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Drama Thread - Kritzkast
46 Frags +
sacwho would put in the work agro and wiethoofd does when they're gone?

ah yes, the dashner argument.

[quote=sac]who would put in the work agro and wiethoofd does when they're gone?[/quote]
ah yes, the dashner argument.
13 Frags +
yttriumsacwho would put in the work agro and wiethoofd does when they're gone?ah yes, the dashner argument.

Extreme comparison but honestly so true....

Doing a lot for the community should never grant immunity towards wrong doing. It’s how a lot of fucked up people get away with their bullshit because people constantly cover for them....just look at how many celebrities have gotten away with rape, murder, violence etc etc....

Hold people accountable, no matter their status...is my point.

[quote=yttrium][quote=sac]who would put in the work agro and wiethoofd does when they're gone?[/quote]
ah yes, the dashner argument.[/quote]

Extreme comparison but honestly so true....

Doing a lot for the community should never grant immunity towards wrong doing. It’s how a lot of fucked up people get away with their bullshit because people constantly cover for them....just look at how many celebrities have gotten away with rape, murder, violence etc etc....

Hold people accountable, no matter their status...is my point.
13 Frags +

Also we literally have 2 other casting orgs in NA, TFTV and RGL. wtf are you talking about, "who will do their work." Fuck kritzkast, how anyone can read agro's posts and come away with any other conclusion is just saddening

Also we literally have 2 other casting orgs in NA, TFTV and RGL. wtf are you talking about, "who will do their work." Fuck kritzkast, how anyone can read agro's posts and come away with any other conclusion is just saddening
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DCS[I just want to pick this quote up because it has been repeated in some shape or form in this thread.
I am not a direct member of KritzKast (anymore, I used to cast but I finally had to admit to myself that I was terrible at it so I simply stopped), but I am yet to hear anyone talk shit about Agro or his ego from the people that worked with me on projects where Agro is involved. Not to say those people do not exist...
I just wanted to point this out. Agro, like everyone here, has his weaknesses. But it is not true, that "everyone who works with him knows he has got a massive ego".
He, as well as anyone else on PhoenixRed, has been nothing but remarkably professional in all projects (Copenhagen Games 2018-2020, Lockdown Throwdown 1+2) that I have been involved with in recent years.

glad to see something like this. i expect nothing less than professionalism from phoenixred and they seem to be very so from just asking around which is great as well as the shows (whatever their issues are) they put on are great such as LAN.
ive had people privately air their grievances towards agro who work with him to me in DMs and if they dont want to post publicly thats fine for a multitude of reasons but that is one side of the story

[quote=DCS][I just want to pick this quote up because it has been repeated in some shape or form in this thread.
I am not a direct member of KritzKast (anymore, I used to cast but I finally had to admit to myself that I was terrible at it so I simply stopped), but I am yet to hear anyone talk shit about Agro or his ego from the people that worked with me on projects where Agro is involved. Not to say those people do not exist...
I just wanted to point this out. Agro, like everyone here, has his weaknesses. But it is not true, that "everyone who works with him knows he has got a massive ego".
He, as well as anyone else on PhoenixRed, has been nothing but remarkably professional in all projects (Copenhagen Games 2018-2020, Lockdown Throwdown 1+2) that I have been involved with in recent years.[/quote]
glad to see something like this. i expect nothing less than professionalism from phoenixred and they seem to be very so from just asking around which is great as well as the shows (whatever their issues are) they put on are great such as LAN.
ive had people privately air their grievances towards agro who work with him to me in DMs and if they dont want to post publicly thats fine for a multitude of reasons but that is one side of the story
4 Frags +
plunkive had people privately air their grievances towards agro who work with him to me in DMs and if they dont want to post publicly thats fine for a multitude of reasons but that is one side of the story

Fair dos, but please don't put it out there that everyone has had issues working with him. It is simply false.

ive had people privately air their grievances towards agro who work with him to me in DMs and if they dont want to post publicly thats fine for a multitude of reasons but that is one side of the story[/quote]

Fair dos, but please don't put it out there that everyone has had issues working with him. It is simply false.
12 Frags +
DCSplunkive had people privately air their grievances towards agro who work with him to me in DMs and if they dont want to post publicly thats fine for a multitude of reasons but that is one side of the story
Fair dos, but please don't put it out there that everyone has had issues working with him. It is simply false.

so is me "undermining" kritzkast but here we are

ive had people privately air their grievances towards agro who work with him to me in DMs and if they dont want to post publicly thats fine for a multitude of reasons but that is one side of the story[/quote]

Fair dos, but please don't put it out there that everyone has had issues working with him. It is simply false.[/quote]
so is me "undermining" kritzkast but here we are
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I still can't get over the "undermining kritzkast" argument. There's nothing any of us could do to stop people from watching the stream. Plunk could go live on air, take a shit on the kritzkast logo and it would actually lead to MORE viewers

I'd defo watch that (not for any fetish reasons or anything)

I still can't get over the "undermining kritzkast" argument. There's nothing any of us could do to stop people from watching the stream. Plunk could go live on air, take a shit on the kritzkast logo and it would actually lead to MORE viewers

I'd defo watch that (not for any fetish reasons or anything)
9 Frags +
Brockfunhaver1998isnt this thing for highlander people? whys there so much hubub
What exactly is your frame of reference with this podcast?

this agro guy coming onto fully charged and talking to us like hes talking on a childrens television program as well as they only seemd to stream HL

[quote=Brock][quote=funhaver1998]isnt this thing for highlander people? whys there so much hubub[/quote]

What exactly is your frame of reference with this podcast?[/quote]

this agro guy coming onto fully charged and talking to us like hes talking on a childrens television program as well as they only seemd to stream HL
-4 Frags +
flyingbuddyyttriumsacwho would put in the work agro and wiethoofd does when they're gone?ah yes, the dashner argument.
Extreme comparison but honestly so true....

Doing a lot for the community should never grant immunity towards wrong doing. It’s how a lot of fucked up people get away with their bullshit because people constantly cover for them....just look at how many celebrities have gotten away with rape, murder, violence etc etc....

Hold people accountable, no matter their status...is my point.

dude its a chatban on a private twitch stream, not a rape.... as long as its not proven they are molesters or did something else criminal, chill the fuck out before u drama queens burn out another community volunteer...

[quote=flyingbuddy][quote=yttrium][quote=sac]who would put in the work agro and wiethoofd does when they're gone?[/quote]
ah yes, the dashner argument.[/quote]

Extreme comparison but honestly so true....

Doing a lot for the community should never grant immunity towards wrong doing. It’s how a lot of fucked up people get away with their bullshit because people constantly cover for them....just look at how many celebrities have gotten away with rape, murder, violence etc etc....

Hold people accountable, no matter their status...is my point.[/quote]
dude its a chatban on a private twitch stream, not a rape.... as long as its not proven they are molesters or did something else criminal, chill the fuck out before u drama queens burn out another community volunteer...
7 Frags +

Tbh I haven’t played tf2 in like 3 years, so I’m not going into semantics of Kritzkast’s situation because frankly...I don’t understand it well enough to judge. My comment was specifically in relation to your statement-‘who would put in the work agri and wiethoofd does when they’re gone?’

It’s a completely fallacious argument irregardless of the situation, serious or not.

Tbh I haven’t played tf2 in like 3 years, so I’m not going into semantics of Kritzkast’s situation because frankly...I don’t understand it well enough to judge. My comment was specifically in relation to your statement-‘who would put in the work agri and wiethoofd does when they’re gone?’

It’s a completely fallacious argument irregardless of the situation, serious or not.
-8 Frags +

you're comparing someone who chatbanned someone with a celebrity pedophile and have no answer what would happen if they are gone. I've been banned from here myself for three months (being overturned from a permban), and i didnt make a drama thread over it,even though it was undeserved, and i dont agree myself fully with making a paywall on vods when you just finished playing the match they casted, it makes me go watch it from another stream, and i argued with wiethoofd myself, but that doesnt mean i can't see he has been putting in work for the community since forever, and a witch hunt from people like you who dont even play or watch, is what we need the least.

you're comparing someone who chatbanned someone with a celebrity pedophile and have no answer what would happen if they are gone. I've been banned from here myself for three months (being overturned from a permban), and i didnt make a drama thread over it,even though it was undeserved, and i dont agree myself fully with making a paywall on vods when you just finished playing the match they casted, it makes me go watch it from another stream, and i argued with wiethoofd myself, but that doesnt mean i can't see he has been putting in work for the community since forever, and a witch hunt from people like you who dont even play or watch, is what we need the least.
8 Frags +
sacyou're comparing someone who chatbanned someone with a celebrity pedophile and have no answer what would ha

Again..the comparison was in relation to your argument, it has nothing to do with the severity of Kritzkast situation

[quote=sac]you're comparing someone who chatbanned someone with a celebrity pedophile and have no answer what would ha[/quote]

Again..the comparison was in relation to your argument, it has nothing to do with the severity of Kritzkast situation
14 Frags +
sacflyingbuddyyttriumsacwho would put in the work agro and wiethoofd does when they're gone?ah yes, the dashner argument.
Extreme comparison but honestly so true....

Doing a lot for the community should never grant immunity towards wrong doing. It’s how a lot of fucked up people get away with their bullshit because people constantly cover for them....just look at how many celebrities have gotten away with rape, murder, violence etc etc....

Hold people accountable, no matter their status...is my point.
dude its a chatban on a private twitch stream, not a rape.... as long as its not proven they are molesters or did something else criminal, chill the fuck out before u drama queens burn out another community volunteer...

like, i dont care that im banned what dont you understand about that? i want to know why agro thought it was a good idea after multiple mods telling me to speak to him directly then him ignoring then blocking and banning me. the comparison is extreme and i dont really want agro gone i just wanted to speak to him

[quote=sac][quote=flyingbuddy][quote=yttrium][quote=sac]who would put in the work agro and wiethoofd does when they're gone?[/quote]
ah yes, the dashner argument.[/quote]

Extreme comparison but honestly so true....

Doing a lot for the community should never grant immunity towards wrong doing. It’s how a lot of fucked up people get away with their bullshit because people constantly cover for them....just look at how many celebrities have gotten away with rape, murder, violence etc etc....

Hold people accountable, no matter their status...is my point.[/quote]
dude its a chatban on a private twitch stream, not a rape.... as long as its not proven they are molesters or did something else criminal, chill the fuck out before u drama queens burn out another community volunteer...[/quote]
like, i dont care that im banned what dont you understand about that? i want to know why agro thought it was a good idea after multiple mods telling me to speak to him directly then him ignoring then blocking and banning me. the comparison is extreme and i dont really want agro gone i just wanted to speak to him
-17 Frags +
plunklike, i dont care that im banned what dont you understand about that? i want to know why agro thought it was a good idea after multiple mods telling me to speak to him directly then him ignoring then blocking and banning me. the comparison is extreme and i dont really want agro gone i just wanted to speak to him

Yea i'm sure this thread made sure to work things out between you two.

like, i dont care that im banned what dont you understand about that? i want to know why agro thought it was a good idea after multiple mods telling me to speak to him directly then him ignoring then blocking and banning me. the comparison is extreme and i dont really want agro gone i just wanted to speak to him[/quote]
Yea i'm sure this thread made sure to work things out between you two.
-18 Frags +
plunkeuro words

like, i dont care that im banned what dont you understand about that? i want to know why agro thought it was a good idea after multiple mods telling me to speak to him directly then him ignoring then blocking and banning me. the comparison is extreme and i dont really want agro gone i just wanted to speak to him

do u rly need him to directly say "i just dont like you" when everything else hes done is screaming it

[quote=plunk]euro words

like, i dont care that im banned what dont you understand about that? i want to know why agro thought it was a good idea after multiple mods telling me to speak to him directly then him ignoring then blocking and banning me. the comparison is extreme and i dont really want agro gone i just wanted to speak to him[/quote]

do u rly need him to directly say "i just dont like you" when everything else hes done is screaming it
32 Frags +
crackbabydumpsterplunkeuro words

like, i dont care that im banned what dont you understand about that? i want to know why agro thought it was a good idea after multiple mods telling me to speak to him directly then him ignoring then blocking and banning me. the comparison is extreme and i dont really want agro gone i just wanted to speak to him

do u rly need him to directly say "i just dont like you" when everything else hes done is screaming it

everything else he's done is screaming "im a weirdo manchild"

[quote=crackbabydumpster][quote=plunk]euro words

like, i dont care that im banned what dont you understand about that? i want to know why agro thought it was a good idea after multiple mods telling me to speak to him directly then him ignoring then blocking and banning me. the comparison is extreme and i dont really want agro gone i just wanted to speak to him[/quote]

do u rly need him to directly say "i just dont like you" when everything else hes done is screaming it[/quote]
everything else he's done is screaming "im a weirdo manchild"
26 Frags +
sacyou're comparing someone who chatbanned someone with a celebrity pedophile and have no answer what would happen if they are gone

KritzKast dies. Other casting orgs continue. New blood steps up to the plate. People realize they didn't need toxic manchildren to have a great experience with the game they love.

In short, competitive TF2 was inside of us the whole time.

[quote=sac]you're comparing someone who chatbanned someone with a celebrity pedophile and have no answer what would happen if they are gone[/quote]
KritzKast dies. Other casting orgs continue. New blood steps up to the plate. People realize they didn't need toxic manchildren to have a great experience with the game they love.

In short, competitive TF2 was inside of us the whole time.
22 Frags +

Pretending anything will happen to KritzKast over the head of this is nothing but revolutionary LARPing. At most Agro might apologise for letting the situation get out of hand and not handling it like a responsible adult, and I will continue laughing at him for telling female twitch streamers to join his discord so they can play his "edging" game with him.

Pretending anything will happen to KritzKast over the head of this is nothing but revolutionary LARPing. At most Agro might apologise for letting the situation get out of hand and not handling it like a responsible adult, and I will continue laughing at him for telling female twitch streamers to join his discord so they can play his "edging" game with him.
6 Frags +

For the record, I am not equating Agro's shitty attitude and aloofness with Dashner's shit. Clearly Agro doesn't even compare. I was simply equating the argument of "yeah they're bad but what would we do without them", since it was used in his case as well, for years.

Anyone thinking that KritzKast will die from the drama in this thread is delusional, but I do hope the community taking a stand here might tip Agro off to the fact that he's actually not always in the right.

For the record, I am not equating Agro's shitty attitude and aloofness with Dashner's shit. Clearly Agro doesn't even compare. I was simply equating the argument of "yeah they're bad but what would we do without them", since it was used in his case as well, for [i]years[/i].

Anyone thinking that KritzKast will die from the drama in this thread is delusional, but I do hope the community taking a stand here [i]might[/i] tip Agro off to the fact that he's actually [i]not[/i] always in the right.
4 Frags +
yttriumFor the record, I am not equating Agro's shitty attitude and aloofness with Dashner's shit. Clearly Agro doesn't even compare. I was simply equating the argument of "yeah they're bad but what would we do without them", since it was used in his case as well, for years.

Anyone thinking that KritzKast will die from the drama in this thread is delusional, but I do hope the community taking a stand here might tip Agro off to the fact that he's actually not always in the right.

But certainly we can hope.

[quote=yttrium]For the record, I am not equating Agro's shitty attitude and aloofness with Dashner's shit. Clearly Agro doesn't even compare. I was simply equating the argument of "yeah they're bad but what would we do without them", since it was used in his case as well, for [i]years[/i].

Anyone thinking that KritzKast will die from the drama in this thread is delusional, but I do hope the community taking a stand here [i]might[/i] tip Agro off to the fact that he's actually [i]not[/i] always in the right.[/quote]
But certainly we can hope.
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who wants to see a kritzkast vod so bad that theyre paying for it

who wants to see a kritzkast vod so bad that theyre paying for it
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funhaver1998this agro guy coming onto fully charged and talking to us like hes talking on a childrens television program as well as they only seemd to stream HL

Yeah seems like some of the stuff this guy has done is pretty petty but u have to admit he knows his audience.

this agro guy coming onto fully charged and talking to us like hes talking on a childrens television program as well as they only seemd to stream HL[/quote]

Yeah seems like some of the stuff this guy has done is pretty petty but u have to admit he knows his audience.
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7 Frags +
yttriumAnyone thinking that KritzKast will die from the drama in this thread is delusional, but I do hope the community taking a stand here might tip Agro off to the fact that he's actually not always in the right.


[quote=yttrium]Anyone thinking that KritzKast will die from the drama in this thread is delusional, but I do hope the community taking a stand here [i]might[/i] tip Agro off to the fact that he's actually [i]not[/i] always in the right.[/quote]
6 Frags +

I did say "hope".

I did say "hope".
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