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sigafoo tf2 league
2 Frags +
GentlemanJonnopeMM isn't currently helpful except in the sense that it legitimises 6v6 as a format. It's meant to be a competitive matchmaking system but it's currently not competitive or any good at making matches.It is potentially useful in that a new player that is competitively minded will go there first. Players that play MM will at least have some interest in playing a structured format with the focus on the objective. They may even stop playing pyro long enough to actually help their team. Essentially they are self selecting potential competitive players, it seems obvious there should be a focus on converting them.

yes except that mm is cancer and is more likely to turn people away from tf2 altogether than to show them the fun inherent on 6s

[quote=GentlemanJon][quote=nope]MM isn't currently helpful except in the sense that it legitimises 6v6 as a format. It's meant to be a competitive matchmaking system but it's currently not competitive or any good at making matches.[/quote]
It is potentially useful in that a new player that is competitively minded will go there first. Players that play MM will at least have some interest in playing a structured format with the focus on the objective. They may even stop playing pyro long enough to actually help their team. Essentially they are self selecting potential competitive players, it seems obvious there should be a focus on converting them.[/quote]
yes except that mm is cancer and is more likely to turn people away from tf2 altogether than to show them the fun inherent on 6s
7 Frags +
nopeyes except that mm is cancer and is more likely to turn people away from tf2 altogether than to show them the fun inherent on 6s

Nobody is suggesting anything else, but it's there and it's users need saving from hell

[quote=nope]yes except that mm is cancer and is more likely to turn people away from tf2 altogether than to show them the fun inherent on 6s[/quote]
Nobody is suggesting anything else, but it's there and it's users need saving from hell
1 Frags +


31 Frags +

Sorry for the slight necro post, but I wanted to respond to particular posts in this thread.

glassin this thread: no one who has ever contributed 4k of their own money to the competitive tf2 scene

sigafoo can do whatever he wants

Just because you haven't contributed money to the scene, doesn't mean you can't comment on it. sigafoo is free to do what he wants with that money (as I have with my own); but if I was in his spot? This is not what I would do. If I decided that $4000 would be worth spending on TF2, I'd much rather do one of these: 1) spend it on an invitational 6s cup with a big prize pool and try to get big names (e.g. mix^) to play for a weekend, and also pay production to do an insanely good job of casting and streaming it, 2) contribute that towards another i-series (correction to sigafoo's video; the i-series is where the best TF2 has ever been played. Bar none.), or 3) create a 6s league that might actually stand a chance of surviving long term (this needs more than 4K dumped into it I'm PRETTY SURE).

Just for fun, I'm always curious why paid leagues haven't tried something similar to the ESEA model with no premium but also with a free tier with very low stakes (I haven't thought much about it, but something like "free entrance into the equivalent of IM"), and keeping the stakes higher on the other tiers. Theoretically, this should be the best way to keep everyone in the same league instead of the crazy split(s) we have and have had over the years (at one point, we had ESEA, CEVO AND UGC at the same time).

LegendaryRQAAren't you guys even remotely scared of a TF2 Dev coming in here and seeing all the negativity that someone is receiving for putting their own money into a tournament? They'd probably walk away thinking: "Well, i guess we won't put money into this either, if this is the response it's going to get".

HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA, yeah, that's EXACTLY how this would play out! Everyone is immune from criticism because they put up some money! (yes this is sarcastic)

ScrambledKairuAlso, you realize about 1 year ago 6s became the official format? It's the one in the game menu that anyone can queue for. It's not "stupid 6s elitists" anymore, it's stupid anti-6s elitists fighting the most competitive mode, and Valve. While leagues are a slightly more restrictive version of it, it is still the official competitive mode.Valve have said that they are not willing to put forward a prize pool because they don't feel that the current competitive rulesets properly display what they feel the game is meant to be, and what many players enjoy. I think it was in the Valve News Network interview, though I can't remember.

Valve haven't said anything like that. I don't know where you got this (I watched the interview, it didn't say anything super new in terms of philosophy, nor did it mention prize pools at all). They also didn't comment on how 6s is played in ESEA, at all. All they talked about is bridging the gap between the communities, which is a good goal (if only they executed on it a little faster...).

aim-6s is a format that literally can't be challenged

You wanna know why this 7v7 prolander format has problems? Pick/Ban phase added when it's unnecessary. Forcing classes to be played when they aren't necessary (by the way, this works against how TF2 was designed). Is the meta in 7v7 prolander going to be any different than HL no Pyro no Spy?

If you want a different meta, then the game's balance has to change. Not what comes afterwards. The meta is a result of optimized play, not a cause.

Sorry for the slight necro post, but I wanted to respond to particular posts in this thread.

[quote=glass]in this thread: no one who has ever contributed 4k of their own money to the competitive tf2 scene

sigafoo can do whatever he wants[/quote]
Just because you haven't contributed money to the scene, doesn't mean you can't comment on it. sigafoo is free to do what he wants with that money (as I have with my own); but if I was in his spot? This is not what I would do. If I decided that $4000 would be worth spending on TF2, I'd much rather do one of these: 1) spend it on an invitational 6s cup with a big prize pool and try to get big names (e.g. mix^) to play for a weekend, and also pay production to do an insanely good job of casting and streaming it, 2) contribute that towards another i-series (correction to sigafoo's video; the i-series is where the best TF2 has ever been played. Bar none.), or 3) create a 6s league that might actually stand a chance of surviving long term (this needs more than 4K dumped into it I'm PRETTY SURE).

Just for fun, I'm always curious why paid leagues haven't tried something similar to the ESEA model with no premium but also with a free tier with very low stakes (I haven't thought much about it, but something like "free entrance into the equivalent of IM"), and keeping the stakes higher on the other tiers. Theoretically, this should be the best way to keep everyone in the same league instead of the crazy split(s) we have and have had over the years (at one point, we had ESEA, CEVO AND UGC at the same time).

[quote=LegendaryRQA]Aren't you guys even remotely scared of a TF2 Dev coming in here and seeing all the negativity that someone is receiving for putting their own money into a tournament? They'd probably walk away thinking: "Well, i guess we won't put money into this either, if this is the response it's going to get".[/quote]
HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA, yeah, that's EXACTLY how this would play out! Everyone is immune from criticism because they put up some money! (yes this is sarcastic)

Also, you realize about 1 year ago 6s became the official format? It's the one in the game menu that anyone can queue for. It's not "stupid 6s elitists" anymore, it's stupid anti-6s elitists fighting the most competitive mode, and Valve. While leagues are a slightly more restrictive version of it, it is still the official competitive mode.[/quote]
Valve have said that they are not willing to put forward a prize pool because they don't feel that the current competitive rulesets properly display what they feel the game is meant to be, and what many players enjoy. I think it was in the Valve News Network interview, though I can't remember.[/quote]
Valve haven't said anything like that. I don't know where you got this (I watched the interview, it didn't say anything super new in terms of philosophy, nor did it mention prize pools at all). They also didn't comment on how 6s is played in ESEA, at all. All they talked about is bridging the gap between the communities, which is a good goal (if only they executed on it a little faster...).

[quote=aim-]6s is a format that literally can't be challenged[/quote]
You wanna know why this 7v7 prolander format has problems? Pick/Ban phase added when it's unnecessary. Forcing classes to be played when they aren't necessary (by the way, this works against how TF2 was designed). Is the meta in 7v7 prolander going to be any different than HL no Pyro no Spy?

If you want a different meta, then the game's balance has to change. Not what comes afterwards. The meta is a result of optimized play, not a cause.
41 Frags +

I sexually Identify as a 7v7 engineer. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of erecting dispensers on badlands mid dropping hot mini sentries on disgusting scout mains. People say to me that winning with engineer in 6s is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm hosting a 7v7 tournament that's "not as aids as highlander" and it has a 4k USD pricepool. From now on I want you guys to call me "sigafoo" and respect my right to make teleporter strats and build needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a engiephobe and need to check your class privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

I sexually Identify as a 7v7 engineer. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of erecting dispensers on badlands mid dropping hot mini sentries on disgusting scout mains. People say to me that winning with engineer in 6s is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm hosting a 7v7 tournament that's "not as aids as highlander" and it has a 4k USD pricepool. From now on I want you guys to call me "sigafoo" and respect my right to make teleporter strats and build needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a engiephobe and need to check your class privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
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oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup
0 Frags +

Sideshow saw this coming

Sideshow saw this coming
5 Frags +

can you put this aids on not a 6s day so good people can play without risking getting jewed into default time when we have a match

can you put this aids on not a 6s day so good people can play without risking getting jewed into default time when we have a match
8 Frags +

i cant stand this antisemitism

i cant stand this antisemitism
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5 teams


5 teams
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5 Teams.

8 teams formed across all divs but there's a lot of ppl in the solo queue for "recreational"


[u][b]5 Teams. [/b][/u][/quote]
8 teams formed across all divs but there's a lot of ppl in the solo queue for "recreational"
8 Frags +

5 Teams.
8 teams formed across all divs but there's a lot of ppl in the solo queue for "recreational"

assuming all of those people are divided into teams that adds another 8 teams in the recreational div


[u][b]5 Teams. [/b][/u][/quote]
8 teams formed across all divs but there's a lot of ppl in the solo queue for "recreational"[/quote]
assuming all of those people are divided into teams that adds another 8 teams in the recreational div
1 ⋅⋅ 8 9 10 11
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