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Signed Up December 11, 2017
Last Posted May 17, 2024 at 10:09 AM
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#4 Mic help in Hardware


The clip on the zm-1 doesnt look small enough to hold on to the cord on my in-ears :/. Will consider it though

Availability isn't an issue atm, I'll have someone from the US getting it for me

re: desk mic - brown switches, however i do use voice activ, i hate ptt. Also the tests ive seen for the afforable desk mics, well, they kinda sound like ass without a boom arm holding them in front of your face. As in, 80-100 eur mics sounding far worse on the desk compared to a modmic or a vmoda boom pro or even the zm-1

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also, undervolt why? its working fine atm, doesnt overheat at all
posted about 3 years ago
#1 Mic help in Hardware

I'm looking for something like the antlion modmic (same quality/price range) that can somehow sit on my ear/head without being attached to a headset, something like a loop that goes around your ear or whatever other design that I'm not creative enough to think of. I'm going to be using it alongside in-ears.

(Before someone suggests a desk mic, I don't want one cause keyboard and desk banging sounds, boom arm no, takes up too much space, "just get a headset it's better" - no idc about sound quality that much and headphones screw up my hair waaay too much)

Thanks in advance

posted about 3 years ago
#23 Warning about Nursey trying to come back in TF2 General Discussion

What about the unbridled passion for 14 year olds?

posted about 3 years ago
#663 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

Ryzen 7 4800H
1660 Ti 6GB
16GB DDR4-3200
Stock settings on everything, no overclocking etc

1920x1080, mastercomfig medium-low, all ingame settings maxed, single monitor, shadows max, dx9, win 10


2639 frames 14.395 seconds 183.33 fps ( 5.45 ms/f) 12.808 fps variability

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Quick pc advice in Hardware

Wellp ofc I see this right after buying the other one haha

Idk if I should return the one I bought now, sigh

I've seen that site in online ads, never used it nor do I know anyone that has, so idk if they're legit or fishy though, that's the only problem

Edit: I think I'll stick with the 1660 that I got after all, that site is pickup only from what I can see from a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Even if I ignore that, it's still not a company I have any experience with and I'd hate to screw myself over in case of issues (future warranty, it not working out of the box etc). At least the one I got is from a big well established retailer and I know I won't have any issues in that regard

posted about 3 years ago
#7 Quick pc advice in Hardware

Wellp, there's this but that's like 230 eur more expensive and I'm getting into "just pay a bit more and get a tower" territory, so I'll just get the 1660ti today. Thanks again for all your advice

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Quick pc advice in Hardware
jnki stuff

Thanks for all the advice fam

Some additional explanation - idc about refresh rate because I have a 144hz 1080p monitor that I'll be hooking the laptop to when I'm gaming. As far as a 2060 ryzen legion goes, I'd love that too but unfortunately I can't find any in stock, so my choice is between these two. The acer nitro is the only 20xx series gpu I could find, the legion is the only 1660ti under like 1500 eur, the rest are all 1650 unfortunately.

As far as dlss goes I've been trying to get info on whether or not it's shit on 1080p and a 2060 but I can't find anything conclusive

So out of these 2, if you were in my shoes, would you go for the acer cause of 2060/dlss, or the legion cause of everything else?

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Quick pc advice in Hardware


as far as "hidden features," ray tracing?

Yeeh, I saw the benchmark, my question is moreso is the slightly better gpu worth the shittier cpu, and is rtx even a usable feature on a 2060 or is it just "it has rtx but it pulls 10 fps max with rtx on".

Tldr, is 2060 > 1660ti for a noticeable amount or is it just technically better

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Quick pc advice in Hardware

Sick and tired of waiting for the new gpus to stop costing 8 million galactic republic credits or whatever the fuck, gonna get a laptop rn and build a tower in like 2022/23 if I even care about vidya at that point. I don't plan on using it for anything special apart from browsing and gaming (witcher 3, dark souls 3, maybe tf2, sekiro, whatever the fuck)

Both are 1k eur, which one should I get? Prob buying it tomorrow so I'd appreciate some speedy advice

4800h is better than the 10300h afaik, but is the 6 gb 2060 any better than a 1660ti? As in, any hidden features that I could use apart from it being like 5% faster or w.e. (idc about gsync I'm using an external monitor that only has freesync)

Thanks in advance

And pls no "get X it's cheaper on best buy/amazon/w.e." I'm limited to local stocks and prices because thirdie

posted about 3 years ago
#37 I'm scared D: in TF2 General Discussion
zx37SentiSomeone fill me in pls
i guess theres a big tf2 community in like.. stan twitter? like the people that just get into feuds over media choices.
anyway some 14 year old who thinks that being horny for anime is a real sexuality got really mad when ppl with tf2 avatars called him stupid, and then got even more mad when they called him mad
he made a huge thread of screenshots of those people calling him stupid and mad, or sending him pictures of the tf2 heavy's ass cheeks

really nothing interesting here, this is dime-store mass-produced drama, and the "tf2 community" involved has probably 0.00% overlap with tftv

Thanks fren

posted about 3 years ago
#35 I'm scared D: in TF2 General Discussion

Someone fill me in pls

posted about 3 years ago
#1 I'm scared D: in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 3 years ago
#19 Addressing Racism/Anti-LGBTQ Speech Off-Platform in TF2 General Discussion

The absolute state of the internet in 2k20 lmfao

posted about 3 years ago
#929 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion


umlflaccid"matchmaking is already kind of dead" he says about the game mode that has not yet been released and is still in beta. Next he'll probably be saying that Faceit is dead when that's in beta too


posted about 3 years ago
#30 Jessi is a Backstabbing teammate. in TF2 General Discussion
Sw3nyAt this point i was crying in the vc

Uninstall tf2 and go outside

The same advice applies whenever videogames or random internet retards affect you to the point of crying

posted about 3 years ago
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