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Drama Thread - Kritzkast
0 Frags +

Alright lads, i'm not a person that tends to make threads unless it's a bit of a laugh now and again and rarely am involved with tf2 nowadays other than chiming in on issues.

Recently, i criticised kritzkast for running sub only vods, which is a valid criticism whether you agree with it or not that's fine.
Joining into the lockdown throwdown stream i was surprised that i was banned. last time i was on the channel which if i recall the last time i typed was "karppi gamer."

20:44plunk: new season with new extine sauce? match made in heaven for burgers
20:44plunk: in my mind hes casting
20:27plunk: karppi gamer
17:40kritzkast banned plunk.

i posted this here during the time i was talking to mods and such.


i was later contacted to speak to agro personally which i messaged him directly asking why i was banned and received no response. which can be shown here


i decided to follow up and ask him personally ask him again to see why i was banned but it turns out i have been blocked.


so i joined the kritzkast discord to ask publicly as a last line of contact which seems reasonable as i've still TRULY not had a reason why i was banned other than "trolling" which is right as i haven't really trolled or could have as i haven't been truly active on posting or anything so i post this:


which to me seems reasonable as a last ditch effort to try and find a reason but subsequently i was banned.

during all of this i found out the reason i was banned after being banned from the discord. not through mods or agro himself but through the grapevine. i found i was banned for the thread issue which is confirmed through various people which begs the question? why the double standard? others have criticised the vod only demand stuff but im banned whilst others such as toemas or gaz (apologies for naming you here) are not to my knowledge. agro has painted a picture of me disrupting events and going out my way to make life harder for others which is not true. Yes, i am at fault for some stuff such as being late or my internet dying during previous casts or some stupid shit ive did on stream at LAN. but i actively do NOT make the lives of producers, casters or anyone else for that matter hell by disrupting their process. Ill quote agro on that.

agrotroll and distruperagroRather than focusing on the event itself he chose to bring up the point of subs only getting access to the vods. This is a thing that has already been brought up and has been reason out. He "lost" that argument.

considering this is the first time i've brought it and the first time the VOD subscription thing came up i stayed silent until the lockdown thread seems like agros memory has failed him here is the only post i made in that first KK vod fiasco.

agro is a childish person who bans people who disagree with him and also thinks im a disruptive person to the community so much to ban me from their discord and channel and block my alias in chat also won't speak to me personally because he is also a manchild.

peace lads

Alright lads, i'm not a person that tends to make threads unless it's a bit of a laugh now and again and rarely am involved with tf2 nowadays other than chiming in on issues.

Recently, i criticised kritzkast for running sub only vods, which is a valid criticism whether you agree with it or not that's fine.
Joining into the lockdown throwdown stream i was surprised that i was banned. last time i was on the channel which if i recall the last time i typed was "karppi gamer."

[code]20:44plunk: new season with new extine sauce? match made in heaven for burgers
20:44plunk: in my mind hes casting
20:27plunk: karppi gamer
17:40kritzkast banned plunk.[/code]

i posted this [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/post/1010033/lockdown-throwdown-round-2-announced]here[/url] during the time i was talking to mods and such.

i was later contacted to speak to agro personally which i messaged him directly asking why i was banned and received no response. which can be shown here [img]https://i.imgur.com/8TEOnFP.png[/img]

i decided to follow up and ask him personally ask him again to see why i was banned but it turns out i have been blocked. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/370314038174941184/755375210823155753/image0.png[/img]

so i joined the kritzkast discord to ask publicly as a last line of contact which seems reasonable as i've still TRULY not had a reason why i was banned other than "trolling" which is right as i haven't really trolled or could have as i haven't been truly active on posting or anything so i post this: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/370314038174941184/755377531242414081/unknown.png[/img]
which to me seems reasonable as a last ditch effort to try and find a reason but subsequently i was banned.

during all of this i found out the reason i was banned after being banned from the discord. not through mods or agro himself but through the grapevine. i found i was banned for the thread issue which is confirmed through various people which begs the question? why the double standard? others have criticised the vod only demand stuff but im banned whilst others such as toemas or gaz (apologies for naming you here) are not to my knowledge. agro has painted a picture of me disrupting events and going out my way to make life harder for others which is not true. Yes, i am at fault for some stuff such as being late or my internet dying during previous casts or some stupid shit ive did on stream at LAN. but i actively do NOT make the lives of producers, casters or anyone else for that matter hell by disrupting their process. Ill quote agro on that.
[quote=agro]troll and distruper[/quote]
[quote=agro]Rather than focusing on the event itself he chose to bring up the point of subs only getting access to the vods. This is a thing that has already been brought up and has been reason out. He "lost" that argument. [/quote]
considering this is the first time i've brought it and the first time the VOD subscription thing came up i stayed silent until the lockdown thread seems like agros memory has failed him [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/55248/kritzkast-make-their-vods-subscriber-only#12]here is the only post i made in that first KK vod fiasco[/url].

agro is a childish person who bans people who disagree with him and also thinks im a disruptive person to the community so much to ban me from their discord and channel and block my alias in chat also won't speak to me personally because he is also a manchild.

peace lads
59 Frags +

snowflake chat mods

snowflake chat mods
77 Frags +


25 Frags +

i'm spamming f5 as we speak

i'm spamming f5 as we speak
-17 Frags +

just banter

just banter
15 Frags +

also i wrote this in between classes excuse the bad spelling and grammar

also i wrote this in between classes excuse the bad spelling and grammar
94 Frags +

sry my bad

sry my bad
16 Frags +

They unbañed me, based mods

They unbañed me, based mods
13 Frags +


117 Frags +

imagine trying to hide the reason for banning a person that has been VOLUNTEERING to cast and produce several seasons and LANs because even you know the reasoning is childish and trash.
And I'll say it too. Pay-walling VODs in a community ran league/cup/org is just scummy. Ban me too.

imagine trying to hide the reason for banning a person that has been VOLUNTEERING to cast and produce several seasons and LANs because even you know the reasoning is childish and trash.
And I'll say it too. Pay-walling VODs in a community ran league/cup/org is just scummy. Ban me too.
28 Frags +


-32 Frags +

Honestly, this may be controversial but i don't mind at all paying for vod on twitch.

I mean, these people give hell of their time to prepare this event with splash art, planning, producers, observers, casters ect... And personaly i don't mind giving money for hard work, like 4 euros is basically nothing to watch all of their vods if you really want to see them right after the event, because also they still upload them on youtube ( okay they might be a bit long to upload them but yeah... that's an issue indeed.)

Things i don't like with this are :

-1rst What they did, due to obs errors, wasn't really professional, their planning aswell didn't even consider well a bo3 with golden caps. Errors happen, but if you want to monetize your work, make sure it's done well.

-2nd, i take for example the french team, which i merced for the 3rd place match :
They did carry the whole show on kritzkast from 3 to 9 am, and still they should pay for watching the show they produced ?? giving an access to the players running the show should always be a thing to consider when running tournaments. It's kinda like not paying the artists for a music festival, that's lame.

Other than that, i don't know Agro personaly, so i won't go into details in that regards. But what i know for sure, is that giving a bit of love and money to all the producing and casting crew, that i don't mind. Please Grumpy and Eepily be my valentines i beg you two <3

Also yeah shoutouts to the all the kritzcast organisation, was hell of a fun to watch and (comicaly and badly) play.

Please just consider a timer of when the next game is happening, showed on stream, so we know the moment we have to get back to see the caster analysis before the game !

Honestly, this may be controversial but i don't mind at all paying for vod on twitch.

I mean, these people give hell of their time to prepare this event with splash art, planning, producers, observers, casters ect... And personaly i don't mind giving money for hard work, like 4 euros is basically nothing to watch all of their vods if you really want to see them right after the event, because also they still upload them on youtube ( okay they might be a bit long to upload them but yeah... that's an issue indeed.)

Things i don't like with this are :

-1rst What they did, due to obs errors, wasn't really professional, their planning aswell didn't even consider well a bo3 with golden caps. Errors happen, but if you want to monetize your work, make sure it's done well.

-2nd, i take for example the french team, which i merced for the 3rd place match :
They did carry the whole show on kritzkast from 3 to 9 am, and still they should pay for watching the show they produced ?? giving an access to the players running the show should always be a thing to consider when running tournaments. It's kinda like not paying the artists for a music festival, that's lame.

Other than that, i don't know Agro personaly, so i won't go into details in that regards. But what i know for sure, is that giving a bit of love and money to all the producing and casting crew, that i don't mind. Please Grumpy and Eepily be my valentines i beg you two <3

Also yeah shoutouts to the all the kritzcast organisation, was hell of a fun to watch and (comicaly and badly) play.

Please just consider a timer of when the next game is happening, showed on stream, so we know the moment we have to get back to see the caster analysis before the game !
-50 Frags +

this thread boils down to $5

this thread boils down to $5
-55 Frags +

So brave of you to speak out AdySky. Ban Me Too.

also crying about a 3€ pay wall LMFAO

So brave of you to speak out AdySky. Ban Me Too.

also crying about a 3€ pay wall LMFAO
23 Frags +

just banned u from tftv chat

just banned u from tftv chat
43 Frags +

I just hope to have no interesting tournament cast on Krizkast in the future, that's all

I just hope to have no interesting tournament cast on Krizkast in the future, that's all
0 Frags +

internet janitors...

internet janitors...
33 Frags +

Paying to play TF2 is one thing. League play, tournaments, understandable
Who in their right fucking mind would pay to WATCH TF2?

Paying to play TF2 is one thing. League play, tournaments, understandable
Who in their right fucking mind would pay to WATCH TF2?
13 Frags +

Who here has a list of things you plan on watching? And who here has actually ever started watching the things on that list, because I sure never have

I doubt I'd ever watch the vod of a match, but I can see why some people would. If they had to pay first, even if it's only a few euros, I'd expect it would deter them from subbing and watching the vod. If I'd ever sub to a channel, it's to support the content creators and artists, not because I want to watch the vods (unless it's a titty streamer ofc).

Who here has a list of things you plan on watching? And who here has actually ever started watching the things on that list, because I sure never have

I doubt I'd ever watch the vod of a match, but I can see why some people would. If they had to pay first, even if it's only a few euros, I'd expect it would deter them from subbing and watching the vod. If I'd ever sub to a channel, it's to support the content creators and artists, not because I want to watch the vods (unless it's a titty streamer ofc).
-82 Frags +

Driving between my mum's place and mine right now so can't really say much. Don't worry in parked in a service station.
I'll get the rest of that copy pasta quote for you because it stopped before the end.

egenerally he's a troll and disrupter. However what pushed him off the edge was the announce thread on teamfortress.tv. Rather than focusing on teh event itself he chose to bring up the point of subs-only getting access to the vods. This is a thing that has already been brought up in the forums and has been reasoned out. He "lost" that argument previously (in as much as anyone ever wins an argument on the internet) so instead seems hell bent to bring it up every other blog post that mentions KritzKast instead. Do so in this instance derailed the hype train a little and lost us some momentum. Anticipating more trollish behaviour during the stream I elected to pre-emptively ban him from chat. Not wanting to allow for the "Free wiz" "Free plunk" kinda shit that could also fill chat I added his name to the black list. Same as we've done for hackers in the past.

On the whole I was just waiting for you to make this thread, here in these forums. Well not this thread. I was hoping you would man up, make a thread where you said you fucked up and you were sorry and then I could unban you and we could go get a beer after this (covid) was all over. Yes, I understand that you are opposed to our "paywall" on VODs. The announcement thread want the place to push that issue. I'm happy to necropost that thread if you want and we can talk it out again but please don't bomb/tank all posts whenever you see our name in them.

Driving between my mum's place and mine right now so can't really say much. Don't worry in parked in a service station.
I'll get the rest of that copy pasta quote for you because it stopped before the end.

[i]egenerally he's a troll and disrupter. However what pushed him off the edge was the announce thread on teamfortress.tv. Rather than focusing on teh event itself he chose to bring up the point of subs-only getting access to the vods. This is a thing that has already been brought up in the forums and has been reasoned out. He "lost" that argument previously (in as much as anyone ever wins an argument on the internet) so instead seems hell bent to bring it up every other blog post that mentions KritzKast instead. Do so in this instance derailed the hype train a little and lost us some momentum. Anticipating more trollish behaviour during the stream I elected to pre-emptively ban him from chat. Not wanting to allow for the "Free wiz" "Free plunk" kinda shit that could also fill chat I added his name to the black list. Same as we've done for hackers in the past.[/i]

On the whole I was just waiting for you to make this thread, here in these forums. Well not this thread. I was hoping you would man up, make a thread where you said you fucked up and you were sorry and then I could unban you and we could go get a beer after this (covid) was all over. Yes, I understand that you are opposed to our "paywall" on VODs. The announcement thread want the place to push that issue. I'm happy to necropost that thread if you want and we can talk it out again but please don't bomb/tank all posts whenever you see our name in them.
17 Frags +

I don't even think plunk is even talking about the sub in this thread, hes talking about the ridiculous ban and how agro is tryna hide why he was banned, so all that you said is irrelevant


I don't even think plunk is even talking about the sub in this thread, hes talking about the ridiculous ban and how agro is tryna hide why he was banned, so all that you said is irrelevant
29 Frags +

Yeah like as someone else who gives up a portion of their free time to do things within the community, I understand wanting to pay people who are involved in the scene. Ever since I started writing for tftv, the idea of remuneration for staff is something that I've never really see discussed, everyone accepts that we're doing this for free (probably at a loss if you factor LANs in even). The closest I got to remuneration was an editor offering to paypal me some money because they accidentaly deleted an article I did and I had no backups (save your work, people !) and getting a press pass at i65 which allowed me to get a free sub from Subway.

So Kritzkast trying to send some money the way of the casters and producers is something that is good I think, we've had pretty high-level coverage for such a small scene and it makes sense that the people behind it get some sort of reward.

I just think that restricting vods isn't the best idea for it, it might be the most effective for getting money but people have been watching vods for free for like 10 years and so taking this option away from them is gonna catch a lot of flak. Also if uploads to youtube were actually faster the whole thing wouldnt be an issue but that is currently not the case, there's at best like 5/6 days of delay, and in the case of tournaments like the lockdown throwdown where a lot of TF2 is played in a short time and needs more editing to be released, the wait times are counted in months (for the anectdote, I've watched all of Lockdown 1 on youtube when it was released and 2 months after its end the final was still not out so I had to spoil myself by asking Dummtm who won because I wanted to reference it in a preseason article). Until those things aren't fixed, youtube will still be a very sub-par option.

Yeah like as someone else who gives up a portion of their free time to do things within the community, I understand wanting to pay people who are involved in the scene. Ever since I started writing for tftv, the idea of remuneration for staff is something that I've never really see discussed, everyone accepts that we're doing this for free (probably at a loss if you factor LANs in even). The closest I got to remuneration was an editor offering to paypal me some money because they accidentaly deleted an article I did and I had no backups (save your work, people !) and getting a press pass at i65 which allowed me to get a free sub from Subway.

So Kritzkast trying to send some money the way of the casters and producers is something that is good I think, we've had pretty high-level coverage for such a small scene and it makes sense that the people behind it get some sort of reward.

I just think that restricting vods isn't the best idea for it, it might be the most effective for getting money but people have been watching vods for free for like 10 years and so taking this option away from them is gonna catch a lot of flak. Also if uploads to youtube were actually faster the whole thing wouldnt be an issue but that is currently not the case, there's at best like 5/6 days of delay, and in the case of tournaments like the lockdown throwdown where a lot of TF2 is played in a short time and needs more editing to be released, the wait times are counted in months (for the anectdote, I've watched all of Lockdown 1 on youtube when it was released and 2 months after its end the final was still not out so I had to spoil myself by asking Dummtm who won because I wanted to reference it in a preseason article). Until those things aren't fixed, youtube will still be a very sub-par option.
66 Frags +
AgroDriving between my mum's place and mine right now so can't really say much. Don't worry in parked in a service station.
I'll get the rest of that copy pasta quote for you because it stopped before the end.

egenerally he's a troll and disrupter. However what pushed him off the edge was the announce thread on teamfortress.tv. Rather than focusing on teh event itself he chose to bring up the point of subs-only getting access to the vods. This is a thing that has already been brought up in the forums and has been reasoned out. He "lost" that argument previously (in as much as anyone ever wins an argument on the internet) so instead seems hell bent to bring it up every other blog post that mentions KritzKast instead. Do so in this instance derailed the hype train a little and lost us some momentum. Anticipating more trollish behaviour during the stream I elected to pre-emptively ban him from chat. Not wanting to allow for the "Free wiz" "Free plunk" kinda shit that could also fill chat I added his name to the black list. Same as we've done for hackers in the past.

On the whole I was just waiting for you to make this thread, here in these forums. Well not this thread. I was hoping you would man up, make a thread where you said you fucked up and you were sorry and then I could unban you and we could go get a beer after this (covid) was all over. Yes, I understand that you are opposed to our "paywall" on VODs. The announcement thread want the place to push that issue. I'm happy to necropost that thread if you want and we can talk it out again but please don't bomb/tank all posts whenever you see our name in them.

he wanted to "man up" when he asked you personally but you blocked him like the little bitch that you are

[quote=Agro]Driving between my mum's place and mine right now so can't really say much. Don't worry in parked in a service station.
I'll get the rest of that copy pasta quote for you because it stopped before the end.

[i]egenerally he's a troll and disrupter. However what pushed him off the edge was the announce thread on teamfortress.tv. Rather than focusing on teh event itself he chose to bring up the point of subs-only getting access to the vods. This is a thing that has already been brought up in the forums and has been reasoned out. He "lost" that argument previously (in as much as anyone ever wins an argument on the internet) so instead seems hell bent to bring it up every other blog post that mentions KritzKast instead. Do so in this instance derailed the hype train a little and lost us some momentum. Anticipating more trollish behaviour during the stream I elected to pre-emptively ban him from chat. Not wanting to allow for the "Free wiz" "Free plunk" kinda shit that could also fill chat I added his name to the black list. Same as we've done for hackers in the past.[/i]

On the whole I was just waiting for you to make this thread, here in these forums. Well not this thread. I was hoping you would man up, make a thread where you said you fucked up and you were sorry and then I could unban you and we could go get a beer after this (covid) was all over. Yes, I understand that you are opposed to our "paywall" on VODs. The announcement thread want the place to push that issue. I'm happy to necropost that thread if you want and we can talk it out again but please don't bomb/tank all posts whenever you see our name in them.[/quote]

he wanted to "man up" when he asked you personally but you blocked him like the little bitch that you are
-59 Frags +
YeeHawThey unbañed me, based mods

Fyi, you were polite during interview, hence unban.

[quote=YeeHaw]They unbañed me, based mods[/quote]
Fyi, you were polite during interview, hence unban.
58 Frags +
Agro the whole I was just waiting for you to make this thread, here in these forums. Well not this thread. I was hoping you would man up, make a thread where you said you fucked up and you were sorry and then I could unban you and we could go get a beer after this (covid) was all over. Yes, I understand that you are opposed to our "paywall" on VODs. The announcement thread want the place to push that issue. I'm happy to necropost that thread if you want and we can talk it out again but please don't bomb/tank all posts whenever you see our name in them.

the fact you wanted me to make this thread shows what type of person you are. I went out my way to personally try and contact YOU after wiet had said to speak to YOU. YOU turned down every opportunity to solve this privately in dms but no, you blocked me forcing me to join the discord and air it publicly further then banned me removing such post. What have i to "man up" and apologise for? fucked up what? two posts on a forum disagreeing with you even though i have privately had concerns about and finally came out about it publicly. ill be happy to discuss this further with you in DMs as it clears this forum for actual meaningful discussion but it appears you do not want that. if ive made my bed and now i need to lay in it fair enough, just dont pretend to act the big man in this situation.

[quote=Agro] the whole I was just waiting for you to make this thread, here in these forums. Well not this thread. I was hoping you would man up, make a thread where you said you fucked up and you were sorry and then I could unban you and we could go get a beer after this (covid) was all over. Yes, I understand that you are opposed to our "paywall" on VODs. The announcement thread want the place to push that issue. I'm happy to necropost that thread if you want and we can talk it out again but please don't bomb/tank all posts whenever you see our name in them.[/quote]
the fact you wanted me to make this thread shows what type of person you are. I went out my way to personally try and contact YOU after wiet had said to speak to YOU. YOU turned down every opportunity to solve this privately in dms but no, you blocked me forcing me to join the discord and air it publicly further then banned me removing such post. What have i to "man up" and apologise for? fucked up what? two posts on a forum disagreeing with you even though i have privately had concerns about and finally came out about it publicly. ill be happy to discuss this further with you in DMs as it clears this forum for actual meaningful discussion but it appears you do not want that. if ive made my bed and now i need to lay in it fair enough, just dont pretend to act the big man in this situation.
57 Frags +
AgroYeeHawThey unbañed me, based modsFyi, you were polite during interview, hence unban.


[quote=Agro][quote=YeeHaw]They unbañed me, based mods[/quote]
Fyi, you were polite during interview, hence unban.[/quote]
33 Frags +
agroDo so in this instance derailed the hype train a little and lost us some momentum

would've gotten 600 consistent viewers but plunk CORRUPTED the tftv readers' minds

I don't even remember last time I read the comments on tournament announcement pages so if this is a ban reason then lol

agroThis is a thing that has already been brought up in the forums and has been reasoned out. He "lost" that argument previously

No he didn't. People still think it's a bad decision. They just care less if it's uploaded to youtube in a reasonable time frame

Overall this is just a really bad decision on your end. Plunk's not a shining beacon of exemplary behaviour, but he's done nothing that actually crosses a line in this situation. Just unban him and be done with it so this thread can be locked and you both can move on. His post history on your twitch channel proves he's not being disruptive there. He starts being disruptive there? Ban him and you'll have the logs to back it up. ez

[quote=agro]Do so in this instance derailed the hype train a little and lost us some momentum[/quote]
would've gotten 600 consistent viewers but plunk CORRUPTED the tftv readers' minds

I don't even remember last time I read the comments on tournament announcement pages so if this is a ban reason then lol

[quote=agro]This is a thing that has already been brought up in the forums and has been reasoned out. He "lost" that argument previously[/quote]
No he didn't. People still think it's a bad decision. They just care less if it's uploaded to youtube in a reasonable time frame

Overall this is just a really bad decision on your end. Plunk's not a shining beacon of exemplary behaviour, but he's done nothing that actually crosses a line in this situation. Just unban him and be done with it so this thread can be locked and you both can move on. His post history on your twitch channel proves he's not being disruptive there. He starts being disruptive there? Ban him and you'll have the logs to back it up. ez
-11 Frags +

lets cancel this guy agro

lets cancel this guy agro
-45 Frags +

I should probably stay out of this, but I want to address some things first before I put the torch to plunk and why he won't be getting unbanned from our chat.

- There has been a perk on the KritzKast Patreon for ages, that when met would sustain our TF2 production instead of having to pay talent and producers out of pocket in our now 3 years of competitive coverage.

- Since patreon is not a common thing for casting orgs to use or see a lot of support within the TF2 community we have obviously been more active to try and gain subscribers on Twitch, where you get some nice emotes in return to use in chat; commissioned by various artists.

- Additionally I put extra effort in editing the VODs from Twitch before uploading to YouTube, to be more easily digestible for the completely different audience and have more recently also started local recording them (same for the Lockdown Throwdown 2) to get an even higher quality video on YouTube.

- For the Lockdown Throwdown 2 I spent most of last week, before the 7 & 8.5 hour marathon production sessions this weekend, organizing & scheduling talent, gathering/creating/preparing overlay and ingame assets, making sure we could run the KritzKast2 stream independently from the main one to provide even more coverage of the tournament.

- I am the solo editor of the KritzKast Twitch VODs that go up on YouTube, I have a life too outside of producing TF2 religiously, so I am sorry if editing down 15h of footage of 1 stream + another 9.5h of the 2nd stream, rerecording ingame footage where my OBS acted up to have that fixed in post and then not flooding YouTube subscriber feeds with 5 videos every day will make releasing videos take a while, however, we can shuffle when which video gets released, start with the playoffs stages and then release the Groups footage (or if you have a better suggestion I'm all ears).


Then on to plunk, you've had it out for us [KritzKast] for well over 2,5 years, when you dropped this nugget on us:


And also went on to shit on our efforts to organize CG19:


And again on a news thread about CG20:


You've clearly always had a grudge towards Highlander and individuals involved organizing anything around that gamemode:




Twitch.TV policy with regards to chat bans

Twitch - APPEALING A CHANNEL-SPECIFIC BANChannel owners and moderators are free to ban anyone from their channel, regardless of the reason. Twitch Staff will not assist in reversing channel-specific bans. Please note that while you are welcome to appeal a channel ban, misuse of Whispers or other features to attack or harass anyone due to receipt of a channel ban (or any other reason) will lead to suspension of your account(s).

And then there's the following quality comments you've left in various threads across TFTV that should justify the ban in our twitch chat,

Show Content
I should probably stay out of this, but I want to address some things first before I put the torch to plunk and why he won't be getting unbanned from our chat.

- There has been a perk on the KritzKast Patreon for ages, that when met would sustain our TF2 production instead of having to pay talent and producers out of pocket in our now 3 years of competitive coverage.

- Since patreon is not a common thing for casting orgs to use or see a lot of support within the TF2 community we have obviously been more active to try and gain subscribers on Twitch, where you get some nice emotes in return to use in chat; commissioned by various artists.

- Additionally I put extra effort in editing the VODs from Twitch before uploading to YouTube, to be more easily digestible for the completely different audience and have more recently also started local recording them (same for the Lockdown Throwdown 2) to get an even higher quality video on YouTube.

- For the Lockdown Throwdown 2 I spent most of last week, before the 7 & 8.5 hour marathon production sessions this weekend, organizing & scheduling talent, gathering/creating/preparing overlay and ingame assets, making sure we could run the KritzKast2 stream independently from the main one to provide even more coverage of the tournament.

- I am the solo editor of the KritzKast Twitch VODs that go up on YouTube, I have a life too outside of producing TF2 religiously, so I am sorry if editing down 15h of footage of 1 stream + another 9.5h of the 2nd stream, rerecording ingame footage where my OBS acted up to have that fixed in post and then not flooding YouTube subscriber feeds with 5 videos every day will make releasing videos take a while, however, we can shuffle when which video gets released, start with the playoffs stages and then release the Groups footage (or if you have a better suggestion I'm all ears).


Then on to plunk, you've had it out for us [KritzKast] for [url=http://tf.gg/post/832315]well over 2,5 years[/url], when you dropped this nugget on us:
And also went on to shit on our efforts to organize CG19:
And again on a news thread about CG20:

You've clearly always had a grudge towards Highlander and individuals involved organizing anything around that gamemode:


[url=https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/about-account-suspensions-dmca-suspensions-and-chat-bans?language=en_US#AppealingChannelBan]Twitch.TV policy with regards to chat bans[/url]
[quote=Twitch - APPEALING A CHANNEL-SPECIFIC BAN]Channel owners [b]and moderators are free to ban anyone from their channel, regardless of the reason[/b]. Twitch Staff will not assist in reversing channel-specific bans. Please note that while you are welcome to appeal a channel ban, misuse of Whispers or other features to attack or harass anyone due to receipt of a channel ban (or any other reason) will lead to suspension of your account(s).[/quote]

And then there's the following quality comments you've left in various threads across TFTV that should justify the ban in our twitch chat,
15 Frags +
OlghaPlease just consider a timer of when the next game is happening, showed on stream, so we know the moment we have to get back to see the caster analysis before the game !

Not gonna get involved in the drama, just wanted to come back to this point, we've spoken about having a timer before, ETF usually opts into having the timer, TFTV opts for an 'ETA' time at the bottom of the screen while KK generally doesn't have anything. The problem is that it's basically impossible to make that timer actually accurate, both online and at lan because of various delays, casters not wanting to have to talk/analyse for too long before matches and production issues. Online is a particular pain because all we really have to go on is when there's 12 in server on the STV, that's generally when we'll go live to casters but then they still technically have up to 15 mins after the scheduled time to ready up, in reality it could go on way longer than that because at the highest level people just want to play and are unlikely to want to hunt a default on a casted match, if the producer has access to a cheat feed they can be notified on when a game is live in real-time but we'd generally want to already be live to casters by then, and this doesn't solve the problem of us on production not able to predict when that'll actually happen.

For example during the cup on the B stream we had a casted game be delayed by 30+ mins while one of the teams waited for their 6th player, eventually deciding to go live 5 v 6, there's no way we can predict when we should go live and I'm not going to expect my casters to kill time for half an hour for the sake of sticking to a timer.

It's pretty much a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation because a timer, if accurate definitely adds to the experience however for the most part it's not accurate and arguably useless. The best we can do is have a timer for when the match is supposed to go live but games very rarely go live when they're supposed to in my experience.

Please just consider a timer of when the next game is happening, showed on stream, so we know the moment we have to get back to see the caster analysis before the game ![/quote]

Not gonna get involved in the drama, just wanted to come back to this point, we've spoken about having a timer before, ETF usually opts into having the timer, TFTV opts for an 'ETA' time at the bottom of the screen while KK generally doesn't have anything. The problem is that it's basically impossible to make that timer actually accurate, both online [url=https://youtu.be/m_qYs8-YoIc?t=474]and at lan[/url] because of various delays, casters not wanting to have to talk/analyse for too long before matches and production issues. Online is a particular pain because all we really have to go on is when there's 12 in server on the STV, that's generally when we'll go live to casters but then they still technically have up to 15 mins after the scheduled time to ready up, in reality it could go on way longer than that because at the highest level people just want to play and are unlikely to want to hunt a default on a casted match, if the producer has access to a cheat feed they can be notified on when a game is live in real-time but we'd generally want to already be live to casters by then, and this doesn't solve the problem of us on production not able to predict when that'll actually happen.

For example during the cup on the [url=https://www.twitch.tv/kritzkast2/videos]B stream[/url] we had a casted game be delayed by 30+ mins while one of the teams waited for their 6th player, eventually deciding to go live 5 v 6, there's no way we can predict when we should go live and I'm not going to expect my casters to kill time for half an hour for the sake of sticking to a timer.

It's pretty much a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation because a timer, if accurate definitely adds to the experience however for the most part it's not accurate and arguably useless. The best we can do is have a timer for when the match is [i]supposed[/i] to go live but games very rarely go live when they're supposed to in my experience.
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