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Last Posted May 20, 2024 at 11:37 AM
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#39 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
mhey botmode


posted about 4 years ago
#38 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
hayesfavorite tf2 moment?

also favorite pixar movie

when I back(front)capped ascent s27 or blocking badlands cap s23
probably Up or WallE

slem - beating froyo s21 in my first full season of invite
monsters inc

laz - idk will update when i think of a moment
the incredibles

89zombiezFor all 3, favorite movie?

botmode - into the spiderverse was probably the most recent thing that I really enjoyed idk what my favorite is but that's def up there
laz - oldboy (2003)
slem - back to the future, harry potter, terminator

EoNWhich player are you most excited about playing against?

botmode - stank and toemass
slem - stark, credu, lukas
laz - le stank

messiahare yall psyched to get wasted with a bunch of european gamers?

botmode is a child and doesnt drink
slem and laz - yes

posted about 4 years ago
#32 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
cancelfavorite type of bread?


slem says all bread
laz says wheat put him down for baguette if it counts

posted about 4 years ago
#30 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
DomoCatFaceFishing lvls?

99 - all

posted about 4 years ago
#29 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
CAP_CREATUREWill you adapt to the terminology of eu tf2 and customs while you are there?

market gardner = spoon
gunboats = spoon
pug = double mix
pugscrim = single mix

Will you take active participation in the arm wrestling tournament that is bound to happen?

we sometimes say spoon for market gardener but no one says shoes
otherwise probably not

botmode - no
laz - why not
slem - maybe

botmode probably will play wow thats it

posted about 4 years ago
#27 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
smesiwho are underrated invite/prem players and/or upandcommers that havent played invite

maybe alexdotexe zilly and cin qkei is really good too but idk about underrated

for upcomers probably branslam and animus

posted about 4 years ago
#25 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
DRIFTAwhere did u both come up with ur aliases

I was 14 and I made it up because it sounded cool
slem - secret
laz - no comment

tojobotmodelaz has arrived so if you have any question for him feel freehow r the kids lazarus

Good. :)

posted about 4 years ago
#23 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
sniffchickfila sauce or polynesian

slem says chick fil a sauce
laz says chick fil a
I am in agreement

posted about 4 years ago
#19 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
plusProtonfor both of you

best decision you've made for your tf2 career

worst decision you've made for your tf2 career

best - playing with yight s27
worst - probably skipping out on s22
slem - worst - leaving s23 evl
best - joining s21 luca goers

laz has arrived so if you have any question for him feel free

posted about 4 years ago
#17 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
mattystopperwho has the best fragvids ?

kaptain starkie kaidus clockwork yz ams yohn larval matthes paulsen jukebox cooki thalash alle josh funs flippy lukas poly zebbo rising aephage grape sam riotbz delpo silentes milky sdb marmaloooo

slem; clock yz50 ams puoskari cooki botmode corsa aishou

we probably missed a bunch

posted about 4 years ago
#14 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
harveyplayers you guys watched the most to improve or molded your playstyle after

slem says clock shrugger yomps
for me this is a such a hard question to answer Yz50 was probably the first person but idk sorta watched everyone and made my own I guess. As a roamer going into invite seagull and blaze were probably my biggest influences

VanxiBotmode what role do you think you're the best at versus the role that you have the most fun playing? Also slemnish how fun/unfun was it to play on a rando team for an entire season?

probably pocket, I think I'm pretty good at all the classes there just aren't a lot of pockets and demos right now I think. probably something like pocket>roamer>comboscout>demo>flankscout in terms of skill. In terms of enjoyment I like them all, they're all really fun. I think scout is probably the one I'm least likely to not be having fun on but it's also probably potentially boring if I'm not the one sniping

slem says he liked playing with rando, it was fun

posted about 4 years ago
#11 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
cukeiWhat will skeez talk about now that he has 0 ping?

we'll let you know when we find out

posted about 4 years ago
#10 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordslemnish: are you grateful for me creating you and, if so, can I have half of your i65 winnings

enough - slem

posted about 4 years ago
#7 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
bleghfarecbotmode what are your current thoughts on the state of quake champions

I haven't launched the game for a few months. I kinda lost interest because there is basically no tournaments for 6 months of the year (at least the last 2 years) so it feels kinda lame to play it sometimes

I think the game itself is probably in the best state it's ever been but I don't think that's saying a whole lot. Timelimit duel is better especially since the item timers are both 30 seconds so taking back control feels more calculated in terms of how many frags you want to spend instead of just waiting to get lucky because the other person makes a mistake or you hit a good rocket or a lot of rails

Playing duel is also a pretty lonely experience if I'm gonna be completely honest and people who play quake didn't get good by hanging out so

I do miss sac though

for a long time I've considered playing some more again but there's only so many hours in the day

posted about 4 years ago
#5 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
Console-can I get a high five at lan

yes ofc

zxpHow old are you?

What drives you to still play tf2?

Fav roster you've played with so far?

How do you see the NA tf2 scene developing?

What are your plans for the next year both irl and in tf2?

I am 21 slem is 20

it's fun

slem says there's no fps like it and he wants to win
s27 svift is hard to top for me just for the memes s29 svift was powerful though but canada internet and zilly killed it
slem says s21 or this team probably

not sure, more or the same probably

college and I dunno about tf2 we'll see what happens definitely a break in order for the short term
slem says basically the same thing

Jojo@slemnish do you and hippo still talk? If so what ever happened to that guy?

@botmode do you enjoy demo or do you play it strictly due to the relatively small number of invite capable demos?

slem says they talk every so often, they've known each other since elementary school. He still plays games every now and then

I enjoy it, I do play it because it was what the team needed I'm not really opposed to playing anything really except medic because then I probably have to heal players worse than me which is meh. Not sure which class is my favorite tbh

posted about 4 years ago
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