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Signed Up December 11, 2017
Last Posted May 17, 2024 at 10:09 AM
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#1 msi mag241c help in Hardware

Title. I'm looking for a 144hz monitor, this one's like 200 eur so it's fairly cheap. Any experiences with it? What's the catch? Or is there no catch and it's just a good deal?

posted about 4 years ago
#12 HEAVY FIX in TF2 General Discussion

Give heavy a glock

posted about 4 years ago
#87 TF2 Bans in TF2 General Discussion
sageSylentEngIoSo you're just complaining that because you don't like process you banned him. Great admin work.
Reading comprehension lad.
1. I'm not an admin and I never said that I was one, I wasn't the one that banned or reported him
2. Process >>>>rc3<<<<. As in, an old and buggy version of the map, not the actual process map
if they dont allow certain maps, why not put that as part of the rules so people know its a bannable offense instead of banning people and THEN telling them its not allowed?

Alright, but you were banned in the past for it so you obviously know it's a bannable offense. And then you did it again. So what's your excuse?

posted about 4 years ago
#81 TF2 Bans in TF2 General Discussion
CollaideAnyone can grab a server off serveme and put one up with the proper map if they want.

If u dont want to play on it dont add up bitch
SylentThere are only 1-2 available lobby slots depending on player numbers and taking them up with a map no one wants to play that takes 2h to start, if it even starts is pretty aids
posted about 4 years ago
#79 TF2 Bans in TF2 General Discussion
EngIoSo you're just complaining that because you don't like process you banned him. Great admin work.

Reading comprehension lad.
1. I'm not an admin and I never said that I was one, I wasn't the one that banned or reported him
2. Process >>>>rc3<<<<. As in, an old and buggy version of the map, not the actual process map

posted about 4 years ago
#69 TF2 Bans in TF2 General Discussion
_KermitSylentsageGot this randomly today
theres no manual report in the forums, admin went out of his way to ban me just like the previous time

You prob got banned for opening a lobby with a shit map, something you were warned not to do multiple times and were banned for in the past and yet you did it again today. Idk what you expect

What do you mean by "shit" maps? Like koth_trainsawlazer, or just lesser played actual 6s maps? If it's the former yeah ok, but if it's the latter then that's pretty stupid.

Process rc3 or something, I don't remember. There are only 1-2 available lobby slots depending on player numbers and taking them up with a map no one wants to play that takes 2h to start, if it even starts is pretty aids which is why he was banned for it in the past.

Either way, regardless of whether you think what he did was wrong or not, being banned for X and then doing X again only to be banned again and then cry on the forums "i don't even know what I did wrong tf2center bad waah" is pretty childish

posted about 4 years ago
#65 TF2 Bans in TF2 General Discussion
sageGot this randomly today
theres no manual report in the forums, admin went out of his way to ban me just like the previous time

You prob got banned for opening a lobby with a shit map, something you were warned not to do multiple times and were banned for in the past and yet you did it again today. Idk what you expect

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Does anyone have premium search? in Off Topic

Nice 0 hour lvl alt
Also people with premium aren't allowed to search for others, at least not publicly because if they get caught, they get their premium revoked

posted about 4 years ago
#18 Gaming laptop help in Hardware
DRIFTAdo you live in an igloo

No I sold it to Trump

Brimstonewhat's your opinion on trump trying to buy your igloo

Good trader +rep

posted about 4 years ago
#13 Gaming laptop help in Hardware
SetsulThen stop stealing our currency. Or join.
Good luck in your search for pc parts in your mystery country.

I'd love to, can you ask Merkel to let us in?
Jokes aside thanks for the help, much appreciated

posted about 4 years ago
#11 Gaming laptop help in Hardware
SetsulYou're in the EU and you're not on an island. There are plenty of EU shops that will ship to wherever you are. VAT will be paid directly at the shop. If customs try to charge you anything you're legally allowed to shove Article 30 TFEU up their asses.

Not in the EU actually. Europe yes, eu no

posted about 4 years ago
#9 Gaming laptop help in Hardware
Well I've always wanted to send a package to Greenland. A little smuggling never hurt anyone.
For real though, if the prices are insanely inflated it's better to import the parts somehow.

International postage packs get cracked open by customs before you can pick them up. Friend ordered a 300 eur OnePlus a few years back and he paid 120 eur in customs fees/import tax so he could pick it up from the post office. My only chance would be driving to a country near me that's got better prices when there's a sale and physically smuggling the parts over the border. Shouldn't be too hard since they dont check you unless you're suspicious, but I'd still rather pay an extra 200 eur and build it here than risk getting my stuff confiscated by customs or getting into legal trouble for smuggling. Plus, I'd probably have to pay 50-100 eur in gas money and toll stations to drive anywhere with better prices so the risk stops being worth it. I'll think about it for a while though, I'm in no rush

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Gaming laptop help in Hardware
FakeWhat do you plan on doing with the PC and what are your expectations?

Apart from general usage, mostly gaming. Whatever AAA games I've missed out on in recent years (witcher, dragon age etc) maybe some tf2 if I ever get the itch again

SetsulSylentI checked the prices and building my own PC would be the same price/marginally cheaper than getting a laptop with the same specsI highly doubt that. "Same" specs would be ~700€, same performance even less.

Shit country, no legit online retailer delivers here (and if they did, I'd have to pay import taxes), I'm bound by local store prices which are inflated and parts literally never go on sale (and I do mean literally never) unlike laptops that regularly go on sale for 5-15%. Although if the desktop versions of the "same" parts get me much better performance for the same price cause of power/heating issues in laptops, I'll just build a PC I guess. Obligatory thank u mr setsul

mare you planning on playing games on ur 15 inch 60hz display as well?

id recommend just getting a cheap (200 or less) burner laptop for classes and buying a decently specced out desktop

youll get better gaming performance at home and better portability/battery life

Eeh, I've been playing things including 6s on my 60hz 15 inch toaster laptop for the last 6 years, I'm used to it and it's not really a noticeable handicap.

If I do get a laptop, I'll probably get a monitor in the future (although the laptop I mentioned in the OP is already 120Hz). With PC you also need to pay for a separate monitor which is another 200-300 eur for 144hz.

But yeah, I don't like the idea of dropping 1000+ eur on a gaming laptop that has the real life performance of a 600 eur PC so I'll most likely use my old toaster laptop for portability and just build a PC myself for better performance or less cash.

Thanks for the help lads

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Gaming laptop help in Hardware

I'm a college student so I move around somewhat, so I'd rather get a laptop than a desktop. I checked the prices and building my own PC would be the same price/marginally cheaper than getting a laptop with the same specs

However I've been reading that laptop parts aren't the same as desktop even if they have the same name, as well as stuff like the bigger story is the CPU, most gaming laptops are limited to 45W CPUs and in 2019 will use the Core i7-9750H. This is a six core, twelve thread CPU that’s rated at a 2.6 GHz base and 4.1 GHz all-core boost. However due to that power limit, the i7-9750H often sits in the mid 3 GHz range when fully utilized. In contrast, lots of desktop builders will choose something like the Core i7-8700K, which has a much higher 95W TDP and easily exceeds that on a regular basis. It’s clocked at a 3.7 GHz base and boosts up to 4.3 GHz all-core, with typical behaviour seeing that CPU sit locked at 4.3 GHz in a multi-threaded workload. From what I’ve seen the 8700K is usually clocked 1 GHz higher or thereabouts.

The article from the quote shows the same GPU on laptops giving 30% less fps in most games compared to the desktop version.

Is all this true?

This is the laptop I'm looking at (around 1150 eur)

ASUS G531GU-AL009 i7-9750H/16GB/256GB SSD/1TB/GTX 1660Ti 6GB

Display: 15.6" (39.62cm)
Resolution: 1920x1080
CPU: Intel Core i7-9750H Processor 2.6GHz (12M Cache, up to 4.5GHz)
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660Тi 6GB
posted about 4 years ago
#3 Server hosting help (eu) in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks a lot for the advice :)

Oh 1 more thing, if I were to host it myself, how much bandwidth would I need?

posted about 5 years ago
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