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What version of yahud is this one? http://imgur.com/YpHu9fa

What version of yahud is this one? http://imgur.com/YpHu9fa
0 Frags +
ShipseeWhat version of yahud is this one? http://imgur.com/YpHu9fa

That's a really old one, here's a link to it. It's really outdated though, beware.

[quote=Shipsee]What version of yahud is this one? http://imgur.com/YpHu9fa[/quote]

That's a really old one, [url=http://puu.sh/jNOQS/68bd663703.zip]here's[/url] a link to it. It's really outdated though, beware.
3 Frags +

idk if anyone cares but I got I updated cymk to work with gun mettle
dl https://www.dropbox.com/s/z51feamlezquopw/CMYK.zip?dl=0

idk if anyone cares but I got I updated cymk to work with gun mettle
dl https://www.dropbox.com/s/z51feamlezquopw/CMYK.zip?dl=0
-2 Frags +

I love the whole hud but I have a small problem: when I look at a player, the name tag that appears is a white bar and at the end of it is the first few letters of the name. It cuts off the rest, and it really irritates me. I might have to use a different hud if I cant figure this out.

I love the whole hud but I have a small problem: when I look at a player, the name tag that appears is a white bar and at the end of it is the first few letters of the name. It cuts off the rest, and it really irritates me. I might have to use a different hud if I cant figure this out.
0 Frags +
Dylan10723I love the whole hud but I have a small problem: when I look at a player, the name tag that appears is a white bar and at the end of it is the first few letters of the name. It cuts off the rest, and it really irritates me. I might have to use a different hud if I cant figure this out.

This HUD hasn't been supported for a while...
Try this: http://www.teamfortress.tv/26847/yayahud

[quote=Dylan10723]I love the whole hud but I have a small problem: when I look at a player, the name tag that appears is a white bar and at the end of it is the first few letters of the name. It cuts off the rest, and it really irritates me. I might have to use a different hud if I cant figure this out.[/quote]
This HUD hasn't been supported for a while...
Try this: http://www.teamfortress.tv/26847/yayahud
0 Frags +
Lucky_Benderidk if anyone cares but I got I updated cymk to work with gun mettle
dl https://www.dropbox.com/s/z51feamlezquopw/CMYK.zip?dl=0

i love you (no homo)

[quote=Lucky_Bender]idk if anyone cares but I got I updated cymk to work with gun mettle
dl https://www.dropbox.com/s/z51feamlezquopw/CMYK.zip?dl=0[/quote]

i love you (no homo)
-19 Frags +

1000th post

1000th post
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circa1000th post


[quote=circa]1000th post[/quote]

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-4 Frags +

Does anyone know what version of yAHUD has this scoreboard? http://imgur.com/Ez7zmzJ

Does anyone know what version of yAHUD has this scoreboard? http://imgur.com/Ez7zmzJ
4 Frags +
ShipseeDoes anyone know what version of yAHUD has this scoreboard?[url=file:///C:/Users/megam_000/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot%20%2869%29.png][/url]

You tried to link a file on your computer. You need to upload it to an image host so everyone else can see it (we can't see a file that's only on your computer). Try http://imgur.com/ and upload that same image and link that here.

[quote=Shipsee]Does anyone know what version of yAHUD has this scoreboard?[url=file:///C:/Users/megam_000/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot%20%2869%29.png][/url][/quote]

You tried to link a file on your computer. You need to upload it to an image host so everyone else can see it (we can't see a file that's only on your computer). Try http://imgur.com/ and upload that same image and link that here.
0 Frags +

This one

This one
-1 Frags +
ShipseeThis one

That's from Woolen Sleevelet's custom yaHUD, which he probably won't release any time soon.

[quote=Shipsee]This one

That's from Woolen Sleevelet's custom yaHUD, which he probably won't release any time soon.
0 Frags +
Silent-DanShipseeThis one

That's from Woolen Sleevelet's custom yaHUD, which he probably won't release any time soon.

Ive seen it on an older one and this is the closest on I could find

[quote=Silent-Dan][quote=Shipsee]This one

That's from Woolen Sleevelet's custom yaHUD, which he probably won't release any time soon.[/quote]
Ive seen it on an older one and this is the closest on I could find
1 Frags +

does anybody know how to enable the 3d model of your class in the bottom left?

does anybody know how to enable the 3d model of your class in the bottom left?
1 Frags +
Funkydoes anybody know how to enable the 3d model of your class in the bottom left?

cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel "1"

[quote=Funky]does anybody know how to enable the 3d model of your class in the bottom left?[/quote]
cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel "1"
0 Frags +

Love the HUD, gonna be using it for the forseeable future. However, I've never actually tried editing huds, and I tried finding the option for changing the kill/assists/deaths/etc font colour because it's more or less the same as the colour of the background where the numbers on the scoreboard are, but I couldn't. I apologize if this question has been asked already, I haven't spotted it.

Thank you in advance, and keep up the good work.

Love the HUD, gonna be using it for the forseeable future. However, I've never actually tried editing huds, and I tried finding the option for changing the kill/assists/deaths/etc font colour because it's more or less the same as the colour of the background where the numbers on the scoreboard are, but I couldn't. I apologize if this question has been asked already, I haven't spotted it.

Thank you in advance, and keep up the good work.
-5 Frags +

Can someone please update this to the most recent update, I really love this HUD shame to see it die.

Can someone please update this to the most recent update, I really love this HUD shame to see it die.
1 Frags +
whiskey16Can someone please update this to the most recent update, I really love this HUD shame to see it die.

I know I'm late, but try this: http://www.teamfortress.tv/26847/yayahud

[quote=whiskey16]Can someone please update this to the most recent update, I really love this HUD shame to see it die.[/quote]

I know I'm late, but try this: http://www.teamfortress.tv/26847/yayahud
-7 Frags +

seems to be either broken or just broken on linux. either way, it doesn't work for me.
disregard, i didn't see the date.

[s]seems to be either broken or just broken on linux. either way, it doesn't work for me.[/s]
disregard, i didn't see the date.
1 ⋅⋅ 31 32 33 34
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