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Competitve horror stories?
93 Frags +

A bit different but still left a mark I won't forget. About 2 years ago during covid, I had a very boring online lecture. I decided to play a pug instead with my zoom mic muted and my class muted using volume mixer (to hear pug comms). Halfway through the pug, a random zoom poll was put up which alt tabs my game. Thinking nothing of it, I put an answer in and continue my game. As the pug ended, I find out I have a millon instagram notifications from my friend begging me to stfu and mute my mic. Turns out I was jumping in game during the surprise alt tab which unmutes my mic. My classmates and teacher heard EVERYTHING.

According to my friend, half the class were laughing their ass off and the other half was begging me to shut up. My teacher was old and didn't know how to kick or mute me from the meeting. Also didn't help that my loud comms interrupted all the poor souls trying to help my teacher kick me. He had no choice but to end the meeting early. I emailed him immediately, owning up to my fuck up and thankfully he was really chill about it. Ended up with a 92 in that class lol

A bit different but still left a mark I won't forget. About 2 years ago during covid, I had a very boring online lecture. I decided to play a pug instead with my zoom mic muted and my class muted using volume mixer (to hear pug comms). Halfway through the pug, a random zoom poll was put up which alt tabs my game. Thinking nothing of it, I put an answer in and continue my game. As the pug ended, I find out I have a millon instagram notifications from my friend begging me to stfu and mute my mic. Turns out I was jumping in game during the surprise alt tab which unmutes my mic. My classmates and teacher heard EVERYTHING.

According to my friend, half the class were laughing their ass off and the other half was begging me to shut up. My teacher was old and didn't know how to kick or mute me from the meeting. Also didn't help that my loud comms interrupted all the poor souls trying to help my teacher kick me. He had no choice but to end the meeting early. I emailed him immediately, owning up to my fuck up and thankfully he was really chill about it. Ended up with a 92 in that class lol
10 Frags +

one of the most memorable was getting absolutely dismantled by yomps on an hour and a half long badlands match (and the entire rest of that season, he was so fucking good, rest in peace man)

another was getting a new mouse (fuck u logitech) that had a more sensitive mouse click and accidentally popping uber in a stalemate vs froyo black, we were tied 1-1 on sunshine (and i think it was in playoffs, when we had won the first map on granary), after which point team morale completely disappeared and we got giga rolled

yet another invite playoffs match was tied 4-4 on gully last and somehow my phone misheard my comm as 'hey google' and started blabbering some shit, which happened at the exact same instant that the enemy sniper peeked for the hero shot, so i died and we lost the match (we won the third map tho, thanks google)

another was IM grand finals, my first ever important game, where i started off having Zero ubers in the first half: one drop to a spy, one drop to synchronized rocket spam, and another to a sniper :) but we somehow came back and won (get owned ckj)

one of the most memorable was getting absolutely [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIc_VNkp6bs]dismantled by yomps[/url] on an hour and a half long badlands match (and the entire rest of that season, he was so fucking good, rest in peace man)

another was getting a new mouse (fuck u logitech) that had a more sensitive mouse click and accidentally popping uber in a stalemate vs froyo black, we were tied 1-1 on sunshine (and i think it was in playoffs, when we had won the first map on granary), after which point team morale completely disappeared and we got giga rolled

yet another invite playoffs match was tied 4-4 on gully last and somehow my phone misheard my comm as 'hey google' and started blabbering some shit, which happened at the exact same instant that the enemy sniper peeked for the hero shot, so i died and we lost the match (we won the third map tho, thanks google)

another was IM grand finals, my first ever important game, where i started off having Zero ubers in the first half: one drop to a spy, one drop to synchronized rocket spam, and another to a sniper :) but we somehow came back and won (get owned ckj)
3 Frags +

playing against cloudmaker full time heavy in my first season of open

playing against cloudmaker full time heavy in my first season of open
17 Frags +

Several years ago, my friend an I decided to try comp tf2. We participated in the first EU prolander cup, and some time later we decided to sign up for the EU prolander season 1. Unfortunately, it was only a week left before sign-ups ended, and no team was looking for two people to join. So, we decided to make our own team. What we didn't realize is that not many people were looking for a team either. As a result, we had to accept anyone who wanted to join. And what a team it was:
Me on sniper who never touched comp before, beside one prolander cup.
My friend wanted to play demo, but no one else wanted to play medic, so he ended up being our medic.
Our soldier was from Columbia and, and when asked why he didn't play in NA, he replied that he "hates America"
Our "main" demo had never showed up for any scirms or officials, always promising to show up next time.
Our sub demo was from Hong Kong and almost never talked because she was afraid of waking up her parents (it was night there during our games)
The guy on engineer was using some unknown godforsaken fork of Linux and it couldn't run discord at all. His only way of communication was through in-game voice chat or text.
We had couple of skilled 6s players, but they always had 6s officials scheduled whenever we had our prolander officials.

Fortunately, we also had some good highlander players. With their maincalls (and some strong mercs), we somehow made it into playoffs, got destroyed by top 1 team in our first game there, and that was the end of it.

On a brighter note, I enjoyed occasionally playing as a scout in prolander, and after that season, I joined a really cool 6s team :)

Several years ago, my friend an I decided to try comp tf2. We participated in the first EU prolander cup, and some time later we decided to sign up for the EU prolander season 1. Unfortunately, it was only a week left before sign-ups ended, and no team was looking for two people to join. So, we decided to make our own team. What we didn't realize is that not many people were looking for a team either. As a result, we had to accept anyone who wanted to join. And what a team it was:
Me on sniper who never touched comp before, beside one prolander cup.
My friend wanted to play demo, but no one else wanted to play medic, so he ended up being our medic.
Our soldier was from Columbia and, and when asked why he didn't play in NA, he replied that he "hates America"
Our "main" demo had never showed up for any scirms or officials, always promising to show up next time.
Our sub demo was from Hong Kong and almost never talked because she was afraid of waking up her parents (it was night there during our games)
The guy on engineer was using some unknown godforsaken fork of Linux and it couldn't run discord at all. His only way of communication was through in-game voice chat or text.
We had couple of skilled 6s players, but they always had 6s officials scheduled whenever we had our prolander officials.

Fortunately, we also had some good highlander players. With their maincalls (and some strong mercs), we somehow made it into playoffs, got destroyed by top 1 team in our first game there, and that was the end of it.

On a brighter note, I enjoyed occasionally playing as a scout in prolander, and after that season, I joined a really cool 6s team :)
0 Frags +

TLR stealing x6's trophy at LAN

TLR stealing x6's trophy at LAN
5 Frags +

team is up 2-1 in a playoffs match with like 12 mins left and my IGL, wackyfire, opts to stalemate for the rest of the game

team is up 2-1 in a playoffs match with like 12 mins left and my IGL, wackyfire, opts to stalemate for the rest of the game
3 Frags +

hl but ugc s9 finals
ddos protection sucked in boomer days so there were constant server switches + every map went basically as long as it could (including a bo3 payload where every half was close to 30mins iirc)
it ended up being a 4 or 5 hour long loss that left everyone demoralised afterwards

hl but ugc s9 finals
ddos protection sucked in boomer days so there were constant server switches + every map went basically as long as it could (including a bo3 payload where every half was close to 30mins iirc)
it ended up being a 4 or 5 hour long loss that left everyone demoralised afterwards
14 Frags +


12 Frags +

The infamous match where Fully Torqued lost to Vector Gaming on Gravelpit.

For the entire week that we had to scrim Gravelpit, our team could not agree on how we wanted to play the map. On defense, half of our team wanted to play a more defensive approach where we'd let Justin snipe, and the other half wanted to play an aggressive approach in a forward position. The problem is that any time we'd try to commit to one strategy, it'd fail horribly. We'd then try the other strategy, which would also fail horribly. We kept going back and forth about which strategy to use, and things got really sour quickly. I think we were decent on offense, but that's obviously meaningless if our defense gets blown wide-open.

We got shit on in scrims by every Invite team during the entire week, and I'm pretty sure we lost to some IM teams in scrims as well. By the time we were ready to play our match, we felt slightly better about our strategy, but it still didn't feel great. I honestly can't remember what kind of strategy we went with, or maybe we did some kind of hybrid strategy of both.

Should we have beat Vector? Of course, but it honestly wasn't that surprising to us considering how awful that entire week of practice was. We never had disagreements on any other map before or after that. However, Vector still had to execute and play well to do what they did, so hats off to them. :]

The infamous match where Fully Torqued lost to Vector Gaming on Gravelpit.

For the entire week that we had to scrim Gravelpit, our team [i]could not[/i] agree on how we wanted to play the map. On defense, half of our team wanted to play a more defensive approach where we'd let Justin snipe, and the other half wanted to play an aggressive approach in a forward position. The problem is that any time we'd try to commit to one strategy, it'd fail horribly. We'd then try the other strategy, which would also fail horribly. We kept going back and forth about which strategy to use, and things got really sour quickly. I think we were decent on offense, but that's obviously meaningless if our defense gets blown wide-open.

We got shit on in scrims by every Invite team during the entire week, and I'm pretty sure we lost to some IM teams in scrims as well. By the time we were ready to play our match, we felt slightly better about our strategy, but it still didn't feel great. I honestly can't remember what kind of strategy we went with, or maybe we did some kind of hybrid strategy of both.

Should we have beat Vector? Of course, but it honestly wasn't that surprising to us considering how awful that entire week of practice was. We never had disagreements on any other map before or after that. However, Vector still had to execute and play well to do what they did, so hats off to them. :]
-1 Frags +

i got swindled into playing on an esea newbie-mix team by lightbringer where my medic played on 300 ping and would barely heal me (i was pocket scout) and my team captain didn't know what double bombing was

another time i was asked to play on some random highlander team, idr if it was iron or steel, tbh i dont even remember how i ended up playing on the team but during scrims my TL left randomly to go baby sit and made me lead the scrim, i was unbelievably inexperienced at the time so all we did was go over callouts, the team died a few days after

i got swindled into playing on an esea newbie-mix team by lightbringer where my medic played on 300 ping and would barely heal me (i was pocket scout) and my team captain didn't know what double bombing was

another time i was asked to play on some random highlander team, idr if it was iron or steel, tbh i dont even remember how i ended up playing on the team but during scrims my TL left randomly to go baby sit and made me lead the scrim, i was unbelievably inexperienced at the time so all we did was go over callouts, the team died a few days after
3 Frags +

Had an open highlander game years ago, in which the payload cart on barnblitz_pro flipped upside down and softlocked the entire round. We sat paused for 40 mins because there were no rules for this situation, lots of arguing between the teams and admins about what to do and it was eventually decided to replay the round and we got steamrolled. The map finally ended at around 12:30am UK time. And it was the last map of a bo3 playoff game with another payload map earlier in the set.

Had an open highlander game years ago, in which the payload cart on barnblitz_pro flipped upside down and softlocked the entire round. We sat paused for 40 mins because there were no rules for this situation, lots of arguing between the teams and admins about what to do and it was eventually decided to replay the round and we got steamrolled. The map finally ended at around 12:30am UK time. And it was the last map of a bo3 playoff game with another payload map earlier in the set.
0 Frags +

Getting dos'd in Esea O s14 grand finals

Getting dos'd in Esea O s14 grand finals
13 Frags +

any scrim or match in RGL IM 6s where you are the relatively inexperienced team playing the team full of invite HL players playing 6s for fun

if your mental isn't strong enough to adapt to a skilled heavy or a pyro who can reflect every projectile your team morale goes to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and never recovers

any scrim or match in RGL IM 6s where you are the relatively inexperienced team playing the team full of invite HL players playing 6s for fun

if your mental isn't strong enough to adapt to a skilled heavy or a pyro who can reflect every projectile your team morale goes to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and never recovers
0 Frags +
TwiggyTLR stealing x6's trophy at LAN

didn't this happen in Zoolander

[quote=Twiggy]TLR stealing x6's trophy at LAN[/quote]
didn't this happen in Zoolander
17 Frags +

playing against ace in div1 pausing multiple times at random over 2 maps (mostly as we're about to push last). one of them we ask if hes built uber off the bug, he says yes but i wont use till 20-30 seconds has passed as thats how long it would take to get it, we still agree to keep playing, as soon as we uber in he uses lmfao.

playing against ace in div1 pausing multiple times at random over 2 maps (mostly as we're about to push last). one of them we ask if hes built uber off the bug, he says yes but i wont use till 20-30 seconds has passed as thats how long it would take to get it, we still agree to keep playing, as soon as we uber in he uses lmfao.
-17 Frags +

Not making playoffs with this roster

Not making playoffs with this roster
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