A friend of mine is having trouble with vegas to where whenever he tries to "render as" his clip it crashes. Any idea on how this can be fixed?
A friend of mine is having trouble with vegas to where whenever he tries to "render as" his clip it crashes. Any idea on how this can be fixed?
If I set the bitrate to over 20,000 it causes me to crash. More info would be helpful.
I've just recently been trying to render videos as well. I dont know if this will work for you, but if you're *or he's* trying to render an AVI, try doing an MP4 instead. Most of my AVI codecs were bad.
Problem Description
Application Name: Vegas Pro
Application Version: Version 11.0 (Build 370)
Problem: Unmanaged Exception (0xc0000005)
Fault Module: C:\Program Files\Dxtory Software\Dxtory2.0\DxtoryMM.dll
Fault Address: 0x535F80B9
Fault Offset: 0x000080B9
He says he just has the Dxtory clips and an a mp3
Don't set the fps over or even at 60. You have to use the dropdown and set it at one of the preset values such as 59.99fps, otherwise Sony Vegas will error on your render. This happens in version 11 but not in version 9.
Vegas 11 was a piece of shit for me. Almost everything I did would cause it to crash. Vegas 12 seems to work perfectly for me though.
pie_herohe says its at 29.97 fps
No clue then. Is he using a custom profile to render the video? That's all I could think of other than possibly trying to turn off gpu encoding. I just keep vegas 9 handy for situations like this.
yea he is going to get a different version i believe. Says that vegas 11 has provided other problems thank you for all the help guys!