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Spectator Hud while dead
posted in Q/A Help
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Is there a option where a mini spectator hud pops up when youre dead which displays your teammates health?

Is there a option where a mini spectator hud pops up when youre dead which displays your teammates health?
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Nothing that will work outside of tournament mode.

You can, however, effectively make two tournament spectator huds by using minmode 0/1, where the full-feature spectator HUD is enabled with minmode 0 and a special, health and class image only version (or whatever modifications you want) is enabled with minmode 1. Then you would simply use minmode 1 while playing, but minmode 0 for everything else.

For example, this is my tournament spectator hud with minmode 1:


And again, minmode 0 would revert it to the default spectator hud.

Nothing that will work outside of tournament mode.

You can, however, effectively make two tournament spectator huds by using minmode 0/1, where the full-feature spectator HUD is enabled with minmode 0 and a special, health and class image only version (or whatever modifications you want) is enabled with minmode 1. Then you would simply use minmode 1 while playing, but minmode 0 for everything else.

For example, this is my tournament spectator hud with minmode 1:

And again, minmode 0 would revert it to the default spectator hud.
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