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Mix group looking for mentors
posted in Mentoring
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Hi. I run a mix group for new 6v6 players in Europe. It's going well, but I noticed that everyone improved the most when we had a higher division player making the calls; he was effectively mentoring us (props to Peign). We play every day at 7pm UK except Friday and Saturday so we could always use extra help.

I'm asking here because I've played in the NA Newbie Mixes and they were brilliant. It seems like mentoring is more part of the culture over there (one time I had PYYYOUR as my pocket. What?!). So if anyone doesn't mind coping with transatlantic ping, etf2l rules, newbish play and weird accents, add me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995862966

Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nlpg

Hi. I run a mix group for new 6v6 players in Europe. It's going well, but I noticed that everyone improved the most when we had a higher division player making the calls; he was effectively mentoring us (props to Peign). We play every day at 7pm UK except Friday and Saturday so we could always use extra help.

I'm asking here because I've played in the NA Newbie Mixes and they were brilliant. It seems like mentoring is more part of the culture over there (one time I had PYYYOUR as my pocket. What?!). So if anyone doesn't mind coping with transatlantic ping, etf2l rules, newbish play and weird accents, add me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995862966

Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nlpg
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