flatlinemostly it was just twitch chat shit (trusting twitch chat???), with some chat logs from killing that couldve been forged
flatline: im gay
someone posted it on twitch chat must be true
flatlinemostly it was just twitch chat shit (trusting twitch chat???), with some chat logs from killing that couldve been forged
flatline: im gay
someone posted it on twitch chat must be true
Crespi getting ddosed now?
EDIT: I got fucking ninja'd
ESEA knows who's doing the DDOS. I'm pretty sure Bape is not one of them.
the backcaps
edit: what in the everloving fuck are you doing street hoops
triplemintESEA knows who's doing the DDOS. I'm pretty sure Bape is not one of them.
That was a CS:GO DDOS. Not this one.
AndKenneththis is my first time watching a team fortress stream and it will probably be my last time. this community seems to be full of 12 year old script kiddies. grow up.
you can turn chat off like everyone else