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What's your job, TF.TV?
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'cause I like to brag, I'm entering year 3 of my fully funded PhD program. 2 more years and I'll make you call me Dr. Suit.

'cause I like to brag, I'm entering year 3 of my fully funded PhD program. 2 more years and I'll make you call me Dr. Suit.
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Legislative assistant for a California lobbying firm.

Legislative assistant for a California lobbying firm.
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on my way to college to get a degree in illustration

on my way to college to get a degree in illustration
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I do web development in php for a startup company
I also play video games.

I do web development in php for a startup company
I also play video games.
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Operator in one of the biggest Lithuania's brewery

Operator in one of the biggest Lithuania's brewery
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Intern for a CA state assembly member.

Thanks Kalkin <3

Intern for a CA state assembly member.

Thanks Kalkin <3
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Work in the IT department of a British constructions corporation.

Work in the IT department of a British constructions corporation.
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Not sure if I posted in here yet..

Currently helping paint my old gradeschool. It's actually pretty decent, 'cause I get paid $15 an hour and get to choose the days I work.

While I'm not mindlessly droning through that, I'm working on a 3D modeling reel. I've been emailing back and forth with MPC (Moving Picture Company), and once I'm done with my reel I think there's a good chance I'll land a job there.

Not sure if I posted in here yet..

Currently helping paint my old gradeschool. It's actually pretty decent, 'cause I get paid $15 an hour and get to choose the days I work.

While I'm not mindlessly droning through that, I'm working on a 3D modeling reel. I've been emailing back and forth with MPC (Moving Picture Company), and once I'm done with my reel I think there's a good chance I'll land a job there.
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I'm an intern on the team that makes these


I'm an intern on the team that makes these

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I dish out food and set up activities for campers at a summer camp. For school, my hopes of Computer Science as a BS have been deleted despite my practice and now I am on track for a BA in English.

I dish out food and set up activities for campers at a summer camp. For school, my hopes of Computer Science as a BS have been deleted despite my practice and now I am on track for a BA in English.
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I work in the wine industry, every summer I live with my father and drive out to do fieldwork and machinery operations such as bottling labeling and blending. During the school year I do deliveries around my area to bars, restraunts and tasting rooms for the business. Hopefully will be attending Davis or Fresno colleges to study viticulture next year to eventually take over as head winemaker throughout college, luckily I have a lot of experience compared to those approximately my age and would get hired in various positions easier.

I work in the wine industry, every summer I live with my father and drive out to do fieldwork and machinery operations such as bottling labeling and blending. During the school year I do deliveries around my area to bars, restraunts and tasting rooms for the business. Hopefully will be attending Davis or Fresno colleges to study viticulture next year to eventually take over as head winemaker throughout college, luckily I have a lot of experience compared to those approximately my age and would get hired in various positions easier.
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im a sophomore but i am currently working as a lifeguard at the beach/ at parties. at the beach i make like 30 an hour and at parties it can go up to 95 an hour.

im a sophomore but i am currently working as a lifeguard at the beach/ at parties. at the beach i make like 30 an hour and at parties it can go up to 95 an hour.
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I sell servers to you guys :) Wouldn't trade it for the world, love my job.

I sell servers to you guys :) Wouldn't trade it for the world, love my job.
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Waiter at a restaurant chain that is in real trouble.

Waiter at a restaurant chain that is in real trouble.
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tragicI sell servers to you guys :) Wouldn't trade it for the world, love my job.

A+ service.

[quote=tragic]I sell servers to you guys :) Wouldn't trade it for the world, love my job.[/quote]

A+ service.
1 ⋅⋅ 5 6 7 8
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