEASON SUMMARY!!! | more.tf in Projects
MoritoThanks to Treemonkey, we can now tell apart official matches, scrims, and pugs.

Ngl that alone seems kinda crazy lol.

Very cool site, seemed like a ton of work.

posted 3 months ago
#71 No Hats Mod + HeadsFeet, 2020+ Edition in Customization
HomosapienThe latest build seems great, I have not seen any missing heads or feet the past months.
Any chance we could get an update to include all the 2023 Smissmas stuff?

Honestly totally forgot that there was a Smissmas update lol. I will not be at my PC for a little bit but can probably update in a week.

posted 3 months ago
#6 RGL 6s Season 14 - Invite Qualifiers in TF2 General Discussion
MothershipHere are the default dates for Qualifiers:
  • Wednesday, January 24th, 9:30 PM EST
  • Wednesday, January 24th, 10:30 PM EST
  • Thursday, January 25th 10:30 PM EST

All Qualifier matches MUST be completed by Saturday, January 25th @11:59 PM EST.

God I hope the typo here is that the January 25th part is wrong and not the Saturday part.

But yeah releasing the article the same day as the scheduling deadline is seriously ridiculous with no prior warning.

posted 4 months ago
#62 funniest tf2 dramas? in TF2 General Discussion
SwedenRuwin calling a chick fat

don't forget that that the alt was named "harbleu HIV positive"

posted 5 months ago
#174 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickAlso, everyones biased to an extent, my dude (me included). humans are not soulless beings; we have emotions from our primitive days. However I've backed up most of my claims with sources starting from early in the thread.

Also, the entire grammar and letters of Esperanto can be read in just 1 (yes, 1) page: https://www.akademio-de-esperanto.org/fundamento/gramatiko_angla.html . so I'm founded on actual evidence in this regard (and not just using clickbait scumbag tactics like, hyping up chinese to be easy focusing on the grammar, only for the beginner to get crushed down by ideograms.

I think I wasn't clear, I meant moreso that you can't really use (functional) illiteracy rates of Esperanto as evidence of the ease of the language because of confounding factors. Also, practically speaking, if you define functional illiteracy as when an individual lacks the literacy level to interact with their immediate environment Esperanto is practically automatically exempt given its nature (given that Esperanto is usually learned because it serves as a bridge for ppl across the world, how many places in the world do you truly rely on it as your sole means of communication/interaction). The confounding is in the form of socioeconomic status, as was mentioned that drives functional illiteracy and I'd be very surprised if most people who have the desire or time to learn a conlang are at least well off "enough". Previous point more or less applies to all conlangs, although I doubt anybody is teaching Klingon to poor kids.

I agree that Esperanto on its own merits is very "easy" or "simple".

posted 5 months ago
#170 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickIn Esperanto, functional illiteracy is unheard of, because of the easiness of our language.

I have not really read the rest of this thread (given its length) but I would like to comment that I would be very very surprised if this wasn't largely or entirey driven by selection bias/confounding.

Also would like to comment that if you can prove or show evidence that simplicity/consistency/regularity of syntactic structure of a particular language leads to differences in processing speed compared to a language that is more "complex" (in the sense of syntactic structure, irregularities in morphology/conjugation that type of stuff, ambiguities in semantics), to quote my undergrad advisor, "I will give you a PhD". To my knowledge that is not a settled point. Not sure if there will ever be a study on that tbh, seems extremely difficult to set up that sort of experiment in a good way (want native bilingual speakers of a "simple" and "complex" language, doubt there's that many of those out there and linguistics depts are struggling for funding as is). If only "wild child" experiments weren't looked down by IRB, would love to see if my woodland child could flex esperanto twice as fast as english.

posted 5 months ago
#7 rahThread: Advice on Sleepmaxing in Off Topic
brodyhonk mimimimi

inferior virgin hoooonk mimimier's vs. superior chad honk shoo honk shoo honk shoo's

posted 5 months ago
#3 refugee lfp adv in Recruitment (looking for players)

earl big chilla

monkey got that dog in him

posted 5 months ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 45