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U.S. Congress House Bill 2796
posted in The Dumpster
11 Frags +

They/them, he/him, she/her (no preference)
Lesbian >>>>> Note: I could technically identify as asexual and as certain aro identities, but no longer ID as ace outside of the discourse or at all as aro.
Don’t call me q*eer
Woman aligned NB
Northern European/Jewish descent
Type 1 Bipolar Disorder/Anorexia Nervosa (binge-purge subtype)/C-PTSD
Autistic (Special interest content is welcome and appreciated!!!)
CSA/COCSA/r*pe/incest/conversion therapy/and abuse survivor
You are welcome to message me about my or your trauma if you have questions or need to vent. Just label it as “For Mod F.” I will do my best to answer and validate you unless you are obviously a troll.
Mod F’s Special Interests: cats, dogs, reptiles, amphibians, insects, arachnids (basically anything animal related lol,) Sci-fi (right now I’m in love with Black Mirror, and The Handmaid’s Tale,) fantasy, horror, paranormal stuff, weird history, science (especially biology,) true crime (nothing glorifying it,) theater (not Hamilton pls don’t send me anything regarding it,) and makeup

gabbythe whole point is that no one is LYING to you, you just dont believe what they are telling you to be true. and if its true to them, its true, case and point.


They/them, he/him, she/her (no preference)
Lesbian >>>>> Note: I could technically identify as asexual and as certain aro identities, but no longer ID as ace outside of the discourse or at all as aro.
Don’t call me q*eer
Woman aligned NB
Northern European/Jewish descent
Type 1 Bipolar Disorder/Anorexia Nervosa (binge-purge subtype)/C-PTSD
Autistic (Special interest content is welcome and appreciated!!!)
CSA/COCSA/r*pe/incest/conversion therapy/and abuse survivor
You are welcome to message me about my or your trauma if you have questions or need to vent. Just label it as “For Mod F.” I will do my best to answer and validate you unless you are obviously a troll.
Mod F’s Special Interests: cats, dogs, reptiles, amphibians, insects, arachnids (basically anything animal related lol,) Sci-fi (right now I’m in love with Black Mirror, and The Handmaid’s Tale,) fantasy, horror, paranormal stuff, weird history, science (especially biology,) true crime (nothing glorifying it,) theater (not Hamilton pls don’t send me anything regarding it,) and makeup

[quote=gabby]the whole point is that no one is LYING to you, you just dont believe what they are telling you to be true. and if its true to them, its true, case and point.[/quote]
3 Frags +

words are words, and only words and can only hurt you if you let them.

words are words, and only words and can only hurt you if you let them.
-2 Frags +

i am sorry i am not well versed in semantics about some of the most trite concepts out there (quite dimb of me) can you please call me slurs then

i am sorry i am not well versed in semantics about some of the most trite concepts out there (quite dimb of me) can you please call me slurs then
2 Frags +


gabbyno one is LYING to you, you just dont believe what they are telling you to be true.


[quote=gabby]no one is LYING to you, you just dont believe what they are telling you to be true.[/quote]
11 Frags +

by the way I really dont like it whenever whymeo just makes some political thread and then doesn't post in the thread again. like she's just throwing chum in the water and giggling as she watches the sharks lose their shit.
share a fucking viewpoint or somrthing, don't just makr a thread and expect people to start discussions. that's why all of your political threads are awful.

by the way I really dont like it whenever whymeo just makes some political thread and then doesn't post in the thread again. like she's just throwing chum in the water and giggling as she watches the sharks lose their shit.
share a fucking viewpoint or somrthing, don't just makr a thread and expect people to start discussions. that's why all of your political threads are awful.
8 Frags +

if I want 4 nerdstars like toads_tf is acting like a fucking retard a prereq

if I want 4 nerdstars like toads_tf is acting like a fucking retard a prereq
-2 Frags +
Cleepopleif I want 4 nerdstars like toads_tf do I need to act like a fucking retard

its more a perk of being at the top

[quote=Cleepople]if I want 4 nerdstars like toads_tf do I need to act like a fucking retard[/quote]
its more a perk of being at the top
4 Frags +
toads_tfdot_toads_tfcan some1 insult a straight white american male with every insult in the book so i know what i can say and what i cant tymayo boy works finea bit weak tbh can u spice it up a bit for maximum reclaimability

i would but u know.. white people and spices, shit just doesnt work.

[quote=toads_tf][quote=dot_][quote=toads_tf]can some1 insult a straight white american male with every insult in the book so i know what i can say and what i cant ty[/quote]
mayo boy works fine[/quote]
a bit weak tbh can u spice it up a bit for maximum reclaimability[/quote]
i would but u know.. white people and spices, shit just doesnt work.
-1 Frags +

this site will get so boring once something happens to this game

this site will get so boring once something happens to this game
-11 Frags +
THEBILLDOZERby the way I really dont like it whenever whymeo just makes some political thread and then doesn't post in the thread again. like she's just throwing chum in the water and giggling as she watches the sharks lose their shit.
share a fucking viewpoint or somrthing, don't just makr a thread and expect people to start discussions. that's why all of your political threads are awful.

I'm not trying to start a conversation. I'm just posting something that I view as important on one of the few forums I frequent. Even if only 10% of the people who see the thread aren't massive morons, I've still helped spread the fact that this terrible bill is currently trying to be passed through the house to several people who care.

[quote=THEBILLDOZER]by the way I really dont like it whenever whymeo just makes some political thread and then doesn't post in the thread again. like she's just throwing chum in the water and giggling as she watches the sharks lose their shit.
share a fucking viewpoint or somrthing, don't just makr a thread and expect people to start discussions. that's why all of your political threads are awful.[/quote]

I'm not trying to start a conversation. I'm just posting something that I view as important on one of the few forums I frequent. Even if only 10% of the people who see the thread aren't massive morons, I've still helped spread the fact that this terrible bill is currently trying to be passed through the house to several people who care.
11 Frags +
whymeoTHEBILLDOZERby the way I really dont like it whenever whymeo just makes some political thread and then doesn't post in the thread again. like she's just throwing chum in the water and giggling as she watches the sharks lose their shit.
share a fucking viewpoint or somrthing, don't just makr a thread and expect people to start discussions. that's why all of your political threads are awful.

I'm not trying to start a conversation. I'm just posting something that I view as important on one of the few forums I frequent. Even if only 10% of the people who see the thread aren't massive morons, I've still helped spread the fact that this terrible bill is currently trying to be passed through the house to several people who care.

on a forum, trying to start a discussion will be a lot more successful to spread your viewpoint in a positive manner, and will roster better discussion. just a pro tip from a 4 star :)

[quote=whymeo][quote=THEBILLDOZER]by the way I really dont like it whenever whymeo just makes some political thread and then doesn't post in the thread again. like she's just throwing chum in the water and giggling as she watches the sharks lose their shit.
share a fucking viewpoint or somrthing, don't just makr a thread and expect people to start discussions. that's why all of your political threads are awful.[/quote]

I'm not trying to start a conversation. I'm just posting something that I view as important on one of the few forums I frequent. Even if only 10% of the people who see the thread aren't massive morons, I've still helped spread the fact that this terrible bill is currently trying to be passed through the house to several people who care.[/quote]
on a forum, trying to start a discussion will be a lot more successful to spread your viewpoint in a positive manner, and will roster better discussion. just a pro tip from a 4 star :)
-7 Frags +

People are perfectly capable of talking about it if they want to, I posted the summary of the bill. Multiple people even have talked about the bill. Trying to claim the reason that these threads are a mess because I don't respond to many people is stupid and you know it. They're a mess because the majority of people who post in them are either extremely apathetic about social issues (so they meme) or actively hateful of minorities (so they post hateful shit).

People are perfectly capable of talking about it if they want to, I posted the summary of the bill. Multiple people even have talked about the bill. Trying to claim the reason that these threads are a mess because I don't respond to many people is stupid and you know it. They're a mess because the majority of people who post in them are either extremely apathetic about social issues (so they meme) or actively hateful of minorities (so they post hateful shit).
-2 Frags +
whymeoPeople are perfectly capable of talking about it if they want to, I posted the summary of the bill. Multiple people even have talked about the bill. Trying to claim the reason that these threads are a mess because I don't respond to many people is stupid and you know it. They're a mess because the majority of people who post in them are either extremely apathetic about social issues (so they meme) or actively hateful of minorities (so they post hateful shit).

actually theyre shit because youre posting irrelevant stuff on a tf2 forum at night (and because youll just call whatever you disagree with dumb like anyone else)

you send out vague and pointless shit with the only apparent intention being inflammatory, you receive shit in return

[quote=whymeo]People are perfectly capable of talking about it if they want to, I posted the summary of the bill. Multiple people even have talked about the bill. Trying to claim the reason that these threads are a mess because I don't respond to many people is stupid and you know it. They're a mess because the majority of people who post in them are either extremely apathetic about social issues (so they meme) or actively hateful of minorities (so they post hateful shit).[/quote]
actually theyre shit because youre posting irrelevant stuff on a tf2 forum at night (and because youll just call whatever you disagree with dumb like anyone else)

you send out vague and pointless shit with the only apparent intention being inflammatory, you receive shit in return
-2 Frags +
THEBILLDOZERon a forum, trying to start a discussion will be a lot more successful to spread your viewpoint in a positive manner, and will roster better discussion. just a pro tip from a 4 star :)

why do that when you can just post vaguely alarmist bullshit about a controversial topic and watch the shitfest unfold before your eyes, much more fun

[quote=THEBILLDOZER]on a forum, trying to start a discussion will be a lot more successful to spread your viewpoint in a positive manner, and will roster better discussion. just a pro tip from a 4 star :)[/quote]
why do that when you can just post vaguely alarmist bullshit about a controversial topic and watch the shitfest unfold before your eyes, much more fun
5 Frags +

I'm not saying that you not responding is making the threads shit
I'm saying that you not giving anyone to go off of is making the threads shit
if you posed an objective to the thread, or offered something for people to talk about it would make your threads so much better
like it would literally clean up so many of the memes and shit people posted because the thread would actually have an objective beyond "this exists"
like yeah you have feathers and aiera and gabby posting but they're already a for sure deal. if you want people on your side you have to make people talk about things you want to have heard.
as it stands people are gonna see the Bill when you just post it and go but then the meming comes in because there's no objective. while the bill is still going to be the fest thing anyone in this thread sees, the rest of it makes it look bad.

I'm not saying that you not responding is making the threads shit
I'm saying that you not giving anyone to go off of is making the threads shit
if you posed an objective to the thread, or offered something for people to talk about it would make your threads so much better
like it would literally clean up so many of the memes and shit people posted because the thread would actually have an objective beyond "this exists"
like yeah you have feathers and aiera and gabby posting but they're already a for sure deal. if you want people on your side you have to make people talk about things you want to have heard.
as it stands people are gonna see the Bill when you just post it and go but then the meming comes in because there's no objective. while the bill is still going to be the fest thing anyone in this thread sees, the rest of it makes it look bad.
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-4 Frags +
THEBILLDOZERI'm not saying that you not responding is making the threads shit
I'm saying that you not giving anyone to go off of is making the threads shit
if you posed an objective to the thread, or offered something for people to talk about it would make your threads so much better
like it would literally clean up so many of the memes and shit people posted because the thread would actually have an objective beyond "this exists"
like yeah you have feathers and aiera and gabby posting but they're already a for sure deal. if you want people on your side you have to make people talk about things you want to have heard.
as it stands people are gonna see the Bill when you just post it and go but then the meming comes in because there's no objective. while the bill is still going to be the fest thing anyone in this thread sees, the rest of it makes it look bad.

The majority of the things I post about I find on either small-leftist subreddits (where literally all the post is is a link) or twitter (where all there is is 144 characters with the link). Somehow the conversation in those places always manages to be civil and stay on topic with either none or almost no direction from the original poster.

Like I don't mind that the majority of people in the U.S. don't care about trans rights. I literally already know that from polling. But don't spew random bullshit about how me not putting a ton of effort into the original post is somehow making the threads bad when this stuff is literally posted in other areas and the conversations go just fine. The people that make up your average gaming competitive community are just even more likely to be "conservative on social issues" (to put it politely) than normal. Compounded by the fact that the stuff I'm posting about is often already disagreed with by over 50% of the U.S. public, of course the thread is going to be full of memes and hostility.

[quote=THEBILLDOZER]I'm not saying that you not responding is making the threads shit
I'm saying that you not giving anyone to go off of is making the threads shit
if you posed an objective to the thread, or offered something for people to talk about it would make your threads so much better
like it would literally clean up so many of the memes and shit people posted because the thread would actually have an objective beyond "this exists"
like yeah you have feathers and aiera and gabby posting but they're already a for sure deal. if you want people on your side you have to make people talk about things you want to have heard.
as it stands people are gonna see the Bill when you just post it and go but then the meming comes in because there's no objective. while the bill is still going to be the fest thing anyone in this thread sees, the rest of it makes it look bad.[/quote]

The majority of the things I post about I find on either small-leftist subreddits (where literally all the post is is a link) or twitter (where all there is is 144 characters with the link). Somehow the conversation in those places always manages to be civil and stay on topic with either none or almost no direction from the original poster.

Like I don't mind that the majority of people in the U.S. don't care about trans rights. I literally already know that from polling. But don't spew random bullshit about how me not putting a ton of effort into the original post is somehow making the threads bad when this stuff is literally posted in other areas and the conversations go just fine. The people that make up your average gaming competitive community are just even more likely to be "conservative on social issues" (to put it politely) than normal. Compounded by the fact that the stuff I'm posting about is often already disagreed with by over 50% of the U.S. public, of course the thread is going to be full of memes and hostility.
-5 Frags +

lets just take the trans people and move them to one continent and the non-trans people to the others and nobody will have to deal with the other how about that

lets just take the trans people and move them to one continent and the non-trans people to the others and nobody will have to deal with the other how about that
5 Frags +

"wow I got this info from a small political subreddit or from a politicians twitter and posted it to a forum about a video game with nothing but the link and a short summary. why can't they respond the way those politic centric websites did?"

you're trying so hard to make you and the other transgender users of this site look like a victim to the tftv transgender hate train but the reality of it is that your post is garbage and people responded the same way they do other posts.
I guarantee you that a pretty big percentage of tf2 players either support trans people, or outright are indifferent to it. it's pretty fucking delusional for you to take a statistic applied to the whole population and apply it to a website whose user base is largely people between the ages of 16 and 25.

"wow I got this info from a small political subreddit or from a politicians twitter and posted it to a forum about a video game with nothing but the link and a short summary. why can't they respond the way those politic centric websites did?"

you're trying so hard to make you and the other transgender users of this site look like a victim to the tftv transgender hate train but the reality of it is that your post is garbage and people responded the same way they do other posts.
I guarantee you that a pretty big percentage of tf2 players either support trans people, or outright are indifferent to it. it's pretty fucking delusional for you to take a statistic applied to the whole population and apply it to a website whose user base is largely people between the ages of 16 and 25.
14 Frags +
whymeosomehow when I stay inside leftist echo chambers I don't encounter people with strong opinions contrary to my own
[quote=whymeo]somehow when I stay inside leftist echo chambers I don't encounter people with strong opinions contrary to my own[/quote]
0 Frags +

Comrades, President Obama needs your help to raise everyone’s awareness of how the government shutdown is utterly ruining everyone’s lives and destroying everything in its path, and all at the behest of those greedy, evil anarchists, arsonists, extortionists, bomb-throwers, flame-throwers, terrorists, fearmongers, hatemongers, hostage-takers, killers, murderers, and thieves that make up the Tea Party Republicans, who are holding their guns, including assault weapons, to the heads of the American people, strapping explosives to the chests of children, and chowing down on kittens and puppies and bunnies while forcing everyone else to starve to death!

Read more at https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4c4_1381278782#G5fJaSEZuxyl65bR.99

Comrades, President Obama needs your help to raise everyone’s awareness of how the government shutdown is utterly ruining everyone’s lives and destroying everything in its path, and all at the behest of those greedy, evil anarchists, arsonists, extortionists, bomb-throwers, flame-throwers, terrorists, fearmongers, hatemongers, hostage-takers, killers, murderers, and thieves that make up the Tea Party Republicans, who are holding their guns, including assault weapons, to the heads of the American people, strapping explosives to the chests of children, and chowing down on kittens and puppies and bunnies while forcing everyone else to starve to death!

Read more at https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4c4_1381278782#G5fJaSEZuxyl65bR.99
0 Frags +


-13 Frags +
THEBILLDOZERI guarantee you that a pretty big percentage of tf2 players either support trans people, or outright are indifferent to it. it's pretty fucking delusional for you to take a statistic applied to the whole population and apply it to a website whose user base is largely people between the ages of 16 and 25.

This is the funniest thing I've read all week.

I guarantee you that a pretty big percentage of tf2 players either support trans people, or outright are indifferent to it. it's pretty fucking delusional for you to take a statistic applied to the whole population and apply it to a website whose user base is largely people between the ages of 16 and 25.[/quote]

This is the funniest thing I've read all week.
1 Frags +

has anyone read the bible translated to scots thats some funny shit

has anyone read the bible translated to scots thats some funny shit
8 Frags +
whymeoTHEBILLDOZERI guarantee you that a pretty big percentage of tf2 players either support trans people, or outright are indifferent to it. it's pretty fucking delusional for you to take a statistic applied to the whole population and apply it to a website whose user base is largely people between the ages of 16 and 25.
This is the funniest thing I've read all week.

you're telling me that whyme has nothing to contribute to a discussion? color me shocked!

I guarantee you that a pretty big percentage of tf2 players either support trans people, or outright are indifferent to it. it's pretty fucking delusional for you to take a statistic applied to the whole population and apply it to a website whose user base is largely people between the ages of 16 and 25.[/quote]

This is the funniest thing I've read all week.[/quote]
you're telling me that whyme has nothing to contribute to a discussion? color me shocked!
-5 Frags +
whymeoTHEBILLDOZERI guarantee you that a pretty big percentage of tf2 players either support trans people, or outright are indifferent to it. it's pretty fucking delusional for you to take a statistic applied to the whole population and apply it to a website whose user base is largely people between the ages of 16 and 25.
This is the funniest thing I've read all week.

It's probably true. Most young people in the United States and Britain are fairly liberal, and even when you take into account the fact that most people who play tf2 are guys, I would imagine the general population of tf2 is majority pro-trans rights. However, those people are part of the silent majority, and on the internet, people on the right, especially the far right, are much more vocal about their opinions, in no small part due to the prevalence of alt-right memes.

I guarantee you that a pretty big percentage of tf2 players either support trans people, or outright are indifferent to it. it's pretty fucking delusional for you to take a statistic applied to the whole population and apply it to a website whose user base is largely people between the ages of 16 and 25.[/quote]

This is the funniest thing I've read all week.[/quote]
It's probably true. Most young people in the United States and Britain are fairly liberal, and even when you take into account the fact that most people who play tf2 are guys, I would imagine the general population of tf2 is majority pro-trans rights. However, those people are part of the silent majority, and on the internet, people on the right, especially the far right, are much more vocal about their opinions, in no small part due to the prevalence of alt-right memes.
-3 Frags +

i identify as the sun if u do not refer to me using sun pronouns i will stop reacting and kill all life on earth its real in my mind so its true case in point

i identify as the sun if u do not refer to me using sun pronouns i will stop reacting and kill all life on earth its real in my mind so its true case in point
-5 Frags +

i am a fruit loop, a shitty cheero knockoff with kellog's evil greedil

i am a fruit loop, a shitty cheero knockoff with kellog's evil greedil
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