thanks wickedbacon! Pedophilia down.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198034298909 |
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Country | United States |
Signed Up | November 14, 2012 |
Last Posted | June 12, 2019 at 2:30 PM |
Posts | 534 (0.1 per day) |
Great game against Rudys BBQ and eSports it was close in the first half 2-2. Additionally here is an example of a positive interaction between a transition and a member of the non-transition community:
Thanks guys I feel the reduction of discrimination on a daily basis!
Hey guys just a friendly reminder to be mindful of our unique gamers in the community such as Akemi. We must accommodate those who are in altered mental states due to various personal circumstances. Here is an example:
Thanks guys lets make this last season the best and free of discrimination.
Ok, The N-Word is not cool either. Imagine if someone was trans and black?? Or trans-racial??? WOW
Thanks guys lets try to fix this situation together.
Guys I think its time to take a stand against any phobia. Suicide due to online harassment is at an all time high and the TF2 community needs as many members as it can get.
With that in mind think before you say something even in jest. It could really hurt feelings and affect the mental well being of your fellow gamers. I know that together we can unite to STOP harassment and hatred of any kind in our online digital gaming community.
Thanks guys have fun and spread the love
Good season everyone! Hopefully there can be less racism next season.
Thanks Good game.
Thank you WingedBacon for making a power ranking during this time of high racial animosity and crisis.
We will persevere.
The N-Word Free Zone would like to mirror and support CaptainZidgels statements. There is no room for hate in an online gamer community.
Play safe and have fun in a respectful manner guys.
Thanks eXtine, we appreciate the shout cast. You are doing us a favor by taking down that thrashing. Much love... Peace.
The N-Word Free Zone would like to stand in solidarity with eXtine and the Portlandburnsider organization. We never condone racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia or hatred of any kind.
Thank You.
Condolences to NAV esports. They lost a player and they played 5v6. Big ups to them and sorry about the 2nd half. The game was much closer than the final score lets on.
Enjoy freezing took a forfeit loss in order to avoid losing rounds to simian aggression:
Hey great job WhiteBacon, at this rate you'll land yourself a hot transition gamer girlfriend!
Why so much hate for the power rankings? I think it was a decent effort given the limited info.