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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted March 13, 2020 at 7:29 PM
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#814 Vent your anger in Off Topic

I have a 10 year old (girlfriend's nephew) living in my house because his parents were hard into heroin and meth for the last ages. Got him out of foster care after 3 years in the system, and he'll probably be with us until he supports himself. Both parents are clean now for the past year or two, but FUCK!!!! Kid cried in my arms for an hour last night missing his parents.

posted about 6 years ago
#28 can you have real friends online? in Off Topic

Online people are real people, too. I've probably not talked to most of my tf2 bros in quite some time, but if any of them every needed a hand or wanted to chat I'd be there.

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Going thru earbuds fast in Hardware
ideekaeOafmealBuy earbuds with a jack shaped like this,
If ur going for high-ish end earbuds, this is a massive game changer. u gotta try finding stuff like that

That's what boggles my mind about straight jacks! Sure they're just fine for larger headphones or 'at home' use, but anything you plug into your phone which rides in your pocket while doing things will get destroyed unless said pocket is tight enough that your source device will not turn, and the cable stays straight. There are probably good quality L shaped adapters to save your buds, though. I hadn't even thought about looking for those before today.

posted about 6 years ago
#48 circa hackusations in TF2 General Discussion
Hasssassincome talk to me when your voice is less than 500dB pitch, actually dont talk to me


Decibels and pitch are two very different things, good sir.

woops. I should read threads more carefully.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Going thru earbuds fast in Hardware

Buy earbuds with a jack shaped like this,


They last forever in your pocket compared to ones shaped like this,


Being in your pocket will keep bending the 2nd to be shaped like the 1st, resulting in quick wear at the jack. I have literally no idea why all buds are not made with an L shaped jack, unless it's to sell more buds.

posted about 6 years ago
#29 What got you in to competitive TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

xen enigma, yaug and solid snake were semi regulars on the pub server I frequented, and that made me aware of the scene because they were beasts. Formed a team of pubbers, for cevo and twl I think, then moved on to esea for s3.

posted about 6 years ago
#30 how do i get rid of an object? in Off Topic

Don't litter. Throw it out. If it makes you feel safer, put it in a public garbage can. Cops in Canada don't really care. I've had friends growing up to 100 or so indoor plants be told, "We know who you are, so don't do it again or we'll do something about it." Cops load the plants and lights into their van never to be seen again. Not saying that'll happen every time or anything, but you've just got a grinder fer fuck's sake.

posted about 7 years ago
#99 Where do you work? in Off Topic

For the last 4 years I've been running excavator, backhoe, skid steer, dump truck, etc. etc. Also shovel, and rake. It's fun, but also stressful when you're running a machine in tight spaces next to breakable shit. (which is almost everything)

Video gaming has somehow translated well into pulling joysticks irl. Hand eye coordination, I suppose.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 DIRT 3 for free for everyone in Other Games

Keep trying. I just got one after 30 mins of occasionally refreshing.

posted about 7 years ago
#112 first time u played tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

2fort for a week because it was the only map I knew from TFC.

posted about 7 years ago
#241 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINComp TF2 players are players that are dissatisfied with the casual version of TF2.

Nope. Plenty of comp players pub for the fun of it. People play comp because that is the only reliable opportunity in ANY game or sport to be part of a coordinated team. If you want to improve and truly challenge yourself, there is no other way to do it in team gaming, or sports. Some people like the challenge of competition, and others never will. Those 9 years you talked about do actually matter. The reasons for 6v6, and our class limits are pretty damn logical. Basically their version of MM is taking us back in time to when 6v6 was first the 'leading' format of TF2. Good times. The only difference is the shit pile of ridiculous weapons added on top of that, and lack of class restrictions.

If they're working on making 6v6 more agreeable to the casual or highlander player, valve should look at where those 9 years of 6v6 have gotten us, and make alterations from there. The end result won't be drastically different than our existing rule set because 9 years of play testing should give a decent idea of what actually works for 6s TF2 based on the game mechanics, flow, and size of maps. Sure, there may be concessions for more freedom and game modes, but the end result will still look closer to existing 6s than no class limits/whitelists. The whole goal of MM should be catering to those with a desire for actual competition.... Yes to highlander players of course, but casual players need to have an actual desire to apply themselves to TF2 and get stomped on while they improve for MM to ever be appealing. At that point they're no longer casual, are they? Exposure, and recognition from valve might make some interested rather than a lack of class limits/whitelists where they'll still get destroyed, and run across the dreaded 'tryhards' already ruining their pubbing experience.

posted about 7 years ago
#55 your entire time with tf2 in Off Topic

2007 - Bought orange box and built a rig out of spare parts for day 1 of open beta - pubbing ensues
2008 - getting pub stomped by Xen Yaug, enigma, and Solid Snake brings 6's to my attention. Form Misfits! with other pubbers for CEVO tourney, TWL, and start to gather, and actually learn from better players
2009 - Taught a bunch of new to 6s players the basics. Made the brutal decision to leave my pub bros to take over an ESEA roster with b4nny, moero, arx, alan_nl etc. Take 3rd in S4 open in our 2nd season. Decline to join invite. B4nny left for eMg, lost arx.
2010 - Reform as a51 for s5 with the likes of sting, breather, s/x, kp, dummy, moose, vlad drac. Ended up being a super toxic unstable season in spite of having some awesome people at various times. Mentored a few folks/teams, and looked for a new home. Rejoined Misfits! for low drama content.
2011 till now - Played backup for a number of teams, joined in on the vpolice resurrection, and experienced toxic drama yet again. Haven't played an esea match since 2012. A few in UGC as backup, but not much. Still ring every now and then.

I miss TF2, but I just don't have the time to practice. My biggest regret is how much ridiculous drama I put up with. I should have found or formed a team with good people who wanted to improve, and not worried about immediate results. Really should have mained medic, and lead a team as my dm is shit, but I've had relatively good understanding of the game at various times.

posted about 7 years ago
#46 players who have improved the fastest? in TF2 General Discussion

Not mentioned yet,

b4nny. Before IM existed. 3rd in 1st real season of open, won open, went to LAN, won LAN next season. Basically zero experience aside from a pocket pyro TWL team or something to LAN champ in 4 seasons, and carrying pretty hard the whole time.

Oov. open-im-LAN champ with checksix

Memphis Von. open to LAN in 4 seasons. I played against and rang for his old team way before he went to open, and got to see the improvement.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Challanges-EU: CPM Duel Cup in Other Games

Gaiia... :(

posted about 7 years ago
#7 ESEA S23 W4: froyotech vs. EVL Gaming in Matches

imagine you get home from your 9-5 @ 6pm with traffic and stopping at the grocery store... then you make yourself some dinner, do a bit of house work, maybe shower, and before you know it, it's 7-7:30. you scrim once, and it's 8pm. 11EST.

posted about 7 years ago
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