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DirectX 8.1 has changed my life
0 Frags +

Before DirectX 8.1, I was suffering from a constant inconsistent framerate. I would join a localserver and get 120 consistent FPS, then go into a skial 24/7 2fort server and get only 20. It one time was so bad that I was losing FPS during actions like revving up, rocket jumping, and detonator jumping.

No more!

DirectX 8.1 has truly opened a new chapter into my life, and I am so very grateful for this. Thank you, DirectX developers.

Before DirectX 8.1, I was suffering from a constant inconsistent framerate. I would join a localserver and get 120 consistent FPS, then go into a skial 24/7 2fort server and get only 20. It one time was so bad that I was losing FPS during actions like revving up, rocket jumping, and detonator jumping.

No more!

DirectX 8.1 has truly opened a new chapter into my life, and I am so very grateful for this. Thank you, DirectX developers.
26 Frags +

nice bro

nice bro
62 Frags +


28 Frags +

No love for the homie DirectX 8.0


No love for the homie DirectX 8.0

2 Frags +

24 Frags +
gougwaiting for aimisadick to post on this thread.

Yeah well actually dxlevel 8.0 is better than 8.1 because it uses a version of Team Fortress, the Second Edition before Steam Pipe was added. This should reduce the chances of experiencing cheaters in your games (at least in my personal experience). You should also configure your DNS to get better framerates.

[quote=goug]waiting for aimisadick to post on this thread.[/quote]
Yeah well actually dxlevel 8.0 is better than 8.1 because it uses a version of Team Fortress, the Second Edition before Steam Pipe was added. This should reduce the chances of experiencing cheaters in your games (at least in my personal experience). You should also configure your DNS to get better framerates.
7 Frags +

Little know fact, DX 8.0 provides MUCH better launch times as 8.0 < 8.1 because the Central Processing Unit looks up which DX level to use and it starts at 0 and goes up. #freeDX8.0

Little know fact, DX 8.0 provides MUCH better launch times as 8.0 < 8.1 because the Central Processing Unit looks up which DX level to use and it starts at 0 and goes up. #freeDX8.0
-48 Frags +

DX 8.1 only gives increased frame rate because it renders less stuff. In reality DX 8.1 uses an older pipeline that's only efficient on older systems. DX 9 is better on modern systems.

Since frame pacing is a thing, frame rate ≠ performance; frame rate + frame time + stability = performance. (Yes I realize y'all are joking around.)

DX 8.1 only gives increased frame rate because it renders less stuff. In reality DX 8.1 uses an older pipeline that's only efficient on older systems. DX 9 is better on modern systems.

Since frame pacing is a thing, frame rate ≠ performance; frame rate + frame time + stability = performance. (Yes I realize y'all are joking around.)
12 Frags +

good job

good job
7 Frags +

what about that dns though aim
im still getting 20 fps on skial harvest

what about that dns though aim
im still getting 20 fps on skial harvest
28 Frags +

Has AimIsADick ever posted a comment that hasn’t been downfragged lmfao.

At this point he’d write a post along the lines of ‘1+1=2’ and I’d begin questioning my entire education, believing it to be untrue.

Has AimIsADick ever posted a comment that hasn’t been downfragged lmfao.

At this point he’d write a post along the lines of ‘1+1=2’ and I’d begin questioning my entire education, believing it to be untrue.
23 Frags +

By commenting on this thread you have increased your CPU usage by 0.0006% hence diminishing its lifecycle by a solid 2.1 hours.

By commenting on this thread you have increased your CPU usage by 0.0006% hence diminishing its lifecycle by a solid 2.1 hours.
8 Frags +

even putting framerate aside, dx8 just looks better imo. less visual noise, easier on my boomer eyes.

even putting framerate aside, dx8 just looks better imo. less visual noise, easier on my boomer eyes.
19 Frags +
AimIsADickDX 8.1 only gives increased frame rate because it renders less stuff. In reality DX 8.1 uses an older pipeline that's only efficient on older systems. DX 9 is better on modern systems.

Since frame pacing is a thing, frame rate ≠ performance; frame rate + frame time + stability = performance. (Yes I realize y'all are joking around.)

How did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...

[quote=AimIsADick]DX 8.1 only gives increased frame rate because it renders less stuff. In reality DX 8.1 uses an older pipeline that's only efficient on older systems. DX 9 is better on modern systems.

Since frame pacing is a thing, frame rate ≠ performance; frame rate + frame time + stability = performance. (Yes I realize y'all are joking around.)[/quote]
How did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...
-14 Frags +
HealingSentryHow did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...

What do you mean?

[quote=HealingSentry]How did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...[/quote]
What do you mean?
-4 Frags +
AimIsADickHealingSentryHow did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...What do you mean?

please never stop posting

[quote=AimIsADick][quote=HealingSentry]How did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...[/quote]
What do you mean?[/quote]
please never stop posting
12 Frags +
AimIsADickHealingSentryHow did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...What do you mean?

Fun fact: Uninstalling windows and just using the command line makes TF2 run 2,147,483,648% faster!

[quote=AimIsADick][quote=HealingSentry]How did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...[/quote]
What do you mean?[/quote]
Fun fact: Uninstalling windows and just using the command line makes TF2 run 2,147,483,648% faster!
17 Frags +
HealingSentryAimIsADickHealingSentryHow did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...What do you mean?Fun fact: Uninstalling windows and just using the command line makes TF2 run 2,147,483,648% faster!

Actually the real number is 214748364.7% faster, because frametime (NOT FRAMERATE) is calculated in 32-bit signed integers which can only hold one less than 2 to the thirty-first power and it is measured in MILLISECONDS not percents. The fact you think this makes me think you use windows task manager to check your motherboard usage instead of the superior cmd command @for /f "delims=, tokens=2" %p in ('typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 3 ^| find ":"') do @echo %~p% which does not diminish your team fortress 2 performance, and doesn't send telemetry signals to microsoft when used therefore not causing your dns to be resolved, also improving your ping

[quote=HealingSentry][quote=AimIsADick][quote=HealingSentry]How did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...[/quote]
What do you mean?[/quote]
Fun fact: Uninstalling windows and just using the command line makes TF2 run 2,147,483,648% faster![/quote]

Actually the real number is 214748364.7% faster, because frametime (NOT FRAMERATE) is calculated in 32-bit signed integers which can only hold one less than 2 to the thirty-first power and it is measured in MILLISECONDS not percents. The fact you think this makes me think you use windows task manager to check your motherboard usage instead of the superior cmd command @for /f "delims=, tokens=2" %p in ('typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 3 ^| find ":"') do @echo %~p% which does not diminish your team fortress 2 performance, and doesn't send telemetry signals to microsoft when used therefore not causing your dns to be resolved, also improving your ping
5 Frags +

idk why yall downfragging this guy hes spittin facts^

idk why yall downfragging this guy hes spittin facts^
1 Frags +

very cool bro, keep up going.

very cool bro, keep up going.
0 Frags +

thank you weed

thank you weed
0 Frags +

thank you for sharing this heartwarming story

thank you for sharing this heartwarming story
-14 Frags +
bearodactylidk why yall downfragging this guy hes spittin facts^


[quote=bearodactyl]idk why yall downfragging this guy hes spittin facts^[/quote]

9 Frags +

DirectX 11 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

DirectX 11 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
4 Frags +
AimIsADickbearodactylidk why yall downfragging this guy hes spittin facts^


[quote=AimIsADick][quote=bearodactyl]idk why yall downfragging this guy hes spittin facts^[/quote]

3 Frags +

If DX 8.1 is so good, then where is DX 8.1v2?
Checkmate atheists!

If DX 8.1 is so good, then where is DX 8.1v2?
Checkmate atheists!
2 Frags +
TaatActually the real number is 214748364.7% faster, because frametime (NOT FRAMERATE) is calculated in 32-bit signed integers which can only hold one less than 2 to the thirty-first power and it is measured in MILLISECONDS not percents. The fact you think this makes me think you use windows task manager to check your motherboard usage instead of the superior cmd command @for /f "delims=, tokens=2" %p in ('typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 3 ^| find ":"') do @echo %~p% which does not diminish your team fortress 2 performance, and doesn't send telemetry signals to microsoft when used therefore not causing your dns to be resolved, also improving your ping

Part of me wants to actually try this but idk what will happen

Actually the real number is 214748364.7% faster, because frametime (NOT FRAMERATE) is calculated in 32-bit signed integers which can only hold one less than 2 to the thirty-first power and it is measured in MILLISECONDS not percents. The fact you think this makes me think you use windows task manager to check your motherboard usage instead of the superior cmd command @for /f "delims=, tokens=2" %p in ('typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 3 ^| find ":"') do @echo %~p% which does not diminish your team fortress 2 performance, and doesn't send telemetry signals to microsoft when used therefore not causing your dns to be resolved, also improving your ping[/quote]
Part of me wants to actually try this but idk what will happen
2 Frags +
HealingSentryTaatActually the real number is 214748364.7% faster, because frametime (NOT FRAMERATE) is calculated in 32-bit signed integers which can only hold one less than 2 to the thirty-first power and it is measured in MILLISECONDS not percents. The fact you think this makes me think you use windows task manager to check your motherboard usage instead of the superior cmd command @for /f "delims=, tokens=2" %p in ('typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 3 ^| find ":"') do @echo %~p% which does not diminish your team fortress 2 performance, and doesn't send telemetry signals to microsoft when used therefore not causing your dns to be resolved, also improving your pingPart of me wants to actually try this but idk what will happen

it does what he says it does. The only command is typeperf which exists solely to deposit performance data and all he does is manipulate standard output with no output redirecting to a file, no piping to other commands, etc.

Actually the real number is 214748364.7% faster, because frametime (NOT FRAMERATE) is calculated in 32-bit signed integers which can only hold one less than 2 to the thirty-first power and it is measured in MILLISECONDS not percents. The fact you think this makes me think you use windows task manager to check your motherboard usage instead of the superior cmd command @for /f "delims=, tokens=2" %p in ('typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 3 ^| find ":"') do @echo %~p% which does not diminish your team fortress 2 performance, and doesn't send telemetry signals to microsoft when used therefore not causing your dns to be resolved, also improving your ping[/quote]
Part of me wants to actually try this but idk what will happen[/quote]

it does what he says it does. The only command is typeperf which exists solely to deposit performance data and all he does is manipulate standard output with no output redirecting to a file, no piping to other commands, etc.
-6 Frags +
ampereAimIsADickHealingSentryHow did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...What do you mean?please never stop posting

I won't.

_flacIf DX 8.1 is so good, then where is DX 8.1v2?

In a revision.

[quote=ampere][quote=AimIsADick][quote=HealingSentry]How did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...[/quote]
What do you mean?[/quote]
please never stop posting[/quote]
I won't.
[quote=_flac]If DX 8.1 is so good, then where is DX 8.1v2? [/quote]
In a revision.
2 Frags +


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